March 31, 2025


On to our second giveaway of the day. This one is for anyone!!! Great giveaway (Over $25.00 value)… A set of three Scholastic DVD. Three of my favorites!

I am a huge fan of the Scholastic Storybook DVD’s. I love that you can pick the story you want and watch it. The stories are read wonderfully and the video or pictures make the story even more interesting. I love reading my kids or students a story and then letting them watch the story on the DVD. This particular set has some of my favorite stories on it! It has 19 total stories! The best being the video of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. It is such a catchy song sung to the words in the book. The Chicka Chicka Boom Boom DVD includes some other great stories on it; Trashy Town, Rosie’s Walk, The caterpillar and the Polliwog, and Joey Runs Away are all excellent stories. The second DVD in the set is full of great stories too. Harry the Dirty Dog is a favorite and the best part of this DVD is that it contains Officer Buckle and Gloria! The third DVD is great for Back to School Time with Miss Nelson has a Field Day and Miss Nelson is Back. As a parent and educator, I recommend the scholastic DVD’s all the time and buy them as gifts. A great gift idea is to purchase a book to match one of the DVD’s. Give the book along with the DVD! Scholastic Video Collection 3-Pack #2 – Chicka Chicka Boom Boom / Harry the Dirty Dog / Miss Nelson Has a Field Day

Rules to Enter:


All entries must be made on or before August 14th (TODAY). You may enter three ways. Three entries per person. Please chooses 1,2, 0r three to complete or do all three for three entries.

1.) In the comments section include your email and tell me one of your favorite books from the collection above. and/or

2.) Share an activity that matches one of the books found on the DVD’s on your blog. Share the link to your blog post in the comments section of this post. Also include your email. For example, Teaching Heart has many ideas to match Chicka. Click here to see. and/or

3.) Tweet about this on Twitter. Copy and paste this as your tweet: (Back To School Giveaways at check it out @teachingheart) Once you tweet this, sign the comments area with “I tweeted this” and your twitter id as well as your email!

Come on back Friday… only one day left to join the party! Grab your coffee and stay a bit… It’s a grand finale filled with a Children’s book signed by an author, CDROM’s, DVD’s, and more! Wahhhhooooo…. who knew back to school could be so much fun!

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60 thoughts on “SCHOLASTIC DVD Giveaway #8

  1. My autistic son loves Chicka Chicka Boom Boom…it was one of the first books he really responded too and loved to listen to over and over again. He would love to have his own copy. He loves to read and he also enjoys books on CDs…etc. This would be such a wonderful gift for him to use here at home with our homeschooling.

  2. I love the Scholastic book dvds – we've checked quite a few of them out of our library! Chicka chicka boom boom is a favorite

  3. The Miss Nelson books are a huge favorite of mine – Miss Nelson is Back in particular. Thanks! alicedemskehansen at

  4. I LOVE Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom! I have been reading that to my daughter since she was an infant! I am excited to finally be able to use it in a classroom since I am moving from 4th to 1st grade 🙂

  5. What a wonderful resource!
    I love so many of these stories for different reasons.
    Chicka Chicka is a lot of fun for ABC review, Rosie's Walk is super for making inferences and as a structured writing prompt, Officer Buckle and Gloria is perfect for talking abour rules and cooperation, and Miss Nelson is the model I use to explain out of control behavior in the Raise Responsibility System.
    Such good stories!

  6. Kindergarten would not be the same without my Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book! Last year, I even had a huge "coconut tree" made from a large cardboard carpet roll. We placed my students faces within the corresponding letter to their name and added them on the tree. It was adorable!!!

  7. I am loving this giveaway week! Thanks so much!

    I love all of the Miss Nelson books. My second graders love to hear them and once I read them, they are checked out of my class library faster than we can keep up with! We read the original one during the first week or so of school and talk about whether we want Miss Swamp to visit OUR classroom. Then I read the others at times that fit, like right before Field day…

    I have to say I have not read Officer Buckle and Gloria but after reading all of these posts, I am going to go look for it!

    Jo Ann

  8. I really love Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom and so do my kids. They would listen to and read it over and over again in the listening center. We also did some fun retellings with magnetic letters and class books.

  9. Hi! I was referred to you blog by your friend Rebecca at jewelry and gifts. She said that you were having a giveaway.

    I also love Scholastic. It's a great resource for kids and teachers. I have to say that I love all the Miss Nelson books. When will those kids figure it out?

    Thanks for doing a giveaway like this.

  10. My favorite book from the DVD collections is Rosie's Walk. It's simple, but my firsties LOVE this book and relish reading it for themselves with fluency and expression. I would LOVE to show these to my class this year!

  11. I love several of these books but one of my favorites is Rosie's Walk. We like to read the book and then throughout the week each student makes a book of their own, using cut construction paper to make Rosie and the other pictures on the pages. They turn out really cute!

  12. Go to and you'll find a cute idea or two for some of the DVD stories from Scholastic that are here. Loved your week-long party. thanks for all of it and can't wait to see the ending tomorrow!

  13. I have almost all these books mentioned, but none on DVD. My favorite would be Officer Buckle and Gloria. The students love the dog and her tricks and they love the idea of having pets in the room and to label each one with a name and a rule posted on cages. Great way to remind them and say hello to their classroom pets.

  14. There are so many of my favorite on these CD's! I love "Officer Buckle and Gloria." I read it each year to my 2nd graders and from this we talk about rules we should have in our classroom. We make a poster of our classroom rules and each child signs the poster.

    Sheri :o)

  15. We read all of the Harry books and graph our favorite..mine is Harry and the Lady Next Door!


  16. OH gosh those are all great stories!! I love Chicka chicka!
    I was just visting with my great nephew he's 22 months and we were reading Chicka chicka, and he loved the boom boom part! he know boom boom to be when he falls, so when read that part he kept falling on purpose and saying boom boom!!!

  17. Wow! I learned something new today. I did not know these existed. I have to say that Corduroy is my favorite book on the collection. I remember reading it s a kid and being so happy at the end when the little girl takes him home. Now in the classroom I love to read it to my class every year.


  18. My favorite book is Chicka, Chick Boom, Boom! It is a fun and catchy book and my kids always enjoy when I read it!

    My favorite is Chicka…we use it in our three year old classroom which is always a favorite for the children and my son loves reading the book and he has helped him learn so much as well as with his sister who learned to read it this past summer…

  20. I have two favorites in the DVD set. I like Officer Buckle and Gloria. We read this to our second graders the first week of school. My second favorite is Harry the Dirty Dog. This story is a childhood favorite and I enjoy reading it to my class.


  21. My favorite in this series is Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom. It was always a favorite in the classroom and now my son enjoys it also. My nephew happens to have this same dvd collection and I was able to view it last month. His favorite by far is Trashy Town with Mr. Gilley.

  22. I remember reading Harry the Dirty Dog as a child- I think that my daughter would like it too! Thanks!

  23. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is my favorite from the list. I use it at the beginning of the year to learn and assess letters. Our class usually participates in a letter exchange, as well. This is the perfect springboard to create a class book of beginning sounds with the upper and lower case letters under the tree and items or children's pictures starting with beginning sound in the tree.

  24. I tweeted this.
    My favorite book out of the books being offered has to be Officer Buckle and Gloria. I read it the first week of school and we make a T chart showing what someone did wrong and what they should have done. This is a great way to begin talking about safety and rules in the classroom and throughout the school.

    twitter ID- parentdopey

  25. Officer Buckle and Gloria hands down! What a fun way to teach that rules are to keep everyone safe not just to be mean. We even have our own "Officer Buckle" who comes to visit. What a perfect combination!
    Valerie in Chicago

  26. I love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We are doing a whole unit on it this year. Some of the activities we have planned are: making our own Chicka T-shirts with letter sponges and fabric paint, having the students follow picture directions to paint their own palm tree on the easel, we might do a tree at snack time using celery stalks and alphabet cereal. those are just a few of the ideas for the theme. My email is

  27. Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom is my favorite book to use in my classroom. I use it to kick off the beginning of the school year and bring it back through out the school year to review the letters we have learned. It never gets old!

  28. My favorite book in that grouping is Officer Buckle and Gloria, I share that every year with my students. I use it as a motivator to start talking about our school and classroom rules. The kids love it !!

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