March 28, 2025

Leap Frog Letter Factory Giveaway # 10

As a teacher and a parent, I have to say Leap Frog has some of the best “teaching” products. Whenever I speak to Kindergarten or Preschool Parents or Teachers I ALWAYS suggest The Letter Factory Video! It rocks and it will help your kiddos learn their letter sounds.
I also love the Leapster. I am not a big fan of “screen time”. But, Iwill admit I can be guilty of giving my kids too much screen time on some days… but I feel less guilty when it is on the Leapster. All the games are fun and teach skills in math and reading. Both of my kiddos have Leap Pads and I love those too. I truthfully haven’t found a Leap Frog product I do not like.

This is one of the best learning DVD’s I have seen. It will be a great watch for the Pre-k to first grade classrooms. The DVD teaches the letter names. Most importantly, it teaches the letter sounds in a creative way. Viewers see the letters, hear the letter names, they see a picture/video that represents the sound each letter makes, and the viewer hears a catchy tune to match the letter sound. For instance, the letter C is shown in a cold environment with ice hanging from it. The letter comes to life by shivering and stating that it is /c/ /c/ /c/…. old. Then the characters in the story sing the catchy Leapfrog song; “The C says/c/, the C says /c/, every letter makes a sound. The C says /c/. This DVD/VHS is marketed towards parents to use with their PreK to First grader, but all teachers need to know about this video and share it with their class. It would be a great review or introduction to letter sounds. Teachers could also use the catchy phrases and visual representation of the letter sounds in their lessons by creating activities or visuals based on the video. Students will see the sounds letters make, hear the sounds, and sing the sounds. This video combined with strong phonics based classroom instruction will help reach a variety of learning styles and lead your students on the path to becoming strong readers.


One Entry per person. Must enter today the 14th. Winner will be announced on the 17th. Come back to see if you won!

Parents and Teachers

1.) Click over to and click on a product you think your child or your students would benefit from. Come back to this post and comment. Tell me the product you clicked on and why you think your child would benefit from this item. Leave your email in the comments section.
2.) You have to be one of my followers. So if you aren’t already, please click on follow on the right hand side and sign up.

Good Luck!

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10 thoughts on “Leap Frog Letter Factory Giveaway # 10

  1. They have a new product called "My Pal Scout" that I think my son would really enjoy – it plays music, songs, and games. The learning skills it encourages includes first words and emotions which are both things we're working on. Thanks! alicedemskehansen at (also I'm a follower!)

  2. The Tag School Reader and the Phonemic Awareness Reader set for it looks like it would be a great tool to put in a learning center in my room!

  3. We LOVE Leap Frog products. I would love to get the Tag Jr for my toddler. She wants to be like big brother but the leappad and the leapster are too big for her. It fits right in their hands and scans easily over the board books – perfect for toddlers!

  4. I went to the leapfrog website and I would like the Custom Learning Game
    Star Wars:The Clone Wars. I think my second graders would like that because some seem to know so much about The Clone Wars. I like that the way this product can be customized to go with what I am teaching.
    I believe I am already a follower.

  5. I like the Fridge Phonics Magnetic Set. My son is all into the alphabet right now and would love this interactive toy. Plus it would give him the opportunity to hang out in the kitchen with me while learning at the same time.

  6. My kids that I work with, and my son who has autism, would benefit HUGELY from the Zippity Learning System. Since it involves the whole body it would really get them moving and keep them interested. They'd be learning and wouldn't even notice!

  7. The leapster would be great. My four year old loves to play games like his big brothers. Not only would he feel like he is playing a game but he would be learning too. Sounds like a great Christmas gift.

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