March 28, 2025

Back To School Party Winners!

I used to pick each number for each drawing. Below are the winners! I sure hope you see your name below. Congrats to all of you! If you see your name and or email below, please email with the subject, B2S Winner Address. In the message please leave the name of the item you won and your shipping address. You must send shipping on or before August 20, 2009. Items will ship on the 22nd. If you do not respond by the 20th, you automatically loose the winning & a runner up will be selected on the 21st via email.

If you played and did not win… I am so sorry, I wish I had a prize for everyone! I hope to do this again in the future! It was lots of fun!

#1 – hardback book – Amelia Bedelia’s First Day Of School
#14 –

#2 – $25.00 Giftcard to Walmart
#5 & the link to my blog about the Walmart Back to School Giveaway is:

#3. – Basket of Back To School plus 1 CDROM of choice

#4. – CDROM of Choice
#20 I’d love the Timesavers for teaching

#5. – SMATH Game
#2 My favorite childhood memory of back to school is always traveling about an hour from my home town to go school shopping. My dad would always come along and sleep in the middle of the mall while my mom and sister and I shopped. He NEVER complained about how long it took. I think he looked forward to the yearly

#6 – First Day Jitters Book
#11 Yes, I do get the jitters on the first day of school, but I will say that they aren’t as many as my first year teaching! I love the first day because you get to start a new year with a new group of kids- it’s kind of like a blank slate.

#7. – Graphing Giveaway

#8. – Scholastic 3 DVD Set

#9 Back to School Basket #2 with choice of 2 CDROMS – Must be Previous Customer!!!#4 Christine

#10 – The Letter Factory DVD

#11 – Signed Birthday Zoo
#12 –

#12 – Have You Filled A Bucket Today Book
#9 – Amato family

#13 – Lots of Back To School Goodies – 1 CDROM a DVD and more
#6 Patti

Thanks again to all who joined the party!

If you are a company, children’s book author, or sell a product that both a mom and a teacher would love and enjoy please email me, I would love to review it and offer it up as a giveaway in the future! Teaching Heart will also work with you on getting your site listed on one of our pages for a reasonable ad fee package if interested. See Alexa to learn more about our site ranking

Teaching Heart is one of the top listed sites on GOOGLE and Yahoo for teachers. Try typing in a search for teaching themes or teaching lessons and we are always one of the top 10 sites on google – if not one of the top 5. Try Teacher Interview and we are the top. We usually come up for any searchable teacher topic. Teaching Heart also has two mailring each with over 5,000 members. We also have a Facebook page with over 600 members. All of these places are used to support our advertisers and giveaway contributors. – Making TEACHING HEART the place to be!!!

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5 thoughts on “Back To School Party Winners!

  1. Thank you so much – I'm glad I found your blog site, one more thing to look forward to while still using your group site.

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