March 29, 2025

The Weather is Frightful

Yes, winter has really decided to show up this week and Mommy is running out of things to do with no school…

My six year old, already built a spaceship out of Tinker Toys…

My daugher starts to get antsy and wants to play something… so out comes High Ho Cherry O! After about three games of that we move on to tent building.. My son destroyed the playroom and built a tent for him and his sister to roll around in…
It looks like a snow globe outside and of course the kiddos want to go out… mean mommy says it is too cold. Still, I bring three buckets inside for them to play in.
Lastly, we did a puzzle for two hours and I don’t even like to do puzzles… This one is hard and my son keeps count of how many pieces I get and how many he gets and let’s just say… I AIN’T WINNING!!!Mommy opens the frig and sees a wine cooler… opens it up an drinks it… figure these snow days are hard work…

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