March 31, 2025

Teaching Heart Mom Giveaway

I have decided to join in on all the giving that comes with owning a blog. As I explore this blogging world, I have found that many blogs give away treats. I have even won a few. I thought I would spread some love and give away a Teaching Heart Basket.

What You Get If You Win!!!
1.) Two Teaching Heart CDROMS
Graphing CDROM
Packet CD Volume 1 Includes:
Back to School, The Penguin Packet, The Winter Packet, Fall & Halloween
Cute Red Penguin Socks
A Yankee Candle
Bath and Body works Hand Cream
Pocket Chart
Teaching Heart Mouse Pad
Rhyming Words CD Game
Sentence Strips
All in a cute Holiday Basket ready to be given to your favorite k-3 teacher.
Over a $70.00 Value

Here are the rules to be entered in the drawing for the Grand Prize:
Last day to post an entry is December 10, 2008 and ONE Basket winner will be announced on Teaching Heart Mom on December 11th. Item will ship Priority Dec 12th or 13th. Just in time to give the basket to your child’s favorite Teacher. If you are a teacher or homeschooler, then you can enjoy it before the Holidays. One entry per person.

This contest if for Website Owners, Bloggers, or Previous Costumers. If you do not fit one or more of those criteria, I’m sorry!!!
For Bloggers or Website Owners:

1.) Blog about the basket on your site with a link back to this post and a picture of the prize on your blog. Also, please blog about who you would give this basket to if you won it.

2.) After you have blogged post a link to your blog in the comments section of this post.
Don’t have a blog, but you have purchased a product on Teaching Heart at
then here are your rules:

1.) Comment on this post leaving the name of the item or items you have purchased. Tell what you like about the item and how the item has helped you in your classroom.

2.) Make sure your contact email is in your post. If you win, you will be asked to provide the email you used to order a Teaching Heart product through Paypal so that I can confirm you have previously ordered from Teaching Heart.

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13 thoughts on “Teaching Heart Mom Giveaway

  1. I have never seen this site before, but I am excited to use it now that I about it! I would love to win! My kids preschool teacher would love this!
    PS – I posted on my blog about it 😉

  2. Great giveaway, my fave is most definitely the Rhyming Words CD Game. I would give all this to my son’s pre – school and let them distribute it as needed. But I think I would keep the yankee candle, bath and body works and socks for me……..(should I admit that?)

  3. I love your products. I have bought the spring file and the following CD’s graphing cd, Primary teacher savers #3 January through June, and teaching heart theme packet volume 1. The graphing cd provides great resources to teaching graphing. They can be used in centers or whole groups. The primary teacher resource will come in handy when teaching about Martin Luther King or penguins in January. Volume 1 theme packet was great for back to school ideas, fall and Halloween. My kids love it when I use these materials. It is ready to use with out any hassle or fuss! Thanks for making great products that are affordable to use!
    Kristi Lewis

  4. I just love this site and tell all my coworkers about it … and all new teachers that come on staff. I have purchased 3 CDs from Teaching Heart … October through December, January through June, and the Teaching Reading and Literacy. What I love about these CDs is that they cover the “We Do” (whole group) and the “You Do” (individual/team) activities. I have printed activities for my classes to complete as whole group as well as individual and teams (mainly during centers). The Reading and Literacy CD is GREAT to use with my listening center!!


  5. Hi,
    I love your stuff and get your newsletter. I bought the back to school CD, fall email packet, the end of the year packet, and a Jan -June CD. Loved them when I taught 2nd grade and love them even more now that I teach K! I think I had a different email address when I bought your products. It was probably Now it’s

  6. I LOVE this site!!! I starting using it as a student teaching this year and it was really helpful. I purchased back-to-school CD-roms as well as pirmary teaching time savers. All were incredibly useful and my students loved the activities. I would love to share this basket with my fellow family members who are also teacher as well!! Thank you for everything.

  7. I absolute LOVE this site and can’t begin to tell what my favorite part of it is. I purchased the Snowman labels a year ago not as the “teacher” me but as the room parent ME 🙂 They were a huge hit!!! I gave credit where credit was due though and tell everyone about your site. The Monday after Christmas I am beginning a long-term subbing position in Kindergarten that will last until the end of the school year. I CAN’T WAIT to use your site on a daily basis.
    Susie in Gurnee, IL

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