a great idea for a class bulletin board center
display! Who doesn't love Flip Flops? Here is a
fun Flip Flop Glyph you can have your class make.
Key is included and a few activities to match.
Once you display all the glyphs, students can
tally and graph all the summer details from their

Glyph and files below can be found by clicking
The flip flop math files are great for a summer
review of first grade math skills!!

Here is a free Summer Bucket
Glyph and Writting Activity that would make a fun
beach craft!
The Printables to make this are free. Just print
all on card stock.

Click here to
download the files to make this fun Summer Bucket
List and Craft!
How about some beach themed
FREE & fun Worksheets?
Time For Flashcards shares
the Jelly Fish Craft!

*Pretend to
"sunbathe" on large sheets of paper
"towels" (use
large newsprint or grocery bags but to lie flat.)
Help children to feel comfortable to make designs
on the paper that will become their
"towels". They can even draw
"Me" pictures on their paper and
outline their bodies by helping each other.
Children can decorate their "Me Towels"
by using markers, crayons etc. They might
even cut and paste real material scraps for
bathing suits.
Check out Just
For Fun to learn
how you can make this hand and foot lobster! I am
in love wuth this cute idea!!!

* Sea Shells!
Write the words BIG and LITTLE on two pieces of
paper. Children can sort shells accordingly. Draw
a sample size to help non-readers. Set out a book
of shells so older children can find matches.
Very young children will simply enjoy examining
the shells. Talk about the colors of shells and
how the sun has bleached them.
Check out Teaching
Two to see how
to make these cool castles.

Hawaiian Beach
Give the children each a sheet of light blue
construction paper. Let them make
"beaches" by brushing glue across the
bottoms of their papers and sprinkling sand on
the glue (use white sand, if available).
Then let them glue on small shells and precut sun
shapes, palm tree shapes, beach ball shapes, etc.
to complete their beach scenes
End of The Year
Beach Gift Set:

Buy a Sand Pail and
Fill it with Learning Activities for your
-Teaching Heart
Summer Game Board - Practice Any Skill
-Fruit Snacks and a
Sorting Sheet
-Beach Book
Make Edible Beach
Or make individual
ones for each classmate!!!
Cut a fruit roll up for a towel and lay a teddy
graham on the towel. Use blue sugar for water.
Use ocean themed gummies!
Here to Learn More!!!

2 (20 oz.)
pkgs. GOLDEN Oreo cookies
1/2 stick butter
1 (8 oz.) cream cheese
1 c. powdered sugar
3 1/2 c. milk
2 sm. French vanilla instant pudding
1 (12 oz.) Cool Whip
the butter, cream cheese and powdered
sugar together. Mix pudding together with
the milk, add the Cool Whip to pudding
mixture. Then blend in with the cream
cheese mixture.
the Oreo's in a blender, leave the cream
in the Oreo's.
a sand pail to fill with your yummy
treat. Alternating cookie crumbs and
filling, ending with the cookie crumbs on
top. Top with a sand shovel for serving.