The Best Back To School
for the First Month Back to School
by Teaching Heart

Some MORE Great Books to
Read the First Day of School! The first week of school is
a great time to share some awesome children's literature
that is perfect for teaching about school procedures.
Many of the books will be a springboard for a discussion
on many back to school topics. Start with a
book and get your kids thinking! Below is a list of
some of my favorite back to school books. These are
books I choose to read over the first few weeks of
school. Along with some of the book are ideas to
match. A big thanks to the many teachers that have
shared how they use these books in their classrooms
To learn more about a book, click on it and you will be
taken to AMAZON.COM!!!
Updated 2013

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 There Was an Old
Lady Who Swallowed Some Books . If you have read
one of the old lady books you know she will be
eating odd things to spit out a surprise at the
end. There Was an Old
Lady Who Swallowed Some Books continues the
pattern of eating and spitting out something
related to the theme at the end. In this story
she swallows some books, a pen, a pencil case, a
ruler, folder, chalk, and a bag
Until she
hops on the school bus, says a cheer, and out
pops a ______ (O, I cant tell you, that
would spoil the ending for you). The
illustrations are well done and the rhyming text
is always a hit with grades Pre-K to first grade.
It is a great read for back to school. Do a
search on Google for There Was An Old Lady
Printables and you will find many activities you
can use at home or in the classroom with this
book and many other Old Lady Books.
I have two pages of free
printables to share. The first page is a dice
game. Students take turns rolling the dice to
collect all the things the lady swallowed in the
story. First person to get all the story pieces,
wins. Page 2 of the file contains story pieces
you can use with our Old Lady baggie and Apron
Pattern. Click here to
learn about the pattern. You will also see the
Old Lady Apron here.

The dice game is
free to download.---
Click Here to
Download the Old Lady Swallowed Some Books Dice
Game and Story Props.

Bailey, by Harry
Bliss! This book is about
Bailey, a little loveable white
dog with a big personality, who goes to school
with human friends. Bailey is an adorable story
just perfect for a preschool to first grade class
setting. Students will connect to the character
of Bailey as he goes to school. Its a
wonderful first week of school read. From dancing
to math Bailey spends the day doing things other
kids do, only a little bit more dog-like. Bailey
loves school and his love is contagious for the
reader. At school, everyone likes to sit beside
him on the school bus and in class. They like to
talk to him at recess. Hes one cool pup!
Baileys day is very much like an average
school day, but with Bailey the day is always
more exciting. You will even find that it is
true, dogs do eat homework. In fact, Bailey eats
his own and ends up with a stomach ache.
Both my
nine and four year old enjoyed this book very
much. They laughed and enjoyed following Bailey
on his adventure at school!
illustrations in this book are fantastic and the
book is the perfect length for younger kids that
do not have a huge attention span. It is also a
great read for back to school time for grades
Pre-k to first. School aged readers will make a
connection to the text and the characters.
Its likely you will hear lots of giggles.
Hopefully Baileys love for school will be
caught by the reader. Much of the text is done in
comic bubbles. Comic bubbles are a great way to
teach a lesson on prediction. Also this site has a great
lesson on using comic bubbles that could easily
be used with the book Bailey.
Get Bailey on

Brimful Curiosities shares this snack.
I also
enjoyed Brimful Curiosities reveiw of Bailey.
You will love the treat they made to match the
book. Follow the link
and you can learn more.
his classmates make fun of Rodney because he
cant pronounce his name correctly. In the
end, Rodneys speech problem helps solve a
big classroom problem. A great book to show that
all our friends have special talents!

The Teacher from the Black
I teach first grade and
this is one of the first books I read during
story-time. After the story I produce 2 pictures:
a 5x7 photo of me (hint: just one way to use up
those lovely school pictures we get each year!)
and a picture of Mrs. Green that I have traced
and colored. We talk about similarities and
differences between the 2 teachers. It is a fun,
easy activity! We read all the books from the
series during September. I think I like them more
than the kiddos! Posted by Sophie
on 8/21/02
I read it to my class, and
then they write letters to their favorite
teacher. My class is 3rd, so they have K,1,2 to
choose from. Also, as one of their journal
entries, they describe a good teacher. The next
day, they describe a bad teacher. This helps me
deal with their expectations for me and what to
avoid. Posted by Carla
on 8/20/02
Hey, I used these books
last year as my beginning of the year. I began
with the explanation that it is sometimes scary
coming into a new grade or maybe even being a new
student...and then that just naturally led into
these books.
We made posters for each
book and gave it to the person around school, we
told them thank you for not being a custodian,
librarian, lunchroom lady, etc from the black
lagoon. They all loved them! It also let my new
students learn about our school and who is who
without the others being bored. Good Luck! Lorri
Hands as Warm as Toast
Lisa Himle the author of Hands as Warm as Toast
sent me a copy of her book to review. Hands as
Warm as Toast is a heartwarming story that any
kindergarten teacher, parent, or student can make
a connection to. According to Ms. Himle this is a
true, yet slightly embellished story about an
event that happened when she was a Kindergarten
teacher. The teacher is
Ms. Himles book is Miss Darling. Everyone
knows a kindergarten teacher that seems to have a
magic touch with young children. Miss Darling is
one of those kindergarten teachers with that
magic way of making children want to be at
school. In fact, when Libby, the little girl in
the story, does not want to leave the side of her
mother to attend the first day of school Miss
Darling appears with cold hands and a job for
Libby. Miss Darlings magic touch and way
with Libby make school a place Libby wants to be
a part of. This is a great story for back to
school. It would make a good gift for a favorite
kindergarten teacher that touched your
childs life. The illustrations beautifully
match the text. The story held the attention of
my very own kindergarten student. I enjoyed
reading this book to my son and he found many
parts in the story that reminded him of his first
day of school. There are many opportunities to
make a text to self connection. Lisa Himle has
written a wonderful story that I am sure will
touch the hearts of many students, teachers, and
activity guide to match this book can be found
at: - Ideas and
printables to match this book!!!
Go Home, Mrs. Beekman
Ann Stampler, the author of
"Go Home, Mrs. Beekman", recently sent
me a copy of this adorable book. The night I got
it was the second day of Kindergarten for my son.
We sat down and read it together. In the story, Emily Beekman
refuses come out of the fort she's built in her
bedroom and go to the first day of school unless
her mother promises to stay at school with her
forever. Mrs. Beekman promises.
However, even after Emily forms a bond with her
teacher, makes new friends, and is perfectly
happy to go to school on her own, Mrs. Beekman
just won't leave.I immediately made
a connection with the mother in the story. Unlike
the child in the story my son was soooooo excited
about the first day of school. Me on the other
hand, I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to let him
go to this unusual place all by himself. I
connected with Mrs. Beekman's need to watch over
her child. She became a fly on the wall at her
daughter's school by transforming herself into a
coat rack, a hat, a hula hoop, and some other
interesting things. As we read, I could relate.
Those first few days of school had me wondering
how my son was doing, if he was listening to the
teacher, if he was having fun, and if he missed
me. Much to the dismay of the teacher in the
story, Mrs. Beekman saw it all in her daughters
class! That lucky Mrs. Beekman!!!!
The book is adorable. The
story entertained both me and my son. I think
this would be a great gift to give to a parent
who has a child going into grade K. Not many (if
any) back to school books display how a parent
may have a more difficult time letting go of a
child; than the child has of letting go of the
parent. Ann Stampler does a super job of making
this story flow. My son of course thought the
story was funny and I thought the story had a
hidden truth in it about how parents have anxiety
too about the first day of school.
I also think this would
make a fun read for the first few days of school.
It would be fun to have the class draw a picture
of their parents at school with them. You could
discuss: How would your mom or dad hide if he or
she came to school? Would you like your mom or
dad to be at school with you everyday?
Amelia Bedelia Goes to
I love
Amelia Bedelia books and read all of them as a
child and as a teacher, I was sure to share them
with my students. This book is super special
because haven't all Amelia Badelia fans wondered
what Amelia Bedelia was like as a child? I know I
have and this book shows Amelia as a first
grader. This is the first time Amelia Bedelia has
been shown as a child. With this great story we
now know that Amelia started out silly and that
is just the way she will always be. Ordinary
first grade happenings become extraordinary with
Amelia Bedelia's literal take on all things first
grade. Teachers can see themselves in Miss
Edwards. She is patient but knows when enough is
enough and tells Amelia, after she has gotten out
of her seat many times to, Please glue
yourself to your seat. If you know Amelia
Bedelia, you can guess what she does when Miss
Edwards just wants her to stay in her seat.
Students get a look at a fun filled day and will
laugh out loud when Amelia Bedelia does what she
is told. The pictures by Lynne Avril really
compliment the text and make the story even more
exciting. My son loved seeing Amelia Bedelia try
to put her nose in a book because he hears me
tell him to do that often. This would be a great
first week of school read or a special book to
share with your child the night before they start
school. This would also be a fantastic gift for a
new teacher. I love Amelia Bedelia and enjoyed
seeing her as a child in this terrific picture
One of my favorite books to read on the first day
of school is called "Listen Buddy!".
It's about a rabbit family that all have good
characteristics...Buddy has big ears...the only
problem is he doesn't use them. When his parents
ask him questions, he doesn't hear them the right
way. They might ask for a pen and he brings them
a hen (not in the book I think but you get the
idea... One day he needs to go somewhere and his
parents tell him not to go down a certain
road...well, of course he goes down the road. I
won't tell you the WHOLE book but he finally
learns that you have to pay attention and LISTEN.
The kids really seem to like it. Posted by Chris
on 8/05/02
Spit on Your Shoes (Orchard Paperbacks)
It's about a first grade hippo talking about his
first day of school. It's VERY cute and I have
used it to read to my second graders. I've also
read Spider School which talks about first day
jitters. The kids absolutely loved that book!
Chrysanthemum is another good one. Mailbox has a
BINGO sheet that goes along with that book for
the beginning of school. I've used it the first
day and the kids loved it. There are 9 squares in
which you have to put the name of someone that
goes with the phrase: name of someone they
missed, name of someone sitting next to them,
name of someone you want to play with at recess,
It is about a little rabbit who is terrified
about the procedures at lunch time (dropping his
tray, messing up his money, etc.) This is a great
read to introduce first graders to the lunch
Miss Nelson!
I had a class last
year that could not get along. They loved
to tattle and make fun of others when the
teachers weren't listening. When I did
group work I had a couple of students that
couldn't get along with others no matter how I
arranged the class.
I got tired of all the
bickering so I brought out the book "Miss
Nelson is Missing". It is a very funny
book about the teacher that leaves and out comes
mean Viola Swamp. I talked to the
kids afterward about whether they wanted the nice
teacher or the mean teacher, and that the mean
teacher wouldn't be able to do fun group
activities because the students couldn't get
along, and how their behavior determined what we
were able to do as a class. It helped
some. They were able to understand that
one. I told them they could either have the
mean teacher or the nice one!
this book for your listening center
Cherie, last year, several
months after reading "Miss Nelson is
Missing", I dressed up as Viola Swamp.
You could have heard a pin drop in my
class. If you wish to see what I looked
like, I have a picture on my web site,1872,0-145616-27-2993,00.html along
with a little write up of what I did. Fun!
Parents & Teachers:
Must have books for students entering
Kindergarten or PreK
I start my school year off
with the book The Kissing Hand. We then read the
LTR book Five Little Monsters Went to
School. Then we "pull" our
"rules" from this book. My one
rule is respect but usually the children need
more then that to go on. I do up a Respect
BB each Fall before the first day of
school. They help me finish it by making a
Rainbow of Respect by tracing their hands in
various rainbow colours. We talk about how
following their rules (the ones from the monster
story) shows Respect - my only rule.
I also read Little Bear Your Manners Are
Showing. One of the other grade one
teachers just got this book - I think through
Scholastics. I think my mother found it
years a go at a yard sale for
me... I don't know the author or ISBN off
the top of my head. This Bear forgets
that he must say Please, Thank you, Excuse me and
I'm Sorry. Mama Bear stamps these on his
four paws and by the time the Spring rain washes
them off he has practiced them so many times they
become automatic. We've even got a Bear
poster with the manners on them that is posted by
my door. Next year I will post it with the
calendar in the Fall for daily review for the
first few weeks or so. Also I got a picture
of a teddy bear blown up on 11x 17 paper for the
children to colour and take home with the manners
written on the paws. I also say
"Little Bear, your manners are showing"
the first few weeks to praise them for using
their manners. We have a lot of trouble
with "teasing" and the first few weeks
and through out the year I read books on bullying
because Teasing could be that someone hit you or
looked at you. My students are all ESL and
it is sometimes hard for them to communicate what
has actually happened. It is something we
work on all year. sdwl;)
use a book called "The Thingamajig Book of
Manners" the thingamajig are monsters who
behave awfully, we discuss good manners and then
move into making 3-5 rules for our room.
Reminding them not to be a thingamajig works all
year! Ally/1st/IL
Click on a book to learn
more about it!
When Kangaroo Goes To
School is a delightful story of a kangaroo's
preparations and expectations for his first day
at school..."do you know the rules?",
"What about show and tell?",
"Where will we eat?" and so on.
Kangaroo will steal your heart and share the
rules of "school etiquette" with your
"The pups are all
going to canine manners class, but Scamp just
can't seem to get the hang of it. He shows up
late, talks when his teacher is speaking, and
chases a fly. But when the other pups start
teasing Scamp for his classroom clumsiness,
everyone learns a little something about good
manners. "
School Daze
Meanest Thing to Say..Bill Cosby
Discuss what is means to
respect others...I do a chart that has looks
like/sounds like on it...discuss what the
characters did that show respect and disrespect
Have a paper doll (from a
12x18 sheet) ...have children sit in a circle and
play the game Michael played from the
book...insults. As children insult the doll, have
them wad up the doll as it goes around the
circle. When everyone has had a turn...smoothe
out the doll and explain to children words do
hurt feelings and even though we say we are sorry
it takes a lot of time and trust to get over what
has been said...the doll looks better than she
did when she was wadded up...but she will never
be the same. Children then roll played different
scenarios of possible responses and actions we
could use if someone was rude or disrespectful to
This was very powerful!
Last year, the doll was given a name and referred
back to many times during the year when feelings
were hurt and problems arose on the playground!
Thought I might share
something I used last worked well. I
got most of these ideas from the web -ring last
Tina Jordan Sherman,Texas
Little Bill books by Bill
Cosby are great for behaviors.
Click on a book to learn more
I actually have 2 that are a must read on the
first day~ The Little Engine
That Could by Wyatt Piper...teaches
children no matter how hard something can be
never give up, hard work pays off.
I also like to read The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone~
This teaches them how important team work is.
Working together gets the job done faster and
everyone reaps the benefits! :) - Chrissy
I read
NO, David, NO, and DAvid Goes to
School. My kids think David is so
funny. We have a big laugh and then write
our own rules. Good to get the juices
flowing. I always remind my class that I
LOVE (yes I use that word) them even when they
are naughty just like David. It seems to
help in some cases.
Stockton, CA
My class is CRAZY about
No, David! This year we wrote a group dictated
book (on big pieces of construction paper)
continuing the story No, David. The kids came up
with additional no's. I gave pairs of students
the pages to illustrate. We compiled the pages to
make a class book--it's a read aloud favorite!
We also made individual Yes, _____ books.
Everyone wrote yes and there name and a picture
of themselselves doing a yes thing. Have fun with
No, David! Sue Gruber
My classes have loved
David so much the past 3 years that I purchased
10 copies at the Scholastic sale last year. We
have averaged about 3 copies a year so far... We
did the individual "no" books for each
child, we also did a class story extension big
book and made more things that David could do,
they had a ball with that. The best thing that we
did was to put David's picture up on our word
wall under the letter "D" along with
all the other kids names and pictures. Since he
was such a big part of our class we made him an
honorary member, the kids got a big kick out of
that.I also used No David when I introduced
centers for the first time. I went to each center
and modeled appropriate and inappropriate
behaviors and the kids had to shout "No,
Mrs. L" or "Good job Mrs. L" when
I modeled each behavior. They LOVED this and we
did it over and over each day until they learned
how to act appropriately at centers. I hope they
come out with a David doll soon, they would love
that and I could make a take home backpack with
the book and doll..hmmm...I'll have to call
Scholastic with that idea...Good Luck, Vanna/tx
My class really enjoyed
the book too. At the scholastic book fair they
sold out on the first day. I dress up as David
the second time I read the book and acted it out.
I pick out one bad action that I did as David and
model how to write a simple apology card. I write
"I'm sorry for _________" Then I
illustrate what I will do to be better. ie. I'm
sorry for breaking the vase. I illustrate playing
baseball outside instead of in the house.
The children then get to
pretend to be David too and write apology cards
for one bad action with illustrations of a good
I found them writing
apology cards to each other when they hurt each
others feelings. Parents have also commented
about how they have done this at home when they
have done something wrong. We added the word
"Sorry" to the word wall too. Posted by
flteach on 6/20/02
My children were always
breathless waiting for the picture of the nude
David. One afternoon I took a tiny blue Post-It
note and cut out a pair of undies and pressed it
onto his backside. When I got to that page, they
just rolled. They insisted I keep it there until
all the sticky ran out from being replaced over
and over. Then, each day, they would be guessing
if he was dressed or "nekkid"! It takes
so little to stir up a five-year-old... (I guess
that's why they're so lovable!) wallabear/k/fl
on 6/22/02
I used the No, David book in my 2nd grade
class, I had them write their own stories
that follow the same simple sequence as
in the book. I'll try to explain it as
best as I can. We took a large piece of
construction paper and folded it into 6
or 8 squares (can't remember which). Each
square had a sentence and a picture to go
with it. The example story that I used
went something like this...The teacher
says (square 1) Eyes on me (square 2)...
Mouths quiet (#3)... Hands on your desk
(#4)...and so on. The last square ended
with...because she cares! I had students
come up with very cute stories. My
favorite one was where the student wrote
"On the playground we..." and
then listed her favorite activities on
the playground. I can't remember what she
ended it with, but it was really cute
with great pics. We brainstormed a lot of
ideas and the kids enjoyed making a
simple story like the book. They also had
great pictures with them. Hope this
Jennifer - Posted at
I Spent My Summer Vacation
My second graders really enjoyed How I Spent My
Summer Vacation. After a classroom discussion of
what we thought could have really happened on his
vacation the students were anxious to write and
tell me all about their summer vacations. It was
a wonderful first day activity and gave me
terrific insight into their writing skills and
abilities. We then spent the rest of the week
sharing a few a day. Posted by SharonL
on 7/17/02
Here to Find a Great Lesson For Grade 3
Starting the year with
introducing Bucket Filling is an awesome way to
get your class working as a kidn team. Teaching
Heart has a page devoted to Bucket Filling. It
includes ideas to match the book and many free
printables. Click
here to check it out!
Wore Her Red Dress, and Henry Wore His Green
This book always ends up
being my favorite class book! Very easy and
simple and so cute. The children draw a picture
of themselves with black markers (I use
permanent, but in the past used plain
markers)Then they use watercolor paints to paint
ONE item of clothing ONE color on their drawing.
After it dries, cut out the person (I cut a
"blob" shape around the body.) Glue the
picture on a background color the same color as
the one they painted, and then add the verse for
their name and color. For example: Alex wore his
orange shirt, orange shirt, orange shirt Alex
wore his orange shirt all day long.(this sounds
confusing...I wish I had a picture!) Hope it
makes sense. Then just put all together into
class book! It really does turn out cute. -
Barb/MN on 8/30/02
Our class big book was
very simple. I wore a red dress the
day we read the book. Our aide took a digital
picture of me
and all the children (individually). The title of
our book
was "Mrs. Karen Wore Her Red Dress"
with my picture on the
cover. Each child responded to the sentence
___________ wore
a _______ _______________. They were asked to
pick out one
article of clothing. This is probably the most
loved book in
our room at this time. While the pics are not the
work of the
children, the book has helped with name
recognition and
learning the names of classmates.
Hope this is something you can use! Posted by Kinderkiddos
on 8/30/02
I draw an outline of a
person on a white piece of paper
(holding the paper vertical) on the bottom I
_____________ wore (a) ___________ _____________.
I run off a class set. The
children add features, hair and
clothing to the outline. Then they pick one
clothing item and
dictate the sentence.
Example, Alex wore a blue shirt.
We use the book for shared reading and then can
be read again
and again during centers.Rona/K/NY
Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
from the Virtual Vine
Class Book Idea
Make up class story: Mrs. Gallagher Gets Ready
for Kindergarten. . . Make up rhymes for each
Have the children each
complete a page for a class book about how they
got ready for kindergarten.
(________ got ready for
kindergarten by ______________)
For a math activity, graph
each students name by first letter!
Your Name Lesson
Use highlighter tape to
have the children help identify the words that
rhyme in the story!
Click Here For
MANY Kevin Henkes Book Ideas

Wimberly Worried

I use the little
flip book : On the First Day of School My Teacher
After reading the
story and discussing the setting, characters,
problem/solution, and personla connections as a
class; the students complete this little book
which is part of this pack. Click
here to learn more!

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