If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

In honor of Kohl's having all the items above for five
dollars (summer 2003) each & all profit going towards
local Children's Hospitals, I had to make a page with
ideas to match the story, If You Give
a Mouse a Cookie! Click
here to order online at Kohl's
Of course I ran out and
got a few of these books and two of each stuffed animal -
one for my classrooms and one for my son! You cannot beat
the $5.00 deal on these books. I was in a local book
retail store today and saw them selling for over $15.00.
These books are flying off of the racks at Kohl's! In
fact, I returned to my local Kohl's a few days after I
purchased my books (I decided I needed more - imagine
that!) and they were already out of books. I think a few
too many teachers got wind of this great deal. Reminds me
of the pocket charts at Walmart - LOL!!!
Anyway, after I purchased
the books I found myself thinking up ideas to match these
great books. I also began searching the web to see what
other teachers are doing with these books. Yeah Kohl's -
I give you an A+! You just need to stock up! If you give
a teacher a sale on a great book, she will want to buy
them all!!! Tee-hee!!!
I will be working on this
for a bit - you are welcome to view as I work. Pardon the
dust! Check back often!
Updated March 13, 2004
Before Reading
Look at the cover and discuss the
cover with the class. Students should be able to make a
connection with the mouse on the cover.
There is so much
you can do with vocabulary in a story. I always like to
introduce the vocabulary before reading the story to the
class. I like to make two sets of vocabulary cards. One
set that includes the words and a picture to illustrate
the word. The second set would just include the word.
Before reading the story display the vocabulary cards
with the pictures in a pocket chart. Quickly go over the
words and their meanings. Keep the pocket chart in view
for future creative writing projects or journal writing.
(2 sets of vocab card Printables are included on CD #4 - click
to learn more)
After Reading
Have the students complete the
phrase "If you give me a ______ then I'll probably
ask for a _______. Once each student has written and
illustrated their own ending, create a class book.
Ask students to give examples of
other cause and effect relationships.
Ask your students to write a new
ending to the story. What might happen next?
Discuss the manners of the mouse.
Did they notice he never said thank you???
Use the story to find the nouns,
or naming words, in the story. Pick a few sentences from
the book and write the sentences on sentence strips.
Practice reading the sentences and finding the nouns in
the sentences.
Read the book if you give a Moose
a Muffin and complete a class Venn Diagram to compare the
two books.
Create a Center called, WHAT DID
(center materials are included on CD #4 - click
to learn more)
Print graphics of a
cookie, glass of milk, mirror, scissors, broom, &
paper and crayons. Write the following sentences on
sentence strips.
The mouse asked for a
The mouse asked for a glass of milk.
The mouse asked for a mirror.
The mouse asked for scissors.
The mouse asked for a broom.
The mouse asked for paper and crayons.
Place each of the above
strips in a pocket chart. The student must place the
graphic next to the correct sentence. In my classrooms
students complete centers independently. Still, I like to
know that they understood the concept. For this reason, I
include a center sheet for the students to complete after
each center. This center icludes a center sheet that has
the student do various things, such as; write the names
of each of the six pictures, illustrate a sentence, and
draw a line from the picture to a matching sentence.
Read other books that have a mouse
as the main character. Below are some of my favorites.
Click on the picture of the book to learn more. After you
read each book, compare the mouse in the book you read to
the mouse in If You Give a Mouse a
Remember the
game MOUSE TRAP. I had one as a child and loved it. I
kept it and share it with my classes if we do a mouse
unit. It is a great recess game. Not too educational, but

Click to see at Amazon!
Here is something fun my
class loved to do. Purchase chocolate chips, peanut
chips, baking m&ms, butterscotch chips, &
white chocolate chips. Place a few of each kind in
a Ziploc bag. Make enough baggies for each student
in your class. Instruct the class to sort and graph
the cookie goodies. When they have made their
graph, have them team up with a partner to work on the
data page. Discuss findings as a group. I
like to see who had the most of each kind of chip in my
class or who had the least.
-Alternative if you
dont mind cooking and a mess you could try this
idea. I did it once and the students loved it so
much. Take a cup of each kind of chip and the
M&Ms and mix it with your favorite cookie dough
recipe. Now make two cookies (one for picking apart
and one for eating) for each student. Tell
the class you would like them to dissect their cookie and
pick out all the goodies. When they are done
dissecting, have them work on the graph and the
data sheet.
Here is the sheet free to
print from www.teachingheart.net
- It is found on our CD # 4.
here to download - Single Classroom Use Only!
Cookie Dice Game
(game printables are included on CD #4 - click
to learn more)
Pick a partner to play
with and get one dice & crayon from a teacher.
Write your name and your partners name on the lines
provided. Take turns rolling the dice. Color
in the number of cookies rolled. The first person
to color in all the cookies on their plate wins.
You can create a game like
this. Copy a graphic od a cookie and paste it several
times to a page. This becomes the game board for the
Questions to Ask After You Read
Where does the story take
How many characters are in the story?
What did the mouse want done to his picture?
What do you think would happen if the boys parents came
Do you think the boy treated the mouse well?
Why do you think the boy gave the mouse a cookie?
Why do you think the mouse stopped at the boy's house?
Do you think the mouse had good manners? Why or Why not?
If you were the boy, would you have given the mouse
everything he wanted?
What if the boy had a cat or dog for a pet?
If the story kept going, what would happen next?
Place these sentences & others
from the story on sentence strips. Discuss nouns. Have
students take turns finding the noun in each sentence.
He's going to ask for a
glass of milk.
He'll probably ask for a straw.
So he'll probably ask for a pair of scissors.
Feed the Mouse a Cookie - Bag
For Each Set: Make 10 graphics of a mouse. Write a number
on each mouse. Print, Laminate, and cut. Cut many cookie
graphics. The student must lay out the mice and place the
correct number of cookies on the mouse.
Compare and Graph
Bring in a two different bags of cookies. Have the
students guess which cookie they will like the best. Only
let them look at the bag and make their guess based on
the bag. Graph the result. Then pass out the cookies.
Have the students eat each cookie and decide which they
like the best. Then have them place a cookie cut-out on
the graph. Compare the results.

Free To Print - from
other great sites!

Books by Laura Numeroff
Click a book to learn more!
Mmmm... Other
great stories with cookies!
What a great way to have your students connect with a
book. Most have ate many
cookies. They know what they smell like, taste like, and
look like. They may even have a favorite memory of a time
they enjoyed a cookie.
Poems and Songs
Gail Nettles
nibble, nibble,
cheese is good.
like cheese
a little mouse should.
ears are trained
listen for a snap.
don't get caught
someone's mousetrap.
C is for
that's good
enough for me
C is for
that's good
enough for me
Cookie ,
cookie cookie starts with C
Five little mice hid behind the kitchen door.
The first one
said, "Let's run across the floor!"
The second one
said, "We can hide beside the chairs."
The third one
said, "But the family's sitting there."
The fourth mouse
called, "Hurry! Hurry! Follow me!"
The fifth mouse
fell and bumped his knee.
Five little mice
scampered across the kitchen floor
And ate all the
breakfast crumbs 'til there were no more.
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