Heart is very proud of the graphics found on this
site. If you like the graphics, please visit the
sites below to learn how you can get great
graphics like these!!! Many offer free graphics,
but if you choose to purchase their graphics you
will be more than pleased. I have purchased many
sets and CDROMs from some of these graphic
artists. Big Thanks!  
graphics found on this home page were created
specially for Teaching Heart. They are custom
graphics done by Donna at Gone Country Graphics
and Website Design. Donna does an excellent job
& I would highly recommend her to those
looking for custom graphics. She also has a few
free page sets on her site. Click on her graphic
below to visit her awesome graphics home.

site is hosted by www.arborhosting.com
A great
place for any classroom website!
Gallagher/Teaching Heart is a participant in the
Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an
affiliate advertising program designed
to provide a means for sites to earn advertising
fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com,
endless.com, smallparts.com or myhabit.com.