How do
you have your meeting area set up? What
exactly do you do during your calendar time? Do
have the kids keep a weather graph individually?
These comes from a
Teachers Net mailring. To
learn more about the mailring click here!
are two pics of my calendar set-up for grade 2.
Lunch/Recess the students would join me in front
of the calendar. I always started out by reading
a story. Then we would do a special person
that was finished we would start calendar
activities. (I keep track of the activities below
to ensure that every student gets a turn on each
area.) NOTE: all student participate by clapping
at certain times, showing thumbs up/thumbs down
at certain times, and answering questions.
First I
would pick a student to come to the front, state
the date and write it on the dry erase board.
"Today is September 1, 2002." Then that
person would ask two calendar question - they
called on students to answer. Examples might
"How many days till Saturday?"
"How many months are there in a year?"
"What day was it three days ago?"
"What is today's date plus yesterdays
"How many days in a year?"
The students get pretty creative with this and
come up with some great questions.
Then, I
pick another student to come up and fill in our
absent/present chart. They state how many
students are in our class, how many students are
absent, & how many are present. Then they
fill in a greater than less than sign between the
words absent and present. Then they read the
statement. "Absent is greater than
present." (The students on the floor are
giving thumbs ups and thumbs down for verbal
that, another student comes up; we do a similar
thing with lunch count.
How many students ordered lunch A?
How many ordered lunch B
What is A + B?
What is the total of A+B - the number of students
that brought lunch?
another student is called up; they tell us how
many days we have been in school. They write it
on the chart and show the smallest amount of
change that represents the total number of days
in school.
20 days in school = 2 dimes
This is
the classs favorite part. One student comes
up to write on the white board. They write the
numeral for the number of days we have been in
school. Let's say 10. Then they get to call on
students to give them another way to write the
number 10.
The student they call on tells them how to do it
and what to write. The student writing decides if
the student is correct with their response. Some
might include.
Write the Roman numeral. It is an X
Ten Tally Mark. You need to make two groups of
1000 - 990 = 10
Write the word. It is spelled, T-E-N
Draw ten balls.
A dozen + 2.
answers go on and on. The students try really
hard to come up with something original during
the year. If they do, they get a round of
applause from their classmates!
but not least, I tie it into our lesson by
showing a math message and discussing it. The
program used is Everyday Math.
this is basically what we do in Sept. - Nov. The
difficulty increases and the activities change as
the students grow.
the Math Message, we stand up do a few stretches.
Sometimes we play Simon Says! Then we start the
Math Lesson! The students are sitting at Calendar
for about 30 min. I feel they need to get up and
around after that 30 min. to be ready for the
Math lesson! The Math lesson is usually 30-45

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Student Display Display all you
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Table Numbers Helper
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by cj1st on 6/05/02
For the first part,
yes, we come back to a corner area with Awall
calendar, weather etc. The helper for the day
puts up the number (velcro) and tells us the
date, month, year and day. Also decides the
weather. Puts up a link in the ones column (moves
over at ten) and puts up the coin for the day.
I have magnetic coins, use a magnet sheet from a
magnetic word game, but any small flat metal
piece will work. We count the days, by twos,
fives etc. I keep track on a sentence strip with
a marker. So, we keep track of the days three
ways, tally strip, tens/ones links, and money.
the students go back to their seats to do their
own calendar and weather chart, back to back on
light tag board. They keep these in their daily
folders. It only takes 10 minutes tops.

by Kathy, SD,CA on 6/05/02
I taught first
grade for the past three years. My calendar took
up literally one of my walls because I had a lot
of stuff on it. It was the wall where my open
book center was. We did the weather first. We
decided what the day's weather was. I had a graph
where a child colored it in. Then we
discussed which one had the most, least, how much
more than something else, how much less than
something else. Then we
moved to the months of the year. Sometimes we
said it, sometimes we sang it. Then we talked
about what month it
was, what month comes before and after it, which
one is the fifth month, etc. There was a graph
with this and I would ask the same types of
questions like I did with the weather. Then we
said the days of the week. We did today,
yesterday, and tomorrow. I had laminated strips
that said "Today
is______" and a student would write on it
the correct day and it could simply be wiped off
the next day. We counted how many days were in
that particular month. I would ask questions
like, what day is the 6th on, or what day is the
2nd Saturday on, etc. Then we would put up money
that equaled the days so far in that month. I
would ask all the different ways we could make
that number in change. We did the days we'd been
in school. We did ones, tens, and
hundreds and I used straws. We counted by fives,
twos, tens, and ones. I had a tooth graph and
we'd graph the number of teeth lost for the day.
We'd tally this one. We graphed birthdays when
someone had a birthday.At the beginning of the
year it took me around 20-30 minutes to do
calendar time. By mid-year to the end of the year
it took only about 15. I probably had a more
extensive calendar time than anyone else around
me. It was my choice, I think
it teaches a lot of concepts and it's repetitive
each day and they REALLY knew how to graph and
count money by the end of the year. I didn't let
the kids do everything only because of time. I
did have one calendar person who assisted me and
I would choose students to participate that were
quietly. It worked for me.I liked the previous
posters idea on kids having their own graphs. I
had thought about doing that once, but time was
limited as it was, and I didn't want to worry
about some keeping up with it and some not and
losing theirs. I think if you have a good system
that works go for it.Hope this helps.

Calendar journal
record sheets for the year (In PDF and
One for each month. You can have students fill
these out once or twice a month or more if
needed. Answers change based on date!
Perfect practice of many math skills through your
classroom calendar.
Writing the date, yesterday, today, tomorrow,
+10, -10, tally, place value and more!!!
You may choose to do these during your calendar
time or as an independent center type of

here to learn more!
visit TPT here for our two calendar sets

1st TN
My calendar time
gets longer as the year progresses. We say the
names of the month, days of the week, identify
today's date on the calendar, identify today,
yesterday and today on the calendar. We spend
time identifying how many Fridays are ther in the
month, what day of the week is June 12th, how
many days are in a week, why we didn't come to
school on Sat and Sun (This is discussed on
Mondays.) Correct the sentence: Today is Tuesday,
June 4, 2002. Add a straw to our ones pocket,
check to see if we need to make a ten, hundred,
etc. Add a tally mark, add a penny to the one
hundreds chart,
discuss why we use a penny (it is only 1 cent),
on the days we make a 5 with our tally marks we
add a nickel to the 5's chart, on the days we
make a ten we add a dime to the 10's chart. We
count by 1s, 5, 10, and backwards from 20 to 0.
As the year progresses, we add odd and even
numbers, patterns,
time, counting mixed coins in our big piggy bank
on the wall, and graphing to name just a few. We
end our calendar time with a story. Next year we
will sing our days of the week and several other
Dr. Jean songs during the year. I will also start
the students making class books of the songs we
so we can read as we sing.
I do my weather
graphing during the 6 weeks that we do our
weather kit. After we finish our kit, I stop
recording and
graphing weather and add something else. I've
never tried individual weather charts except
during my weather lesson. It
sounds like a good idea though. It ties science
in with the reading and math. Neat!
If your looking for
a variety of calendar activities you might want
to check out The Calendar and Beyond by Creative
Press. It has a lot of good ideas.
I've found taking
time to do a good calendar routine every morning
really helps my students review and prepare for
future math and reading lessons. In the past I
always felt I needed to rush and get into
"teaching". Then one day the
"light" came on and I realized I was
teaching during calendar time.
Posted by new teach
on 6/05/02
******Add a straw to our ones pocket, check to
see if we need to make a ten, hundred, etc.
******Add a tally
mark, add a penny to the one hundreds chart,
discuss why we use a penny (it is only 1 cent),
on the days we make a 5 with our tally marks we
add a nickel to the 5's chart, on the days we
make a ten we add a dime to the 10's chart.
I use
to use 3 plastic cups marked ones, tens,
hundreds. We would
put one straw in each day to keep track of the
number of day we
were in school. This really worked well, but then
I found a small
pocket chart at a school supply store that I can
put up on the
wall. It has clear plactic pockets and a place
for the number
above the pocket. I really like it better.
I have
a chart with the # 1-100 on the wall. Each day we
put 1
penny on the chart to go with the # of days we
have been in
school. I have a chart that I made from poster
board with the
numbers 5 -100 written by 5's and another chart
with the # 10 -
100 by tens and then a third chart 25 -100 by 25.
A smaller
poster board, large index size is also on the
board. Each day
that we add a straw and penny we also make a
"tally mark". You
know 4 down strokes and the 5th stroke at an
angle. When we make
a group of 5 tally marks we add a nickel to the
5's chart. When
me bundle up our ten straws in the ones pocket to
make a ten and
move it to the pens pocket, we also add a dime to
the tens chart.
We also add a quarter when we reach 25, 50 etc.
If this is still as
clear as mud, just post back. I really don't
mind explaining it again.
is the chart that you affix the penny to, is it
separate from
the chart that has 1-100 on it?
Glenda Says,
"No, this 1-100 chart is a store bought
chart about the size of a 1/2
sheet of poster board. It has been
then beside that, you have
the second chart which counts by fives, and on
every fifth day
you add a nickel, correct? And THEN you also have
a third
chart which counts by TENS and every tenth day
you affix a
Glenda responds,
"These charts are teacher made. I just took
1 poster board. Drew the
number of squares I needed for each chart and
wrote one number in
each square. I then cut the "chart" of
10s, 5s, and 25s apart. These
3 charts are different sizes because they each
have a different set
of squares of numbers. For example, the 25 chart
has 4 squares. 25 -
50- 75- 100. etc. Therefore it is about 4 or 5
inches tall and 12
inches long. I'm guessing here on the size.
How do
the coins stay on?
Glenda states,
"The coins are small paper punch out coins
that came with our math
series. I use that putty looking
"stick-um" that we use to hold
posters to the wall. We just put a small
"pinch" on the back of the
coin as we add it to the chart."
large are these
charts? Are they store bought or hand made? Where
do you
put the tally marks?
Glenda explains,
"I have a small part of a poster board About
the size of a large index
card on the wall (stick-um again). I use a magic
marker to make the
tally mark each day. When we make a group of 5 I
write the number
under that group. (5 10 15 20 25 30 etc.) This
way the students get
to see us write our numbers by 5's as we make our
tally marks"
For the
pocket chart that you count 1s , 10s, and 100s,
do you
put the straw in the pocket or a number card in
the pocket? Do
you still use the straw to represent the numbers?
Glenda explains,
"The pocket chart has 3 pockets to hold the
straws for the ones, tens,
and hundreds. Then above each of these pockets is
a much smaller
pocket to hold the words ones, tens, hundrends.
The straws stay in
the larger pockets. I can't remember where the
number cards go that
came with the set. I either stand them up behind
the word card or
there is another pocket. Funny how you can't
remember some details of
things you've used everyday for years. "

You can learn more
about the packet by clicking
You will love all you get in this set!!! It
will make you buzz with joy!
My two favorite
goodies from the set of 15 files would have
to be the schedule cards which fit nicely in this
pocket chart.

also love the calendar cards
These Bees are
way to cute!

I used the
pocket chart below for this set..
You can learn more
about the Bee Themed Classroom Resource
Packet by clicking
Thanks for
supporting Teaching Heart!!!
teach 2nd grade and here are the things I do
with my class during our calendar time: days
of the week, months of the year, long date
and short date, what day comes before/after,
what was the date yesterday/what will it be
tomorrow, calendar problem of the day (ie If
I am going on a trip and I leave May 1 and
return the following Tuesday, what day/date
will I return?) We also do temperature, a
graph of the weather, number of days we've
been at school/number of days left, a pattern
of the day, a clock activity, tally marks,
odd and even numbers. I don't do every
activity every day. I also start off slow and
add activities throughout the year.
Somethings I have quit doing now that we are
so late in the school year because my kids
know it so well (days of the week, months,
etc.) I have recently started doing
measurements using learning links and the
kids love it. I have a star of the day who
gets to help me out. I recently had my
students write what the best part of the day
was for them. Most of them wrote about our
calendar time. Hope this helps!

CALENDAR TIME-We begin our Math class each day
using the calendar. We tell time by using
the day, month, and year, as well as using our
class schedule to tell time to the hour,
half-hour, five-minute mark, and elapsed time
between classes. We use our money board to
count money. We also work on measuring,
number patterns, "problem of the day",
and the weather graph.
Posted by
PBencher on 6/06/02
I've seen many calendars that use
patterning - The numbers are on die cuts
of various colors. The pattern may start
with 'red, red, yellow' but by the end of
the year have much more complex patterns
to figure out.
teacher I subbed for had a cup with
popsicle sticks in it. Each stick had a
child's name on it. The calendar person
started, then chose a stick for the next
person to help, then the second person
chose another stick... and so on. This
teacher had about 8 mini jobs in calendar
of the month
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Tally marks
Bundles of straws for sets of 10s and 100
Money on velcro
Numerals in writing (22nd and
Giant month poem with a pointer
Written date, ie Wednesday May 22, 2002
And short date i.e. 5/22/02
whole projected was almost self-directed
by May! I simply chose one 'helper-outer'
so that there wasn't a huge roar of
correcting when someone spelled something
wrong. The 'helper-outer' could whisper
hints to the person at the board.

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book to learn more about the goodies

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have 3 clear plastic envelopes and we keep track
of the number of days using pennies. For every
day put a penny in the envelope. When you reach 5
pennies then you exchange the 5 pennies for a
nickel. Then when you reach 2 nickels, exchange
it for a dime. You can go as far as a dollar if
you want. The kids really know their money at the
end of the year.Debby

Set-Up - see pictures of various classroom
calendar areas.

Grade Three Calendar Area - Silver Ridge

Grade One Calendar Area - Silver Ridge

Click a
product to learn more about the goodies

by kathy/fl on 6/28/02
I like to use the
Box It /Bag It adding machine tape number lineto
keep track of the number of school days and
clasroomhappenings. The odd numbers are written
in blue; even, red. Everyfifth # is underlined;
every tenth, circled. Each special day Inote with
a cut-out or 3"x3" card in my pocket
chart calendar isstapled (we can staple on our
walls) above the number of thecorresponding day
on which it happened. You can see that thereare
lots of possibilities for meaningful math
extentionsins andreinforcment during circle. I
also have the children recite thenumber rhyme as
I'm writing numerals on the tape. They love
towatch the line "grow", hop over
windows,doors, and bulletinboards, and predict
where it will end up on the 175th day of K!

is what our calendar looked like (grade 1):
"Months of the Year" to the
tune of "Macerana."
leader point to each month as students
"Days of the Week" to the tune
"Addam's Family"
To the tune of The
"Addam's Family"
Days of the week (Snap, snap)
Days of the week (Snap, snap)
Days of the week
Days of the week
Days of the week (Snap, snap)
There's Sunday and
there's Monday,
There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday
There's Thursday and there's Friday
And then there's Saturday.
Days of the week
(Snap, snap)
Days of the week (Snap, snap)
Days of the week
Days of the week
Days of the week (Snap, snap)
was:---Today is:---Tomorrow will be:---
is month, day, year, day of the week.
"Money Poem"
Whose fine face is
on the penny?
On the penny? On the penny?
Whose fine face is on the penny?
Abraham Lincoln.
How much is a penny
Penny worth? Penny Worth?
How much is a penny worth?
Once cent.
Then repeat with:
nickel/Thomas Jefferson, Dime/Franklin
Roosevelt, and Quarter/George Washington
a penny, make whatever change is needed
(5p's for a n)
the temperature and record on the chart.
If we had more than two temps, we'd
discuss (cooler, warmer, etc)
a straw to the ones pocket (Days in
School) --Make whatever changes needed
about the number (how many ones, tens,
hundreds -big #?)
the number on the number chart in blue or
odd or even. Count by odd or evens.
the state/country/continent on the map.
only change I made was after the 100th
day. At that time we took a straw out of
the pockets each day (instead of adding
one) and crossed a # off our hundreds
chart each day (going backwards -
although this didn't work very well,
since the chart started at 100!)
