
Teacher Time Savers
CDROMS by Colleen Gallagher
do other teachers have to say?
teachers that have purchased one
or more of our CD's have kindly
sent us an email. Below you will
find feedback from teachers that
have emailed their thoughts about
the CD or CD's they purchased.
Their feedback may help you
decide if you would like to
you have purchased a CD and would
like to write a review, please
do. We will send you two free
sheets as a thanks! Please use
the form below to send us your
Dear Colleen,
you so much for sending me your
Jan.-Jun. "CD #3" so
quickly. It was just how I
expected it to be. Terrific!!!!!
I loved all the ideas included in
the cd, I especially loved the
candy hearts activity and the
Dr.Seuss worksheets. Your a
lifesaver!!! THank you for being
such a wonderful resource for
teachers all around the world
and for making the time to
create such wonderful worksheets
and share your ideas.
I did the candy heart activity
with my class. I'd love to share
pictures with you below so you
can see how much fun we had doing
it. It's a terrific hands-on
activity. I am sure my class will
never forget their 2nd grade
Valentines because of it. Thank
you!!! Hugs,
Heidi Quintero
another note from Heidi - We had
a wonderful Valentine's
Day and a great time doing
the activity. My principal
requires all the teachers to have
atleast one hands-on activity per
semester. I thought this one was
a cute one for this grading
period. I knew I wanted to do
something with candy hearts but
had no idea where to start. It's
like you took the
idea right from my head and
gave me a format on which to work
has more pictures at:
Colleen, I just
wanted to tell you how much I
LOVE the two CDs I purchased from
you. I hate doing centers in my
classroom (Yikes...did I even say
that?!?), but I've just begun
using so many of your gingerbread
activities as "Independent
Work Time" activities.
Yes, centers, but they are
independent things that I can
hang in a bag and the kids can do
at their leisure. I
especially love the glyphs and
make your own book that you've
done. I have so many
"Independent Work Time"
activities for my class I can't
believe it!
you going to be coming out with
another CD for January through
the spring? I'm sure you've
already been asked, but I figured
I'd take that leap in case nobody
else had.
thanks so much for putting your
great ideas onto this CD.
I'm not creative on my own, but I
do "tweak" your ideas
and put my own spin onto
them. Thanks for helping to
keep the kids in my class
productively occupied! :o)
Laura/1 - 2 Loop/FL
"You have a
great product and it's nice to
have everything in one spot
instead of having to search
through numerous teacher resource
books. Thanks again!"
Melissa Petrey
I have one other cd
(I think its the beginning of
school). I love them!
What a wonderful idea. Keep
them coming :)C. Comitale
I just got your third
CD in the mail. I have the other
two CD's. I thought I would write
and let you know how great the
first two CD's are and I thought
it couldn't get any better until
I slipped this third one into my
computer. My gosh, this has
already saved me time. I used the
Groundhog Day mini book and
wordsearch for a lesson for my
Guest Teacher. She asked for a
copy of the Mini Book and I gave
her your website address. Please
keep these CD's coming. I have
read and heard others say that
they would have to spend 100's to
get all the materials on just one
CD. Thanks for making them at a
great price. I can see lots of
work goes into the CD's - Carol
from LA/ Grades 2-3 (January
Through June)
Hi, I am a Special
Education NY. I teach
in a Learning Support Classroom
and have students in grades k-3
for math, reading, and writing. I
love your CD's. I feel like you
have saved me hours of work. It
is so great to modify a sheet and
then print it. I use all the
center ideas. I never thought
centers could be this easy -
thanks! Kelly Lyn/ Grades k-3
"Thank you so
much for letting us preview the
materials They are
wonderful." - Susan Donnelly
(Back To School and Beyond)
"I got the cd
and I must say it is great!! I
haven't had time to go through
all of it yet, but I really like
what I have seen. Please
let me know when you have your
next one ready." - Kim (Back
To School and Beyond)
"I love it!
I have already printed out
several things for school . Let
me know if you have any new
materials." - Jeannie Cook
grade K (Back To School and
"Very easy to
use" Jill Mitchell
(Back To School and Beyond)
"I would have
had to spend over $50.00 to get
all the resources that are on
this CD" - Sharon Hess Grade
2 (Back To School and Beyond)
"This will make
my back to school time a
breeze." Karen
Primmer (Back To School and
"The center
section is fantastic thank
you!" Kathy (Back To
School and Beyond)
"I will
recommend this to the teachers in
my school and district. It sure
is chalk full of great teacher
supplies." Beth Waston grade
1 (Back To School and Beyond)
"Wow, I can't
believe all the stuff that you
get on this CD for the price. I
shouldn't tell you this, but I
would of paid that price just for
the awesome center sheets. It is
so great to have this all on a
CD. I can print in color or not
in color. I can change the sheets
and save them to my computer. I
am sorry to say that before I
bought your CD, I bought another
CD (name of CD taken out of
comment) from a website for
$40.00. It wasn't nearly as
wonderful as your CD and it cost
much more. Yuck. Anyway, just
wanted you to know that I love
this CD. I hope you make more!
Wow, again!" - Jaime 1-2
loop (Back To School and Beyond)
"The pages are
great and I save a lot of time in
creating them personally. They
are easily edited to fit my
situation. p.s. When I printed
several pages I found an error:
Practice Your These Words. I
didn't notice this until I had
printed them (easier to find
errors on paper rather than the
screen). At least I found it
before photcopying them".-
Lois FL Primary (Back To School
and Beyond)
I just received your
CD and I love it! I can't
wait to begin using it in my 2nd
grade classroom. - Jane Lockhart
Hello, I teach second
grade and recently ordered the
3rd CD. It is so wonderful,
there are some great activities
on it. I have shared your site
with our Reading Specialist and
the rest of my school. Just
wanted you to know what a great
site you have. Janet Vines
The teachers below
have rated the CD on a scale of
1-5. 1 being the worst rating and
5 Previousbeing
the best!
"I teach First
Grade. I rate this CD a 5. I
could not believe how fast I
received my CD. I was able
to really get organized before
school started. It was so easy to
use." - Karen in Virginia
(Back To School and Beyond)
"My name is Lisa
and I teach 3rd grade in
Arkansas. I would rate the cd a
5. Thanks for putting such good
resources on one cd. I've already
printed out many of the sheets to
use." (Back To School and
"Hi! I
would give the CD a rating of
5--especially for new
teachers. When trying to
set up a classroom, you can find
many shortcuts on this CD.
The award coupons and bookmarkers
will be used to set a positive
tone in my room from day one.
Thanks!" --Nancy, PA -Grade
2 (Back To School and Beyond)
sharing such a wonderful
timesaving product with us! I am
thrilled with this cd and can
hardly wait to order the next
one. I teach first grade and can
use absolutely everything on the
cd. The graphics are so cute!
Tons of stuff for the price!!!
Thank you so much!!! Happy
teaching!" Cindy (Back To
School and Beyond)
"My name is
Cassandra and I teach third grade
in South Carolina. I am a
first year teacher and rate your
CD 5 plus. This is a
superior CD with so much
wonderful information on
it! I have spent hours just
looking at all of the
material. Your CD has
enabled me to put together the
package that I will present to my
students on the first day of
school. Thanks Cassandra (Back To
School and Beyond)
"Your Primary
Teacher Time Savers For Back To
School and Beyond CD is
definitely a 5+!!! I
am absolutely thrilled with the
useful content, HIGH
QUALITY, and the fact that I am
able to personalize the
worksheets for my students is a
printed so many of them that I
had to go out and purchase a
notebook especially for them!
Please keep my name for the next
cd you create. I WILL
purchase that one
too!! Sincerely, Kay!
3rd Grade Teacher from
Michigan" (Back To School
and Beyond)
"Laura, Florida,
Grade 1 - 2 Loop
I rate this CD a 5! As soon
as it came in the mail I went
right in and sat down at the
computer. I was on there
for 2 hours just looking at
everything that was on there, and
didn't even see everything!
Thanks so much for making my job
that much easier! :o)
" (Back To School and
Jennifer North
Carolina Grade 2
This CD is a 5! It made it
easier to start the school year
since all the labels and forms
already made! What a
timesaver! (Back To School and
Dear Colleen, I just
wanted to let you know how much
I've loved using your CD's. I
purchased the Oct.-Dec. one early
in Oct. and couldn't wait to find
out when the next one was
available. I use them both ALL
the time. The center games have
been a great addition to my
hands-on LD classroom. Keep up
the great work. Pennie in
Phoenix, Az.I rate this CD a 5+
Ilyse Kornhauser
Second Grade (1st year teacher)
All of the CD's All of the Cd's
are 5+...they are great!!!
I like the fact that they are
easy to use, all are in the Word
format, and all you need to do is
print and they are ready to
go. I really enjoy the mini
books that you made for all of
the themes on your cd's. I
love them and so do the
kids. Thanks again.....Keep
making more.....because us
teachers love them.... :)
Janine Xavier
K/1st grades
CD bought: Back to School & Beyond
Rate = 5+
Nichole Arizona Multi-Age 2nd I have purchased the October thru December CD and
> just recently purchased the January thru June CD. I love them both!
There are so many center activities
for my students to work with and activities for my class to do as a whole.
I like the listening activities and would love to see more included on
other CD's. It is a great way to prepare my students for the state testing in the spring.
The thematic units are great also! I started a
gingerbread unit this winter and was able to incorporate the worksheets into
my lesson plans. and even into my homework.
I am currently using the Valentine's Day activities as well as the calendar
activities (as a listen and follow the directions activity)
and have used the journal covers for my tutoring group. Both CD's rate a 5+!!!!
2004 - Teaching Heart
