Autumn Files
Forms, student
book, ready to use book, bulletin board header,
coloring page, and activity sheets for teaching
during the fall.1.) Autumn Math - problem
solving student activity (2-3)
2.) Confirm Volunteers for
Fall Party - form letter to send home (k-3)
3.) Fall Cinquain Form -
student form for poem (1-3)
4.) Fall Word Game - student
activity - Use the letters in fall to play a word
game (2-3
5.) )Fill in plus of minus -
student math activity (2-3)
6.) Fall Tic-Tac- Toe - A
free-time game - teachers laminates and student
uses (k-3)
Pattern Mini Leaf Colors
Two books. One
is for your students to color and read. The other
book is ready to be printed and used. It is
already in color!
7.) Leaf Leaf - student color
illustrations to make a book - words are written
9.) Colors of Fall - print, laminate, use. Can be
used as a book or in a pocket chart- (k-2)
Use this sign as
you wish. It would be great to place above a
bulletin board.
8.) Bulletin Board Header
-Welcome Autumn- print use (k-3)
Autumn Coloring Sheets
A good idea is
to supply a box of coloring sheets and unused
activity sheets for rainy day recess. The
students enjoy picking out a sheet related to a
theme you are working on.
9..) Boy and Dog Play in
Leaves - student colors (K-3)
Directions (Listening or Reading Comprehension
this can be used
in a multilevel format by having the student read
the directions on their own (comprehension &
reading skills) and coloring or by having the
teacher read the directions (listening skills).
10.) Boy and Dog Play in
Leaves - Student completes by reading(2-3) or
listening (k-1).
1.) Little Boy, Little Boy,
What Do You See Book -student illustrates about a
tree . Words are included. (k-2)
2.) Help Santa Put The Words
Together - student activity - (2-3)
3.) KWL XMAS - student form
4.) Rudolf Math Riddle
multiplication - student activity (1-3)
Class Santa
Helper Book
- A Book For
Your Students To Make.Each child creates a page.
The teacher will print the cover and bind the
5.) Cover For Santa Helper
Class Book (k-1)
6.) Student Page - teachers has each student fill
out illustrate and teacher binds (k-1)
Count By 2's
Center or P Chart
print, laminate, and cut to make a great center
that can be used on the floor, at a student's
desk, or in a pocket chart. Print in color.
7.) Material for count by
twos Santa Center or P Chart (1-2)
Count by Fives
Center or Pocket Chart
Just print,
laminate, and cut to make a great center that can
be used on the floor, at a student's desk, or in
a pocket chart. Print in color.
8.) Material for count by
fives Santa Center or P Chart (1-2)
Count by Tens
Center or Pocket Chart
print, laminate, and cut to make a great center
that can be used on the floor, at a student's
desk, or in a pocket chart. Print in color.
9.) Material for count by
tens Santa Center or P Chart (1-2)
10.) Bulletin Board Header
Happy Holidays- print use (k-3)
11.) Bulletin Board Header Merry Christmas- print
use (k-3)
Student made book
12.) See Santa? A book that
student colors to match the given sentences.
Coloring Sheets
A good idea is
to supply a box of coloring sheets and unused
activity sheets for rainy day recess. The
students enjoy picking out a sheet related to a
theme you are working on.
13.) The Christmas Tree -
student colors
14.) The Christmas Bear - student colors (K-3)
15.) The Christmas Wreath - student colors (K-3)
16.) The Christmas Angel - student colors (K-3)
17.) Santa - student colors (K-3)
Directions (Listening or Reading Comprehension
this can be used
in a multilevel format by having the student read
the directions on their own (comprehension &
reading skills) and coloring or by having the
teacher read the directions (listening skills).
18..) The Christmas Tree-
Student completes by reading(2-3) or listening
19.) A Bear with a Surprise - Student
completes by reading(2-3) or listening (k-1)
Monthly Calendars
1-3.) OCTOBER Through
student colors and student or teacher fills in
dates and important reminders - (grades k-4)
is fire safety month. It is important for all
teachers to discuss safety issues with their
classes. Here are some activities that will make
this easy for you.
1.) Ask Me About Fire Safety
- tag for student to make (k-2)
Color&Write - student activity (1-2)
3.) Fire Safety Writing -
student activity (1-2)
4.) Fire Vocab - Cards to
print with words and pictures (k-2)
5.) Fire Word Search -
student activity (1-2)
6.) Fire Word Search -
Teacher Ans. Key (1-2)
7.) Firefighters job -
sequencing sentences (1-3)
8.) Hot Subtraction - 2
digit sub. no regroup (1-2)
9.) What to do -
comprehension questions to use with story (1-2)
10.) What to do - story
about fire safety for student or teacher to read
11.) Fire Vocabulary Cards -
includes color pictures of each word - print,
laminate, and use - Can be used in pocket chart
or on a Word Wall.
Fire Vocab.
Center Activity
Here is
a colorful center. All you have to do is print,
laminate, and cut. This center includes an
activity sheet you may choose to use to ensure
that your students have grasped the desired
12.) Vocab. and Picture
cards - print, laminate, and cut. Place in pocket
chart. Student must match the word to the
picture. (k-3)
13.) Center Sheet - When
student finishes this center, have the student
complete this sheet at the center. (1-3)
Writing Prompts - on lined
14.) The fireman came to my
house... (2-3)
15.) I found some matches and...(2-3)
16.) When I went to the fire station... (2-3)
17.) Fire safety letter home
- includes a check off list and a homework
activity. (k-2)
The Polar Express
- activities
& Manipulatives to match
7,) Vocabulary Words on
Colorful Trains - Words from the story for you to
print, laminate, cut, and use during a lesson
8.) Before Reading Question
Slips - These are questions that would be good to
discuss before you read the story. You may choose
to display these in a pocket chart. (1-3)
Polar Express Center -
Student matched all the trains that rhyme to make
a family of rhyming trains. Then the student
completes the train rhyme center sheet.
9.) Rhyme Trains - print,
laminate, and use as a center (k-2)
10.)Train Center Sheet - Student completes this
sheet at the center and when they have made four
families of trains.
11.) Story Sequence -
student cuts the sentence strips and glues them
to another sheet of paper to sequence the story
1.) Columbus Day Story -
Story and Comprehension Questions (2-3)
2.) Columbus Mini Book To
Read & Illustrate (k-2)
3.) Columbus Reading - fill
in the blank student activity (1-2)
4.) Columbus Word Search -
student activity (2-3)
5,) Columbus Word Search -
teacher key (2-3)
Gingerbread1.) Gingerbread Math Riddle
Sheet Add Sub - student activity (1-2)
2.) Compare Two Traditional
Gingerbread Stories - Teacher reads the two books
and students work together to complete this
activity (1-3)
3.) Teacher gives out gingerbread
cookies, student graphs the part that was eaten
first by classmates and then uses the graph to
answer some questions (1-3)
4.) A large gingerbread man for your
students to measure using various units of
measurement (marshmallows, raisins, & Red
Hots). Student writes the measurements. Can be
done as a group or individual. (k-3).
5.) Glyph - student follows
directions to color in the glyph. Includes a
header and key to display on a bulleting board.
Class Books/
Student Book
- each student
does a page - teacher binds and student take
turns taking home the book (K-1)
6.) Cover
7.) Student page GingerBread
8.) Class Book 2 - student
writes a word and illustrates a page. Teacher
binds to make a classbook. Includes cover. (k-1)
9.) Individual six page book
- student tears up gingerbread man to match the
words in the book. (k-2)
Compound Words Center
Here is
a colorful center. All you have to do is print,
laminate, and cut. This center includes an
activity sheet you may choose to use to ensure
that your students have grasped the desired
10.) Compound Words - Center
game to print & use (1-3)
11.) Gingerbread Compound - Center sheet for
student - (1-3)
Coloring Sheets
A good idea is
to supply a box of coloring sheets and unused
activity sheets for rainy day recess. The
students enjoy picking out a sheet related to a
theme you are working on.
12.) Gingerbread Couple-
student colors (k-3)
13.) Gingerbread Girl - student colors (k-3)
Directions (Listening or Reading Comprehension
this can be used
in a multilevel format by having the student read
the directions on their own (comprehension &
reading skills) and coloring or by having the
teacher read the directions (listening skills).
14..)The Gingerbread Couple
- Student completes by reading(2-3) or listening
October Poem - student activity (1-3)
2.) October Word Fun -
teacher key (2-3)
3.) October Word Fun
-student activity (2-3)
Just print and
4.) Something to Meow About!
5.) Bulletin Board Header
-Raking In The Good Work- print use (k-3)
Halloween1.) 1 Blank Witch Bingo
Cards - form for teacher to program (k-3)
2.) 3 column addition (2-3) - student
math activity (2-3)
3.) 4 Witch Bingo Cards -
student activity (k-3)
4.) Count by 2,3,5 - student
activity bat theme (1-3)
5.) Halloween Word Fun -
student activity (2-3)
6.) Halloween Word Fun -
teacher key (2-3)
7.) Halloween Word Search - student
activity (2-3)
8.) Halloween Word Search -
teacher key (2-3)
9.) Spooky Mystery Word -
student activity (2)
10.) Spooky Sub Boxes
through 18 - student activity (2-3)
11.) SpookyPatternPoem -
student activity (1-3)
12.) Witch Consonant
Digraphs - student activity (2-3)
Book Pages To Illustrate
13.) Book - student
illustrates (k-2)
Safety Pocket
Print this
colorful pocket chart activity out and use. Your
students will learn basic safety skills as you
use this chart to discuss Halloween Safety. Your
students must decide if the statement is to be
done on Halloween or not to be done!
14.) Material For Safety
Pocket Chart (1-3)
Story Starter -
Theme lined paper with a
story starter at the top.
15.) Haunted House (2-3)
16.) I saw (2-3)
17.) I was scared (2-3)
18.) It was a dark and stormy night when (2-3)
19.) Bulletin Board Header -
Bootiful Work - print use (k-3)
20.) Bulletin Board Header Happy Halloween- print
use (k-3)
Math Activity
Sheets (Computation Practice)
For the student
to complete. - the teacher has the choice to
change the problems by highlighting a number and
typing in a number of choice.
21.) Two digit adding 1-10
22.) Two digit subtracting 1-10 (k-1)
23.) Write a + or - sign 1-10 (K-1)
Counting Book
24.) Student writes the
number word to match the picture for each page in
the book. You can print the book in color. (k-1)
Coloring Sheets
- A good idea is
to supply a box of coloring sheets and unused
activity sheets for rainy day recess. The
students enjoy picking out a sheet related to a
theme you are working on.
25.) Witch Flies By Tree -
student colors (k-3)
26.) Yummy Cupcake - student colors (k-3)
Directions (Listening or Reading Comprehension
this can be used
in a multilevel format by having the student read
the directions on their own (comprehension &
reading skills) and coloring or by having the
teacher read the directions (listening skills).
27.) Witch Flies By Tree -
Student completes by reading(2-3) or listening
28.) Yummy Cupcake for a Ghost - Student
completes by reading(2-3) or listening (k-1).
1.) Terrific Turkey - print,
cut, and hand out (k-3)
2.) Turkey Facts Sign -
print & display (k-3)
Student Activity
3.) I am Thankful Writing -
student activity (2-3)
4.) Thankgiving Pie -
student math graph activity (1-3)
5.) Thanksgiving Dinner -
student money math activity (1-3)
6.) Thanksgiving Word Search
- student activity (2-3)
7.) Thanksgiving Word Search
- teacher key (2-3)
8.) Turkey ending
punctuation - student activity (2-3)
9.) Turkey False or true -
student activity (1-3)
10.) Fill in the missing
letter - student activity(2-3)
11.) Thanksgiving KWL CHART
- student fills out (1-3)
12.) Thanksgiving Vocab
cards - print these card, laminate, and cut. They
can be used as flashcards, wordwall cards, or in
a pocket chart.
13.) Thanksgiving craft -
your students color and cut the patterns to make
a placemat. (k-3)
14.) Thankful for punctuation - student
puts a period or question mark at the end of the
sentences about Thanksgiving. (1-3)
15.) Simply Synonyms -
student chooses a correct match (2-3)
16.) Baking Pumpkin Pie -
story problem activity sheet (1-2)
17.) Pilgrim, Pilgrim! - A
student book that the student illustrates (k-3)
Student Book
Page 1-2 Thankful Book - student book
Page 3-4 Thankful Book - student book (1-3)
Page 5-6Thankful Book - student book (1-3)
Page 7-8 Thankful Book - student book (1-3)
Math Activity
For the student
to complete. - the teacher has the choice to
change the problems by highlighting a number and
typing in a number of choice.
22.) Vertical Adding Numbers
1-10 (K-1)
23.) Vertical Subtract Numbers 1-10 (K-1)
24.) Add three numbers 1-10 (K-1)
25.) Write a + or - sign 1-10 (K-1)
26.) Two digit adding no carry (1-3)
27.) Two digit subtract no borrow (1-3)
28.) Two digit adding no carry (1-3)
29.) Two digit subtracting with borrow (2-3)
30.) Write a + or - sign (2-3)
31.) Thanksgiving Word Problems (2-3)
1 - 3.) Oct.-Nov.
Monthly Reading Slips
- May be given
to student as monthly reading homework. (K-3)
1.-3.) Oct.-Dec.
Monthly Journal Covers
- Student colors
and uses as the fromt of their monthly journal.
Oct-Dec.Calendar Activities
- each of the
three calendars has seven activities for the
student to complete. (k-3)
1-3.) Oct.-Dec.
Monthly Reading Log Sheet - students
keeps track of books read in school using this
October Homework Sheets -
You may send these home with students. They are
activities that can be done at home. 1.) Book Report - parent
fills out & student illustrates (1-3)
2.) Fall Months - find,
spell, sentence, illustrate (2-3)
3.) Fire Safety - family
writes plan (1-3)
4.) Five Senses Poetry-
student and parent write seasonal poem(1-3)
5.) Math Around the House -
counting and estimating with adult (1-3)
6.) Fire safety letter home - includes a
check off list and a homework activity. (k-2)
November Homework
Sheets - You may send these home with students.
They are activities that can be done at home.
7.) Thanksgiving Dinner -
student money math activity (1-3)
8.) November Homework
Calendar and Response Log - teacher selects the
number of activities a student is to do at home
in the month of November. Student and parent
complete activities and log. (k-1)
9.) November Homework
Calendar and Response Log - teacher selects the
number of activities a student is to do at home
in the month of November. Student and parent
complete activities and log. (1-2)
Winter1.) Snowy Day Suffixes-
student activity (2-3)
2.) Winter Poem Form -
student activity (2-3)
3.) Bulletin Board Header
-Happy Winter- print use (k-3)
4.) Snowman Colors Books - A
four page book that allows student to write a
color word and color the picture to match the
sentence. (k-1)
5.) Snowman Journal Prompt -
students write about what their snowman likes to
Math Computation
Grade k-1
6.) Vertical 0-10 adding (1)
7.) Vertical 0-10 subtract (1)
8.) 3 column 0-9 add (1)
9.) Horizontal 0-10 add (1)
10.) Horizontal 0-10 subtraction (1)
Grade 2-3
11.) Vertical Add (2)
12.)Vertical Subtract (2)
13.) Add and Carry (2)
14.) Find The Missing Number (2)
Multiplication of 2 Numbers 0-10 (2)
Contraction Center
Here is
a colorful center. All you have to do is print,
laminate, and cut. This center includes an
activity sheet you may choose to use to ensure
that your students have grasped the desired
16.) Contraction Snowman
Cards - print, cut, laminate (1-3)
17.) Snowman Contraction - Center sheet for
student - (2-3)
Winter Coloring
- A good idea is
to supply a box of coloring sheets and unused
activity sheets for rainy day recess. The
students enjoy picking out a sheet related to a
theme you are working on.
18.) Snowman Scene- students
color (k-3)
19.) Bear in the Snow - students color (k-3)
Directions (Listening or Reading Comprehension
this can be used
in a multilevel format by having the student read
the directions on their own (comprehension &
reading skills) and coloring or by having the
teacher read the directions (listening skills).
20.) The Bear in the Snow-
Student completes by reading(2-3) or listening
21.) Snowman - Student completes by reading(2-3)
or listening (k-1).
NOVEMBER VARIOUS 1.) November Word Fun
-student activity (2-3)
2.) November Word Fun
-teacher key (2-3)
3.) NOVEMBER Word Search -
4.) NOVEMBER Word Search -
Teacher Key(2-3)
DECEMBER VARIOUS 1.) December Word Fun -
teacher key (2-3)
2.) December Word Fun
-student activity (2-3)
Mitten by Jan Brett - activities to match
1-2.) Class Book K-1
Cover Page
Student Page - student draws an animal and
finishes the sentence - bind all together
3.) Our Mitten Glyphs - a sign to print
and display with mitten glyphs (k-2)
4.) Sentence question strips
- print and use (1-3)
5.) Vocab Cards - print cut
& display (2-3)
6.) Quiz - five questions
for student - (1-3)
Organizers to Use with this Literature Unit
7.) My Mitten Journal -
student draws two parts of the story and then
writes about the two parts (1-3)
8.) Mitten Text to Self Connection -
student writes how the story relates to his life
1,) How I got to America -
student homework (1-3)
2.) Mayflower Write &
Illustrate - student activity (1-3)
3.) Pilgrim Vocab - student
activity (2-3)
- teacher or
student may use as a template and type in
information or print and write information.
1.) OCTOBER Weekly News Form - student
fills out with guidance from teacher- (1-3)
2.) November Weekly News
Form - student fills out with guidance from
teacher- (1-3)
3.) December Weekly News
Form - student fills out with guidance from
teacher- (1-3)
4.) December Monthly News
Form - teacher fills out (k-3)
5.) December Weekly News Form - teacher
fills out (k-3)
6.) November Weekly News
Form - teacher fills out (k-3)
7.) November Monthly News
Form - teacher fills out (k-3)
8.) October Monthly News
Form - teacher fills out (k-3)
9.) October Weekly News Form
- teacher fills out (k-3)
Behavior or Incentive Charts
1.) Falling Into Good
Behavior - October - (k-3)
2.) One Good Turkey -
November - (k-3)
3.) Cool Cookie- December -
Calendar Pieces
- Print,
Laminate, and Cut. Use these as your numbers on
the calendar or in a counting center. They are in
color and will look great on a calendar or at a
center! The Calendar toppers display the month in
large colorful letters,
1.) OCTOBER (PUMPKIN) Numbers 1-31 -
Pumpkin Theme - (k-3)
2.) November (TURKEY)
Numbers 1-31 - Turkey Theme - (k-3)
3.) December (SNOWMAN)
Numbers 1-31 - Snowman Theme - (k-3)
4.) December Calendar Topper
(SNOWMAN)- print cut laminate (k-3)
5.) November Calendar Topper
(PILGRIM) - print cut laminate (k-3)
6.) October Calendar Topper
(CANDY CORN) - print cut laminate (k-3)
- a popular
theme to study.
The printables below will make your theme fun!
1.) Vocab Cards - Teacher
prints and laminates. Activities for use are
suggested. (2-3)
2.) Penguin Partner Word
Search - you will need the vocab word available
for this student activity. (2-3)
3.) Playful Penguins Game -
a colorful game that uses a students math,
reading, and penguin skills - just print laminate
and use, (1-3)
4.) Playful Penguins Math - story
problems for the student to complete (2-3)
5.) Penguin Research - a
sheet for student to fill out about factual
information on the penguin - (2-3)
- this can be used in a pocket chart or made into
a file folder game. (2-3)
6.) Penguin Punctuation - student places a
period, question, or explanation mark at the end
of a sentence. (2-3)
7.) Penguin Punctuation Center Sheet - This sheet
can be completed when the student has finished
the center. (2-3)
Penguin Coloring
-A good
idea is to supply a box of coloring sheets and
unused activity sheets for rainy day recess. The
students enjoy picking out a sheet related to a
theme you are working on.
8.) Penguin Snow Scene-
students color (k-3)
1.) Pumpkin Patch Pairs -
antonym activity (2-3)
2.) Pumpkin Punctuation - student activity (2-3)
3.) Watch The Pumpkin Grow - Pocket Chart
Sequence Cards - Cut, laminate, and use(1-2)
4.) Pumpkin Seeds - student puts the correct
number of pumpkin seeds in the box (K)
Pumpkin Pumpkin
by Jeanne Titherington
13.) Vocab Cards on Pumpkins
- teacher print cuts uses (K-2)
14.) Picture Word Cards - teacher print ,cuts,
& uses (K-2)
6.) Apple Incomplete
Sentence - student activity (2-3)
7.) Seq. Numbers Less Than 100 - student activity
Math Activities 1.) Dem Bones Graph
- teacher purchases the Brachs Dem Bones Candy
and students complete Graphs.