March 30, 2025

Bunny Bottom Cake & An Easter Hello!

Usually my mom makes a bunny cake like this for Easter Dinner Dessert. 
Since she was traveling this year, we were put in charge of the bunny!!  So instead of a bunny head, we made a bunny butt!!!!

Bunny digging in the grass!
Super easy to make.  I used one boxed cake as directed.  I filled two cupcakes and one round Pyrex pampered chef large measuring cup with the finished mix.  Cooked them all at the same time.  Cupcakes took about 8 min. and the larger cake took about 40 min.
Make sure you grease and flour the pyrex really well before you bake.
I used a snowflake ball for the tail and the cupcakes for the legs.  I guess you could make another cupcake and use that for the tale rather than the snowflake ball.
I made my own icing and covered that with coconut.  I colored some coconut green for the Grass.  I cut the ears out of pink card-stock – don’t eat those!!! 
Here he is before the icing and the green coconut grass.
I think he turned out pretty cute and it was super easy…  I see many bunny butt cakes in our future.
Bunny digging in the grass!
I hope you had some time to have some fun today. 
We also did our traditional Ressurection Egg Hunt and the reading of Benjamin’s Box.  I hid six eggs in each of my two kiddos rooms and then we opened each one as we read the story…  Every year I have to think of how grateful I am to my friend Amy for tuning me in to the eggs.  They are a hit at home and in my classroom!!!  Do you have them?  Get them for next year!!! 
Now the house is nice and quiet since my son and hubby headed out to mass tonight and my daughter is fast asleep dreaming of an egg hunt we will be attending in the am!!!
O, and don’t forget…
If I do not get back on to blog this weekend; I just wanted to let you know that I am FOREVER thankful to God for my readers of the blog and fans of Teaching Heart!  Thanks for being here and I wish you a blessed Easter.  I encourage you to listen and watch this song – one of my faves!  Happy Easter and Thank you Jesus for Enternal Life for all who believe!!! 
“Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
Glorious day”

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