I believe one of the most important things about being a teacher and a parent is helping your students have a life long love of reading/learning… As Hardwick says…
The little boy in the picture above must love to read, to do while shopping in the store with his mom – gotta love a walking reader. 😉
Looks like a good GOOSEBUMPS
Looks like a good GOOSEBUMPS
As a parent you can make sure you model what a good reader does. TEAMCFA shares some awesome tips on how to foster a lifelong lover of reading. All parents and teachers should read these tips by clicking here.
Last week we shared some books from our Facebook page that teachers enjoy reading during the first few weeks back to school. You can view those by clicking here. Here are a few more ideas of great reads…
Here’s on of my favorite Kevin H. books. You can see a unit study on him found here at Teaching Heart. It is complete with ideas and printables.
BACK TO SCHOOL DEAL – 35% off discount for all your Teaching Heart downloadable orders
when orders are placed here at our downloading store on or Before August 9, 2011.
Fill up your cart and then place your order. Once you place your order you will get 35% off the order
when you enter the coupon code B2S2011 at the checkout .
I think that is an awesome way to help you get ready for Back To School.
BACK TO SCHOOL DEAL – 35% off discount for all your Teaching Heart downloadable orders
when orders are placed here at our downloading store on or Before August 9, 2011.
Fill up your cart and then place your order. Once you place your order you will get 35% off the order
when you enter the coupon code B2S2011 at the checkout .
I think that is an awesome way to help you get ready for Back To School.