July 16, 2024

B2S Party 2011 – Prize #4!

Happy Tuesday all!  Hope you are having fun at the Teaching Heart Back to School party.  I hope you thought the first three prizes were fun!  Number four…. 

Here’s another giveaway for a book that tackles the subject of bullying – The Juice Box Bully. 

I thought this was a wonderful book that would be a great read for the first week of school.  It is a wonderful resource that encourages children to make good choices and be aware of others feelings. It promotes kind behavior as acceptable and unkind behavior as something that should not be accepted or rewarded by others – power in numbers.  There are many books written that address bullies, but this book is different in that it also covers bystanders.   It makes the reader understand that it’s not alright to sit back and watch a bully.  The concept of bystanders is often a difficult one for young children to grasp, but this book explains it nicely for elementary listeners or readers.

In The Juice Box Bully, the children of Mr. Peltzers class meet Pete, the new kid in school.  Pete quickly acts the part of the bully.  The class does not stand by and just let Pete bully.  Instead the class has made a pact to stand together and stop bullying. Their willingness and courage to stand up for not only the kids being bullied but for the bully himself,  makes their school what it should be, a safe place for all to learn and grow.

Teachers, check out “The Promise” at the end of the book. The Promise is  8 Powerful statements you will want to share with your classroom.  “The Promise” helps children be empowered to take a pledge to stand up to bad behavior.  What a wonderful tool for your classroom.  Read the book and discuss “The Promise” on the last page.  Post “The Promise” in your classroom.  Work together as a class the first week to write a “Promise” for your classroom as well.   Become a classroom community that CARES!


Enter each chance in the comments section (separate entry for each). Last day to enter is July 31. Winners will be posted on August 2nd. Items shipped on or before August 11th. Please leave your name and email with all entries.

1.) Join our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Teaching-Heart-wwwteachingheartnet/111345987534  – If you are already a fan, that counts too!!!  Once you have joined, return to the comments section and type, “I am a facebook fan.” Leave your email and name too. (enter 1x)

2,) Do you have a blog?  If you do and you have Teaching Heart Mom in your blog roll on the side of your blog, you may enter 3x.  It’s never too late to put us on your blog roll and then enter the contest.  Please leave your blog address where we can see Teaching Heart Mom in your blog roll.  Leave your email and name too. (enter 3X)

Good Luck and remember to visit Teaching Heart http://www.teachingheart.net/  for all your Back to School Planning!!! Support us and purchase from our store at http://teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver.html  Trust Teaching Heart – Making Teachers Happy with our Products since 2002!