July 16, 2024

Vday Printables Shared on Teaching Heart Mailring!!!

One of the Teaching Heart Yahoo Groups has been sharing some great printables.  A big thank you to the Teachers on the mailring with the “Teaching Hearts”!  Below you can download some of the items shared to use at school or at home.  If you do use an item make sure to leave a little Thank you in the comments to the sharing teachers!

You too can share files and ideas on our yahoo group.  Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/teachingisaworkofheart/ to learn more.  Over 7,500 teachers and learning and sharing there! 

Kristie Turner Shared this Power Point File for Beginning Sounds on the Teaching Heart Mailring. You may download the file by clicking here.
Debi Goodman Shared a great link and a few printables on the Teaching Heart Ring –
http://www.cryptogram.com/hearts/ – Check this site out.  You can make candy heart graphics say anything you want.  Very cool!

Debi also shared this activity. Click here to download.

?murphyp01 shared a word file for making sentences. Click here to download
deboraha.burns shares a rhyming hearts game. Click here to download.

teachdreams1 shares a pocket chart activity. Click here to download.  She also kindly shares a cute love bug pocket chart activity. Click here to download!

These printables and more can be found at:

Thanks again to the teachers who shared these great files!