Summer is all about a Lemonade Stand. Kids love to play store. What a great way to teach kids about making change or adding up a sale.
You can print out the sign you see on the Lemonade Stand of this picture. Click here to download and print the banner!!! Just cut and paste… Ta-Da, you have a sign!!!
Read some stories about Lemonade; like, OLIVIA Opens a Lemonade Stand or Lemonade for Sale (MathStart 3)
or Ruby’s Lemonade Stand/Ruby’s Rummage Sale/Ruby’s Magic Act
. Watch the DVD Maggie and the Ferocious Beast – Lemonade Stand
Here are some great tips! Here are a few more great tips!
10 tips for the coolest lemonade stand
Here is a coloring sheet to print and have your child color,
Cute! The girls have been bugging me to do a stand. I think I'm going to have to break down and do it this year.