March 28, 2025

Teacher Appreciation – Water Bottle/Popcorn Treat

You know my feelings about teachers and people who help educate our children…  WE ROCK!  Appreciate us and those who love your kids when they are learning!!!

The next few days I will share some neat-o teacher appreciation ideas.  A gift a day for Teacher Appreciation Week!!

First Up Water Bottle, Crystal Light Packet, and Popcorn all warpped up! 

I saw this at Stamps and Smiles and thought it was super cute and something teachers would enjoy to refresh their day!!!! 

I decided to tweak this idea.  I made a label for a bottle.  It says, Pre-K Teachers Quench our Kiddos Thirst for Knowledge.  I then got the individual popcorn bags and made a label on those.  The label reads;
You planted a kernel of knowledge this year
That in our hearts will keep on popping
We’ll try hard to share it with others
So it can grow without ever stopping!
Love, Your Students
I put those things and a Crystal Light packet in a clear baggie, added a little tag that read;
Here’s a treat for a #1 Pre-K Teacher to enjoy!!!
Here is my bottle:

I used this template for the bottle label!  I just used regular computer paper to print these. 
Here is my popcorn
Here is the finished product:
For a printables similar to this one:
Check out our Teacher Appreciation Packet at

Need end of the year ideas?  Please click here!

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