March 6, 2025

Recipe for a Snowy Picnic…

Make up a pot of hot chocolate… pour it in a few Starbucks coffee cups to keep it warm. Bring along some whip cream for extra smiles. Bundle up your kiddos. Call a friend to join you. Go sledding or just play at the park (it’s another world in the snow)! When the fun is about over, share some warm yummy for the tummy and enjoy a snowy picnic.


The kids will be so tired after they are done that you will have time to blog!
Click here for a recipe for homemade hot chocolate!!!
Looking for a quiet activity to complete after a day of sledding? Have your kiddos color this and this.
Cut out the pictures.
Have the kiddos write about their adventure.

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3 thoughts on “Recipe for a Snowy Picnic…

  1. i so enjoy reading your ideas, I have ideas but some of them are not good enough to post, or I think people have done it 100 x's already, you really are great. My father when he was alive kept telling me to sell my ideas, but you have to be very organized to do that, and I am not LOL happy new year!!!

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