March 26, 2025

It’s Snowing Printables…

Christmas is a time of giving and one thing website owners love to give out over the Holiday is Free winter printable. Here you will find some of my favorite free sheets that could be done at home or at school. Also these make good fillers for a Christmas Eve craft for the kids in your family or to be used at a Holiday party.

Little Stories By Maureen Shared with Teaching Heart

Christmas Lights (PDF)
Christmas Lights (Word)
This a a cute little book that uses color words and the sight words see, I, and lights.
Your kiddos will need to color in the lights to match the text.

Here is Santa (PDF)
Here is Santa (Word)
This is about Santa and what he has on. It uses the sight words; here, is, are, & my.
Some of the pages are color and some are black and white.

More Free Printables at Teaching Heart!

Gingerbread Erase a Rhyme
Three Sheets of fun ideas that will help your students have a great time with rhymes!

Jingle Bell Graphing
Give each student this graph and a baggie filled with some small, medium, and large bells!

Winter Bingo CardPrint a card and then rearrange the pictures and print again to create a set for your class!

Have you checked out Jan Brett’s site? Here are some great printables from her site.

Other Neat-O Printables found all over the web: – Need to keep the kiddos on track? Print this sticker chart out.

Math pages – The kids will love practicing their facts with these pages.

For More Holiday Themed Ideas visit:

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1 thought on “It’s Snowing Printables…

  1. Thanks for the ideas! Wow there's a lot of them! I'm going to need to entertain the kids over the holiday break. These ideas will help.

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