He will be here soon, some things to get you excited:
My favorite Turkey Poem:
I have a turkey, big and fat
He spreads his wings, (Fan hands at hips)
And walks like that (Strut)
His daily corn he would not miss (Pretend to eat corn)
And when he walks, he sounds like this, (‘Gobble, Gobble, Gobble’)
My favorite Turkey Song (You can download off of Itunes. I suggest the Dr. Jean version)
It is on her happy Everything CD
Sing to tune of “O’ My Darlin‘ Clementine”
Albuquerque, he’s my turkey,
and he’s feathered and he’s fine
and he wobbles and he gobbles
and I’m awfully glad he’s mine.
He’s the best pet you could ever get
better than a dog or cat
Albuquerque, he’s my turkey
and I’m awfully glad of that.
Albuquerque, he’s my turkey
he’s so cozy in his bed
because for our Thanksgiving dinner
we had scrambled eggs instead.
Some of my favorite Turkey Reads: