March 4, 2025

Mary Wore Her Red Dress

This book always ends up being my favorite class book! Very easy and simple and so cute. The children draw a picture of themselves with black markers (I use permanent, but in the past used plain markers)Then they use watercolor paints to paint ONE item of clothing ONE color on their drawing. After it dries, cut out the person (I cut a “blob” shape around the body.) Glue the picture on a background color the same color as the one they painted, and then add the verse for their name and color. For example: Alex wore his orange shirt, orange shirt, orange shirt Alex wore his orange shirt all day long.(this sounds confusing…I wish I had a picture!) Hope it makes sense. Then just put all together into class book! It really does turn out cute. – Barb/MN on 8/30/02

Our class big book was very simple. I wore a red dress the day we read the book. Our aide took a digital picture of me and all the children (individually). The title of our book was “Mrs. Karen Wore Her Red Dress” with my picture on the cover. Each child responded to the sentence ___________ wore a _______ _______________. They were asked to pick out one article of clothing. This is probably the most loved book in our room at this time. While the pics are not the work of the children, the book has helped with name recognition and learning the names of classmates.Hope this is something you can use! Posted by Kinderkiddos on 8/30/02

I draw an outline of a person on a white piece of paper (holding the paper vertical) on the bottom I write-_____________ wore (a) ___________ _____________.
I run off a class set. The children add features, hair and clothing to the outline. Then they pick one clothing item and dictate the sentence. Example, Alex wore a blue shirt.We use the book for shared reading and then can be read again and again during centers. Rona/K/NY

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