March 29, 2025

Book Club Game – Firefly Lane by Kristen Hannah

I just finished hosting my book club for the book Firefly Lane. I personally loved the book… Definitely a total chick flick-read – grab the Kleenex! I think I liked it so much because it made me think about my friends (just what is a friend and what would you do for a friend?) , the setting was Washington State (I lived there for four years and loved it! So cool to read about Bainbride Island), and it took place in the 70-80’s (this was the icing on the book)!!! It was very easy for my mind to visualize.

In Firefly Lane you meet Kate and Tully. For thirty years we experience an enduring friendship between these two women. I laughed, cried, and smiled as I devoured this novel. Not only was it a trip down memory lane, but more importantly, it was a poignant and touching reminder of why our friends are so important. It made me want to be a better friend!

The book was such a perfect read for book club. I decided to go with and 80’s theme since so much of the book took place in the 80’s. I encouraged people to dress 80’s or bring pictures of themselves in the 80’s. All participants were put in a drawing for a Rubik cube.

For food, I asked the girls to bring a appetizer if they would have rather been friends with Kate and a dessert if they would have preferred Tully as a friend… If they did not read the book, I asked them to bring a bottle of wine.

I made up a game that contained 80’s activities, book discussion questions, and thoughtful questions about friendship.. All the questions were placed in a baggie. All players sit in a cicle and pass the bag aound. Each person takes their turn pulling a slip of paper from the bag. The slip of paper could have various 80’s task on it or a book discussion questions.

– name the 80’s movie this quote was in
-name these 80’s toys
-play 80’s charades
-name that 80’s tune
-hum an 80’s song…

The object of the game was to collect fireflies by completing given tasks on the card. The people with the most fireflies after all the cards had been read were the winners. The winners got a prize. I used Seattle type prizes, such as: Starbucks Mugs, the book Larry Gets Lost in Seattle, and the DVD Sleepless in Seattle.

You are welcomed to use my files for your book club.

Click on the links to download the files.

If you use the files, let me know how it goes in the comments section!!!

You should also visit the authors website:

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2 thoughts on “Book Club Game – Firefly Lane by Kristen Hannah

  1. hi, I have a blog
    I am doing a blog writing topic challenge from another blogger about topics from A-z and I am on letter J- I wrote about joining in the fun of book clubs, I linked my blog to yours and reposted your awesome ideas, for your firefly book- hope this is ok. I have been using you teaching heart things for years, and love your ideas, come check me out and maybe become a follower, where do you get so many great ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hello – I'm hosting my book club tomorrow, and we're doing Firefly Lane. I'm so glad I googled and found your suggestions. And thank you so much for posting the files for the game. I can't wait to have my club play! I wish I had more time to find some prizes that are appropriate like you did. Oh well, I'm sure I have some prizes at home that I can give. One thing I really like is that I have one person attending to see if she wants to join, and she hasn't read the book. With your game, she can still participate. Thats great! I'll post afterwards and let you know how it went. (LOL, I'm posting as anonymous because the other choices don't apply). My usual identity is jktreads.

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