March 4, 2025

Thankful in 2008

Random things that I am thankful for in 2008: Beware, I am getting a little more personal than I normally do in this post!

My friends… I have the greatest groups of friends. They all mean so much to me and I feel blessed to have them in my life. I believe that each person is put in your life for a reason and no friendship is a mistake!

My parents… I thank God every day for my mom and dad. I have the greatest set of parents who love me unconditionally. Not to mention they are the best grandparents ever. Plus they have a great marriage which I look up to.

My husband is my soul mate. Sure we had our share of fights this year, but he still is my best friend of over 15 years now! He is always cheering me on and makes me laugh when I am in a bad mood. He is the most humble person I know and he has a heart of gold.

My kids… so many times a day I find myself thanking God for my wonderful and beautiful children. They brighten my life. They truly are God’s greatest gift to me. Hearing my youngest sing Christmas songs this year and point out baby Jesus every where she goes just makes me want to scream in joy…Then of course watching my son become a great reader, and such a polite and loving kid in 2008 just makes me so thankful!

My dog… she is great with the kids. She is often neglected, but still loves us. – The site keeps me at home doing the most important job in the world, raising my kiddos to be loving, polite, and thoughtful people. Teaching Heart is another gift from God and this year was another successful year in sales of my CDROMs.

My mother-in-laws health – It is has been a crazy few months for my Mother-in-Law. She was in the hospital for over a month before she was diagnosed with Lupus. It was scary to see her so sick and to think that my children almost lost a grandma this year. Finally she seems to be on the right track. I pray that she will continue to improve and I am thankful that she is one the way to better health.

My family and inlaws – Near or far I love them all. I have the best family. Many I got to see this year in Florida and Colorado, I have a great set of in-laws too. I may get annoyed at some of my in-laws, but I still care for them and love them (most of the time).

My neighbors – I live in a great neighborhood!!

Trips we got to take – Our first trip to Disney World as a family and a trip to Colorado. Disney World was awesome… both my husband and I got weepy when it was time to leave.

Weddings we attended – always fun!!!

Girls night out or a Mommy Time Out with good wine and great friends!

Facebook – Joined in May. It is a black hole in my life… but it is so fun and so neat to reconnect with so many. I need to spend less time checking it – that’s another post on resolutions.

Blogging – another new thing in 2008 for me. I really enjoy learning about it and working on this blog. I also enjoy reading other blogs.

My Gym Membership – although I have not lost a pound this year, I love the gym and the energy it gives me. Hopefully it can help me achieve one of my resolutions for 2009; again, another post!

My House – still very grateful that I have a beautiful home! It is still my dream home!

Our New Mini Van – SUV goodbye and hello to the greatest vehicle on the road. Who knew you could have so much space in a vehicle. Our 12 plus hour car rides to VT are so much more enjoyable thanks to that van. It also proved to be good on a very snowy drive East over the Holidays. Keeping my family safe, yes it is!

My Health – still kicking

My IPOD – it serves so many purposes… entertainment for the kids, exercise motivation…

My DVR – once you go DVR you never go back.

Kindergarten – Giving me a break from at least one child for a short 2 hours.

prices are going down on gas and food – all good!!!

The Tanger Outlets – those are new in 2008 and just down the road. What girl wouldn’t want an outlet only a few minutes away??

The Eagle’s Nest – why don’t all grocery stores in the USA have these?

Bible Study – Learned lots about myself from this group.
I am sure there are many more things I should mention & some of the things mentioned seem so silly… but I am just typing off the top of my head and this what I came up with in 10 minutes.

Yes, all of these things are gifts from God so all the thanks goes to Him. I know that I have a lot more than most people in this world and I don’t take it lightly. I try to share the gifts I have been given. Everyday is truly a gift. I hope that your 2008 was as great as mine was. I wish you the best in 2009.

PS. My son took this picture of me with his new digital camera. It was me relaxing Christmas AM with a cup of Green Mountain Eggnog Coffee and yes… I am thankful for that yummy coffee… it is way too good. I can smell in brewing now! It made a hectic Christmas a little more enjoyable! Happy New Year!

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