March 4, 2025

It’s the first day of Fall, y’all!

My son came home from school today so excited to tell me that summer was over and today was the first day of Fall. I looked at the calendar and confirmed that it was the first day of Fall. Fall is my favorite season. When I taught, summer was my favorite season simply because teachers get a few weeks off from teaching in the summer! Now that I am working all year round, Fall is my favorite season. I love the colors and the feeling in the air. I love pumpkins, mums, apples, and hayrides! I like layering clothing… However, the only thing I don’t like about fall is that winter follows Fall.

To celebrate fall and to kill some time in the afternoon, we went on a leaf hunt. My son (newly 6) and daughter (2 1/2) spent an hour looking for leaves. We had a piece of string & a hole puncher. When they found a leaf they liked, my son would punch a hole in the leaf and then he or my daughter would thread it onto their string. Below this post you can see my son explaining the process! So if you are a mommy looking for a fall time killer that your kids will enjoy – give this a try. My son counted his collection when he was done and he had 42! My daughter sorted hers by colors: red, yellow, brown.

Fall Fun Links:
+ – a unit all about fall

+ – an apple unit. Many printables including;Apple Book– color the apples and write in the number of apples seen on the page. Grades prek-1 and Apple Math – Story problems.Grades 1-2

+ – Scarecrows… Includes many printables like,Let’s Make a ScarecrowA mini book for you to print. Cut on the lines and staple the pages together to form a book. Have your students color. Have them read their book to a friend and an adult. (k-2).

+ – skeleton ideas and many free printables that match various Halloween treats found in your grocery store.

+ – pumpkin ideas

+ – many Halloween fun ideas including the printable witch brew game that my kiddos love to play!

Fall around the blogging world: – Tip Junkie Halloween!

Wendy’s cool monster cupcakes:

My yummy fall apples post

Leaf Glitter Trees from the Crafty Crow and more Fall crafts from the Crafty Crow

How to Boo at Skip to My Lou

Paper Plate Apple Craft found at Ramblings of a Crazy Women

Our How to Make a Leaf String Video

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2 thoughts on “It’s the first day of Fall, y’all!

  1. Hi
    Some how I recently found your blog. I really love it. I have also been on your website many times since I am a preschool teacher (many great ideas there too).

    I love your Fall ideas. I really love this time of year!!

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