July 16, 2024

10 Faves at My House

One of my favorite blogs, Tip Junkie is running a 10 favorite things in your house challenge… I thought I would participate since I already have most of my fave things on my computer. So here goes in random order…

#1. My Southern Living Two Tier Tray!!! I LOVE THIS and use it all the time. It cost a lot for my standards, but I get so much use out of it. Here you see it all dolled up for a cookie exchange a few years ago. I keep it out in my kitchen on the island all the time. It has held many a cupcake, appetizer, and cookie.

#2. My Sons Big Boy Room. I did the stenciling myself and my husband and I painted it and painted on the mock border. It has sports quotes all around it. Red Sox Nation, It’s a Great Day for Hockey, Go Navy Beat Army, How about some football! When we bought this house, the room was HOT pink.

#3. The Baby Room. I always wanted a storybook theme since I love Children’s Literature and I came up with the idea of having various scenes from my favorite children’s books throughout the room with the famous Dr. Seuss quote above the crib reading; “The more that you read,the more you will know,The more you learn,the more places you’ll go.” If you want to see more of the room, I have the pictures here.

#4. The painting of Mt. Rainer

The only REAL art we own.

This just reminds me of a time in my life when life was simple and times were all fun & almost carefree. My husband and I spent our first few years of marriage in beautiful Washington State while he was stationed on a Submarine out of Bangor. We spent many weekends hiking this grand mountain. I also could see Rainier clearly from the school I worked at. When we left the west coast we knew we wanted something special to remind us of our life in Seattle. This is the gift we got at a going away present from the other Officers on the boat. I will often get lost looking at it a remembering where we started our marriage and how far we have come. Someday we both hope to share beautiful Seattle with our children. It was good to us and a wonderful place to start our life together.

#5. My favorite chair and MY Laptop with one of my children (Teaching Heart) displayed on the laptop.
#6. The Old Irish Pub Sign I bought my hubby. Funny, we hardly ever use the bar for what it is for. I think we have had like three parties down there in the six years we have lived here. Still the sign is so cute & IRISH like us!!!

#7. My Tassimo – It’s like my own Starbucks in my house!!!! If you don’t have one… you are missing out!

#8. My shelves in the playroom. All neat and clearly marked. I love seeing organized things and just looking at how every toy has a place makes my heart happy.

#9. My Linen Closet – Sometimes I keep the door open just so I can see how neat it is. I love containers and how they make a closet look clean and keep it organized. It’s just makes life easier. Sorry, I am a bit of a dork, I know!!!

#10. My entrance way. I love walking into my home and getting that feeling of this is mine and this is where I belong. This is the first thing I see when I walk into my house. There is no place like MY home!!!

If you made it this far…. thanks! I would love to see your favorite 10 things in your home. Hop over to Tip Junkie and post your blog!