March 14, 2025

Do You Know The BLUEBERRY Muffin Man?

A friend of mine is part of a family who owns a local farm. She invited us blueberry picking. It was my kiddos first time picking. I learned that picking blueberries can keep kids busy and happy. My 2 year old is the perfect age. She loves putting things inside things. She can spend 30 minutes filling the same bucket of water with water from her baby pool. Similarly, blueberry picking is moving one object into another and she was in heaven. My five year old was just happy to be outside and eating some yummy treats he worked to get.

I was explaining our blueberry fun to my sister in law. She recently went picking blueberries in Maine. I learned from her that Maine blueberry picking is much more different than PA picking. I guess in Maine the blueberries grow on the ground. She was telling me that her picking included almost stepping on a black snake and worrying about bears. That just doesn’t sound fun to me.

My point is that blueberry picking in the right place is a great activity for your kids!

Here is a great link with blueberry picking tips:

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