February 15, 2025

Fall Halloween Party Activities – Centers!

I love a great party!  There is one coming up in many classrooms around the USA!!!  In honor of Halloween parties everywhere, here are some fun party ideas and classroom learning fun for your next BOO – BASH!!!

This post contains pictures of some Halloween party ideas for you or a room mom!!

Halloween roll, double, and cover gameEach student gets a roll, double, cover Halloween board and some spider markers. 1 dice per game.

The object of the game is to be the first person to get 4 in a row. Students take turns rolling the dice, doubling their roll, and then covering up 1 number that matches their roll. For example: if a student rolls a three, they would cover up a 6 with a spider. If they rolled a 1, they would cover a 2 and so on. Then, the next person rolls and does the same. First person with four in a row wins. As you can see from the picture, the student with the mummy card was the winner in this game. Play again if time allows.

Hungry Monsters Adding GameGlue monsters to a cardboard piece. Cut out mouth shapes. I added a plastic bag glue behind each mouth so the balls could be easily caught.

Lay the board up against a wall with access to a whiteboard for score keeping. Use tape to mark a kneeling line about 3 to 4 feet away from the monsters.

1 at a time give the students 8 eyeballs (Ping-Pong Balls) to throw at the monsters. The student throwing should be kneeling on the line. After they have thrown the 8 eyeballs calculate the score together and have them write their score on the board. The next person will do the same. When everyone has had a turn, see which person had the highest score.   Play again if time allows.

Relay with spider rings and straws

Tape a start and turn around line in the hall. Place students in two lines (teams) on one side of hall. Have each team line-up at the start line. Each team gets a paper plate (which will stay on the ground by their start line, 1 straw, and 10 rings.

Taking turns, students must put 10 Halloween Rings on a straw. Run with their covered straw to the other side of the hall and turn around to come back while keeping all ten rings on their straw. Then dump the 10 rings back onto the plate and hand the straw to the next person in line to repeat the sequence. The winning team is the first team to have all of its team members completes the task. Play again if needed. You can mix it up by having students walk backwards, hop, crawl…

Halloween Worksheets easy

A little paper and pencil fun with a word search, a money riddle sheet, and a adding and subtracting riddle sheet!

Fall and Halloween Centers and Games

All of these come from this set!   You can get it here at E-Junkie or here at TPT! 

Fall Centers for First Grade

It has tons of centers and game printables perfect for a first or second grade classroom.  Some of the ideas can be used in Kinder and third as well!

Fall Halloween Centers Second Grade

Learning that is fun is learning that lasts!  The Bingo above is also great for the party mom planning the fall / Halloween Bash!

Everything above can be easily yours… just print, laminate, cut, and have forever!

You can get it here at E-Junkie or here at TPT! 

I hope your Halloween parties are lots of fun!





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