February 15, 2025

Peep Paint and Thumb Bunnies

How much bunny fun can one teacher take?  I may be ALMOST bunny-ed out!!!   Maybe a post or two left on this topic and it will be time to move on!!!  Have to share this so fun craft!!!  I wish you could see the peeps better in the pictures.  We painted them with salt paint and when the paint dries, it feels and looks like how a real Peep feels and looks.  So fun!!!

Peep Paint - Salt!

To make the paint:

Combine 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup liquid laundry starch, 1 cup of salt and a few tablespoons of tempera paint.  When the peeps dry they will have a texture like a real peep!!!

After we painted the Peep (template is found here).

We glued him to another page where we made “thumb” bunnies….  aren’t they adorable??


Doing this with preschoolers – I helped them do their thumb prints…  we did two of each of the two kinds of bunnies.  I drew in one of each kind to show them how to make the bunnies and then they copied mine by making the other two.  They really did well with this craft!  I love how different all the thumb bunnies look!Thumb Bunnies - stamp bunny

Templates for this craft can be found here!


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