February 8, 2025

Owen by Kevin Henkes

A few years ago I ran a contest where teachers submitted Kevin Henkes lesson ideas and printables.  Here is one that was submitted to use with the book Owen.  Click here to see and purchase the book on Amazon.

 Renee Liles/Arkansas shares: “Owen is another one of our favorite Kevin Henkes books. We read the story and students like to share what it is that they would like to bring to school with them. They draw a picture and dictate a sentence about it for me. I created a Owen’s blanket color words worksheet for the students. They color each blanket the correct color and draw a circle around Owen’s blanket.”

Click Here to Download the Owen Sheet!

For More Kevin Henkes Ideas, Lessons, and Printables – Click here!

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6 thoughts on “Owen by Kevin Henkes

  1. I love Owen! Each year, after reading the story, I give each child a 6×9" rectangle of a pink or blue baby blanked that I have cut up (from the Dollar Store). Students are instructed to keep the blankets in their backpacks and take them out anytime they need to sooth their nerves. I have actually had a few each year who quietly go and get the blanket to hold during a lesson or rest time. It is always worth investing a few dollars to see students' eyes light up when they get their piece of Owen's blanket.

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