February 17, 2025

Holy Week…

Wow, Lent is going quickly.  The last week before Easter is here, Holy Week.  I thought I would take some time to share some of my favorite resources for this time of year.  I know many of you are parents and your kiddos are on Spring Break.  Perhaps something you see here you can use this week to make Holy Week the focus in your home.


First off are Ressurection Eggs.  Do you have these?  You can make your own with dollar store eggs and an empty Egg Carton.  I love these resurrection eggs from JOYfilled Family!

The store bought ones are what I use.  I use them at home during Holy Week.  I hide two a day and then we discuss what is inside of the eggs.  I use the story Benjamin’s Box: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs. with the eggs.  We read the part of the story that goes along with the two eggs for the day.  I love this book.  I do something similar with my third grade CCD class.  We do it over the Sunday’s in Lent.

I have shared the printables in the past to make paper Resuurection Eggs for a Lap Book.  Once completed the child can use the book to retell the story of the Death and Ressurection of Jesus.  If you are interested in making this, click here to get the printables. 

I also created a BINGO game to use with my family and CCD class after we have opened all the eggs. 

You need:
1.) M&M’s for each player
2.) Bingo Cards (Click Here) There are 20 different cards. Use the number you need.
3.) Calling Cards (click here)
To play: Draw a card and read the definition about the vocabulary word or picture. Student finds the word or picture that matches your statement. Place the card in the discard area and repeat until someone yells BINGO!!! First person to get four in row, wins!!!!

Have you been to the Stations of the Cross with the kids yet?  I LOVE this Children’s book,T he Story of the Cross: The Stations of the Cross for Children!  The illustrations are wonderful and the text is well written for a K-4th grader to follow along with.  This is a must have for your Easter Collections.

 Stations of the Cross PDF – These are beautiful cards you can cut out and use.

 Stations of the Cross – free to print from St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Catholic Mom Shares this Free Coloring Book.

Holy Thursday Coloring Pages.

Another must have for this week:

 Check out this Free Empty Egg Poem Tag!

Jelly Bean Gosple  – Click Here!

You have to show your kiddos this You Tube Video.  I love it and this Veggie Tales DVD always comes out during Holy Week.  My kids 6 and 9 both still love it!!!  I love her voice.

 I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. – John 11:25-26

May your week be blessed and full of reflection!



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