February 8, 2025

Tally & Graph – She ate what?

Yesterday I shared an Old Lady Dice Game  to match the story, There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover!  Today I would like to share a Tally and Graphing activity that can be used with the book.  It is a a four page file free to download and use.

Click here to  get the templates above!!! 

Set-up  for Teachers:  Print a set of cards (page 1 and 2) per each group of three players.   I suggest you print the playing cards on cardstock.
Print Playing card on page 3 for each set of three students.
Print question page 4 on the back of the playing card.

On page 3 students should, write each players name above a tally chart and a graph.  Shuffle cards and lay face down.  Take turns drawing a card.  Place a tally mark next to the item drawn.   Continue until all cards have been drawn.  As you can see from the image below, player three just drew a violin and will add a tally mark to the violin column.

Once all the cards have been used, students should color in the graphs to represent their tally marks for each Old Lady.  Turn paper over and work together to answer the questions about the graphs graphs.

 Looks like fun. want to print it?  Click here to download and print!!! 

Need more St. Patty Day Fun?  Visit our theme page for more lesson ideas.  Click here!

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Leap Day is so close…. Have you seen our Leap Day Packet? Click here to check that out!!!

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