February 17, 2025

Kindergarten Candy Land Sight Word Edition

Here’s an example where I actually saw something on Pinterest and then didn’t just pin it, I made it!  LOL!  Kindergarten Candy Land the Sight Word Edition.  We just played it the other night as a family and even my third grader enjoyed it, although it is for my Kindergartener’s Teacher.  I had to spice up what I saw on Pinterest to make it my own.  Since my daughter will be giving this to her teacher for Valentine’s Day, I added a picture of her teacher as the Queen of Candy Land.  Yes, that is her head front and center.  I am sure she will have a good laugh when she sees this.  Luckily I know she is a good sport.  This is the third time I have used her head on something (and surely not the last).  My son had her three years ago and at the end of the year I made the class a Beach in the a glass where I used her on the cup (you can see that here).  Also inside on the board I put familiar heads on the characters found on the board…  The principal, assistant principal, librarian, and gym teacher all made the board.  My third grader thought this was extra cool and my daughter was all giggles.  I also added many small pictures of the school mascot.  It’s almost like a find Waldo sort of thing, except it is the school mascot.  For the cards I used the Kindergarten sight words they have been working on this year.   For some of the cards I used the sight words in a sentence.  It is played just like regular Candy Land except you have to read the card before you move the color on the board.   It’s a great way to review the sight words.  My son also pointed out that you could put anything on the cards (multiplication, study questions…) and play the game. 

This makes a great gift for a classroom teacher or just to make for your class to use. 

If you enjoy that and want more ready to print, check out our Sight Word Packet Here…

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