February 8, 2025

From Magic Kingdom to Reality

We just had an awesome family vacation.  We ALL LOVE Disney World so much…  We smiled so much on our six day stay that my mouth still kind of hurts…  The kids were awesome (I guess any kid would be at Disney World), the weather was perfect, and the memories were magic…

Back to reality…

No more:

Beds made by someone other than me with cute towel decorations on them…
No more dips in the pool after a long day at the parks…  plus it was in the mid 80’s there and it is in the 40’s- 60’s here!!!
No more watching the kids in their glory and just enjoying their smiles at the happiest place in the world…
No more characters dancing around our dinner table…
No more trips with Peter Pan…
No more views of my favorite castle…
No more over the top parades…
They have switched up the firework show at Magic Kingdom since our last visit… they do a photo montage on the castle that is out of this world… only Disney Style…  plus love me some heart shaped fireworks…
No more Princesses making my son blush and my daughter break out in song!
No more trips around the word with a glass of wine in hand..
This is our first time using the meal plan…  the thing is not for the health conscience…  you get crazy desserts with each meal; plus a snack a day…  We ate like kings and queens… Luckily all the heavy walking kept the scale in one place…  mmmm… I miss the food.  Bonus – I did not cook for over a week!!!!
Dinner at in an indoor drive-in…  too fun!
If only my yard could look like this…  you should see the weeds I pulled today!!!
Yes that is a Trash Can…  He moved and talked.  That was one of the highlights of my kids trip…  The trash can named Push who talked to them and even shouted GO PENS…  You never know what new Magic you will find at Disney World.
We just have to go back when this new section of Fantasy Land is done… They are building Belle’s Castle…  I’ll be back… 
Send me back, I will even ride the Dinosaur ride that scared the Bee-Gees out of me and my daughter…
I love you and miss you Disney World. The memories made on this trip are forever carved in my mind to pull out on a rainy  day!

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4 thoughts on “From Magic Kingdom to Reality

  1. We went at the beginning of March so I FEEL YOUR PAIN! We loved the dining plan as well. So glad you walk some of it off! But so yummy! Dinosaur scares me too but my son was determined to ride so I went with him and my husband and, of course, I hated it and he got scared. LOL! The trash can was great and we actually spotted the guy that was walking around controlling and talking for it. My 5 year old and I are headd back in July with some friends!

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