February 15, 2025

Moooo…. It’s Monday!

Hello, It’s a Moo…. It’s Monday post!  Do you believe it? 

Sunday I run The Great Race!  Anyone else?  My goal for this race will be tough for me.  I want to run it in an hour.  Six miles in an hour.  I have a hard time doing this when I train, but I hit it on the treadmill on Thursday…  Yeah! 

Hopefully I can run this through the hills of the Burgh!  I finished 10 miles in less  than 2 hours at the GW…  So if I cut off some time, I can get six done in an hour.  Hoping with my fingers crossed!!!

What I love best about six miles is the calorie burn…  Look at that 909 calories…  Spent 450 of that at Panera following the run! 

I am excited about this race.  My Dad is running it too and he has run it many times.  My uncle (mom’s brother)  use to run it. He is my idol runner!  He even placed in the race & was in a commerical for the race back in the late 80’s.  So it will be neat to run the race! 

Funny, but they have a heavy weight category in the race for women.  If you are 140 pounds or over, you are eligible for the heavy weight category.  I think that weight should be set higher or go by height…  I am 5″10.  There is no way I will stand on a scale to get the title of heavy weight, even if it means I have a chance of winning a prize.  Wonder how many women would?  The heavy weight for the men is 200lbs.  LOL!

To prepare this week…
Sunday – Run on Trail 4 miles
Monday – Bootcamp – DONE!
Tuesday – Run 3 miles
Wednesday – bootcamp
Thursday – Run 2 miles
Friday – Bootcamp and one last run
Saturday – REST
Sunday – Race Day!

Look a Great Race Post!!! I Run Like a Mother (her six year old ran this race in an hour and 7 min.!!!)

Good luck all!! 

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1 thought on “Moooo…. It’s Monday!

  1. You can do it! Yeah for you….for trying. You have to have goals and you do! I wimped out. Sorry. Good Luck!

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