September 19, 2024

I Want To See Your Fall Decor…

I am a snoop… I love shows like House Hunter (on TLC). Similarly, I like to look on house listing sights. No, I am not looking for a new house, I just like looking to see how other people decorate… I will admit that when I walk my dog at night I like to look in lit-up windows to see how people decorate. I am not a great decorator by any means. My husband calls our house a little bit of french, some modern, and some country. I am probably more confused then anything. One thing I do like is quotes, pictures, the colors red and green. I try to base my decorations around those things.

I love the blogging world for all it has to offer… Especially when people post pictures of the inside of their home. My girlfriend Rebecca (who is gifted in the area of decorating) shares her fall decor on her site. I love the scarf on her mantel. She got it from Lillian Vernon. I want one. Before I knew where she got it, I went out looking for something similar and unfortunately, never found it… so I settled for this black thing with lights instead.

If you like snooping at others homes and love Fall decorations, hop over to Tip Junkie’s Tour of Fall Homes. You can share your home too!
In 2008, I shared this. Here is my home all ready for Fall 09. Welcome, come on in… I love mums!
This is my entrance way. You can see a little bit of Fall and Halloween here and there.

And my Kitchen Island. Here’s me being creative with fall leaves on my server.

My dining room with the spider web on the chandelier… kids love that! Then my fave pumpkin on the table.
Don’t forget to get your kids decorating too… You know how I love perler beads. My kids made Halloween shaped sun catchers with Perler beads. Aren’t they cute?

Have a wonderful Fall!