February 17, 2025

Rolling Out Treats and Fun With Idioms.

It has been a rainy weekend here in the Pittsburgh area. I told my daughter yesterday that I wish it would stop raining cats and dogs. She looked at me funny and said… “It is raining water not cats and dogs, Mommy!” I explained to her that I was just saying something silly. My son started in on the conversation and said, like when you say, “My spelling words are a piece of cake?”

One of those a-ha moments for mom: My goodness, my son listens to me… So of course I had to explain to him a big third grade word. IDIOMS! Then I had to read him a fun book that would show him more idioms. My girlfriend who teaches fourth grade, told me about this book. She explained how much her fourth graders enjoy the book. Some of the stuff was over my seven year old’s head, but could be explained. I use idioms often, so he enjoyed hearing and seeing the pictures of the ones I often say. Even my husband laughs at me when I tell him he is a card when he says something sarcastic… so he enjoyed the book too.

Since it was raining cats and dogs, we played a dice game about cats and dogs. Both my three year old and seven year old could play this game together. i helped my three year old play.

Basically all you need is dice, two crayons, and this free printable sheet from Teaching Heart.

Children take turns rolling the dice and marking off the cat and dog treats as they go. The first person to color in all their treats is very lucky and has fed their cat or dog well. Once you see the activity sheet, you will see this activity is a piece of cake and a fun way to end a rainy day – it’s icing on the cake!

What idioms do you use in your everyday speak?

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1 thought on “Rolling Out Treats and Fun With Idioms.

  1. How cute. I never heard of that book before but I use the word pickle all the time. "Oh pickle!" It's the word I say instead of what's really in my head. So much more kid friendly. I'll have to read that book with the kiddos.

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