February 15, 2025

Back To School Party Day 3 – Smath Giveaway #5

Day Three of our Back To School Party! I don’t know about you… but I am having fun! Thanks you all for your excitement about the party… it make me want to do it again. Before I tell you about the next giveaway, I need to shout out: Please check over the other five giveaways. Read over each giveaway. If you entered and your comment was not posted it was because you did not follow the directions on a entry. Each entry is different. I know many of you want that Walmart card… but you need to have a blog so that you can blog about the Walmart giveaway. So be sure to read the rules for each entry. Also, the last day for all entries for each of the giveaways is August 14th. Now time to get back to the party… This is an easy one & there are lots of options to enter!

Sharpen you child’s math skills before they go back to school with this fun game!!!

Product Description

Smath is the game that makes math fun. Now you can sharpen your math skills the fun way. This game makes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division more exciting than ever.
Players use number and symbol tiles to make math equations crossword puzzle-style. Use the tiles in your hand and the ones already on the board to build your own new equations.

Smath can be played on two different levels – one for beginners and one for more advanced players. For beginners, start with simple addition and subtraction equations. As players improve their math skills, multiplication and division can be added to game play and equations. Players score points by adding the value of the tiles they use for each equation formed. Try to increase your score by covering bonus squares with your tiles.
Includes: Smath game board, 184 playing pieces, four game racks and complete instructions. “

Rules To Enter To WIN!!!:
You may pick either to do #1 or #2 or #3. You may do all three entries or just one or two. Three entries per person. Pick one or do all three… Each entry should be a seperate comment… Please enter on or before August 14th.

1.) In the comments section share a back to school memory that you have. Leave your email in your comment. and/or

2.) Follow me on twitter. http://twitter.com/teachingheart After you are following me, make a comment that you are following Teaching Heart on Twitter in the comments section of this post!!! and/or

3.) Join BOTH facebook pages.
This will make sure your updates show up in your feed

General Fans Page

After you join, make a comment that you joined the BOTH Facebook pages or if you are already a member of both then tell me that you are already a member in the comments section of this post. (You entry will only be approved if you are a member of both Facebook pages)

Winner will be posted August 17, 2009. Items will be shipped the week of the 17th!!!

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30 thoughts on “Back To School Party Day 3 – Smath Giveaway #5

  1. I'm already a member of both FACEBOOK pages. I've been a fan for a long time 🙂
    Susie, Chicago

  2. My favorite back to school memory was when I was about 6 years old. I wanted to and insisted on walking to school by myself. Well, I got lost! But guess what? My dad had been following me the whole time. So he let me have about 25 seconds panic and then he rescued me~! He still laughs about it to this day!

  3. I remember being thrilled about going back to school at 11 because my mom bought me an awesome silver vest and new jeans- he he he it was 1989 after all! Thanks!

  4. My favorite back to school memory happened just this last school year. We are assigned 3 8th graders to help in our Pre-K classroom each year. Our Pre-K starts a week after the "big" kids so our helpers start our 1st day. So who were my helpers? They were students from my very 1st class at this school. They came in, gave me big hugs and proceeded to tell my little ones how much fun they would have with me as a teacher and that I already loved them and would take the best care of them. Easiest transition into school for my littles that I have ever had.
    Valerie in Chicago

  5. My favorite back to school memory is my first day of teaching. I had wanted to be a teacher for many years but decided to wait until my children were old enough. So the year my oldest graduated from high school, I graduated from college with my teaching certificate. The first day I was probably more nervous then my students. I could hardly sleep the night before. It was just a surreal experience my dream had finally come true.

    I am following you on both Facebook pages.

  6. My favorite back to school memory is modeling my new clothes for my mom and nana after shoppig. Then my sister would help me pick out the perfect back to school outfit.

  7. Last year my back to school memory actually started day two of school. I prepared and prepared as much as possible while awaiting paperwork in HR. Well, I came to teachingisaworkofheart and found so much to help me…and I was panicking on who and how my students would be. When I walked in the students were with a male substitute that was sitting with two boys. One kid was in the corner doing twirls and sommersaults on the carpet in back of him. Girls were all over the room trying to do everything and to say the least it was a mess. The substitute tried to get the students' attention but to no avail. As I watched I told myself…time to step in—CLAP ONCE, CLAP TWICE, CLAP THREE x's instant quiet…and then the school year began.

  8. My favorite back-to-school memory is my first day of school. My mom walking my sister and I to school. My sister being the veteran second grader took off once she hit the school ground. My mom walked me to the cafeteria where I waited with the other children for a teacher to call my name. My teacher, of course, was the prettiest and had a beautiful smile. I kissed my mom and waved bye-bye to my baby sister and thought – "Here goes my new adventure, without any sisters!" = ) email: cathyc119@yahoo.com

  9. Hi,
    I joined both groups on Facebook and I am following you on Twitter.
    My favorite back to school memory has to be when I was teaching my second year. The first day of school 20 little shy faces walked into my classroom. We did various back to school activities throughout the day. When it was time to line up and go home one little boy ran up from the back of the line and hugged me, he whispered, "thanks for being such a sweet teacher." I always smile when I remember that.

  10. I don't have one memory in particular but I loved back to school shopping with my Mom. We made it a whole day event! Lunch and Dinner out and shopping in between. I wasn't allowed to use or wear my new stuff until school started. It made starting school fun!

  11. I have lots of great back to school memories. One of them is walking to the bus stop with all the other kids in our neighborhood. It was kind of a long walk for little kids and back then parents didn't need to walk with us. And it was always fun to see the kids at the other end of the street whom you hadn't seen all summer.

  12. My back to school memory comes from when I was a child. The excitement began building mid-August when we would begin the back to school shopping for supplies. I can remember the anxiety of starting another year, the hopes of doing well in the next grade, and even the smell of the paper and new binders! I still feel the excitement when I'm shopping for my own children, the daycare, and my work as an EA!

  13. My BTS memory is from the first day of my senior year. I had a fantastic summer with my boyfriend (now husband) and was looking forward to my last year of high school. I remember standing at the bus stop on my first day – thinking, this is it….I'm on the edge of a whole new experience!

    ~ Jennifer

  14. My favorite childhood memory of back to school is always traveling about an hour from my home town to go school shopping. My dad would always come along and sleep in the middle of the mall while my mom and sister and I shopped. He NEVER complained about how long it took. I think he looked forward to the yearly naps.

  15. My favorite back to school memory is one where a little girl came into my classroom on the first day of school and stood in the doorway and stomped her foot. She shouted, "I don't want to go to school." Her mom of course told her that she had to, and she came in without any tears. She was one of my best students that year. She is in 6th grade and still attends our school. I love to remind her about that day.

    I am following you on both Facebook pages and on Twitter.


    My email is sue.lattea@gmail.com

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