Many days we pack a lunch and let the kids eat at the park… this equals no clean-up at home… ahhhh, just another benefit of the summer months. Many of us smart mommies pack an outside box we keep in our car. My box usually has chalk, balls, parachute, towels, trucks, bubbles, Frisbees, and other outside toys.
Our Spring so far has been lacking in the good weather department, so I am even more looking forward to outside time. In the spirit of the summer that is coming, I wanted to share some idea/links I have been saving that all deal with outside fun…
Adventures of a Flake shares this outside fun idea… Throw some large paper up on an outdoor upright surface and let the kids create outdoors.

Frugal Family Fun Blog tells us how to make our own sidewalk paint. I promised my son we would try this…

Put on your favorite pair of flipflops and surf on over to
Flipflops and Applesauce to download the street sign scavenger hunt printable.
Keep those tin cans! Add some string and some sticky foam stickers and let the kids make their own stilts.
Crafty Suzanne can tell you more!!! This would be a fun birthday party craft for an outdoor birthday party!
I think I will add a puzzle to my outdoor park box after reading this;
Jigsaw Puzzle Hunt
Get a kid’s jigsaw puzzle that has large pieces (20 or less is optimal). Hide the puzzle pieces all over the play area. Kids have to find the pieces and put the puzzle together to win. If you want more than one team to compete, paint the backs of each team’s puzzle pieces a different color.
Bubbles, Bubbles… We use these so much. I usually buy my bubbles at the dollar store. However, I am considering making my own bubbles with the recipe and ideas at
Make and Take.
No Time for Flashcards shares the idea of a outside toy car wash. I have even had my kids wash the back of the house to keep them busy. Sometimes I give them real pain brushes and some water and have them paint the porch or swing set with water. Another idea I have seen is an outdoor baby doll bath.
I love, love, love these great ideas at
Family Fun… Go check it out. You know I will be making those special dice!
Kids love the parachute…
Moogie shares great parachute games. I’ll bring the parachute to the park if someone wants to play these games with the kids.
What fun! We frequent some of the same blogs. I came over from ABC and 123. 🙂 I’m really enjoying your blog.
Wow what a great group of friends you have. 😉
Did ya have to pick a photo of me prego???
Can’t wait for the park group to start up again.