December 11, 2024

Groundhog Day!

Two fun days are around the corner and happen quickly once February meets us! Groundhog Day and the 100th Day of school. For this Post, I though I would share some Ground Hog Day Activities & Links to good ideas!!!

Mr Groundhog down below
Pops up through the fluffy snow
See his shadow watch him go
Winter’s here to stay
OH NO!!!!!!
Some Fun Groundhog Links:
Make Sure you Check out Star Fall – My daughter loves this!
Hey, check out these little guys!!!

They are cupcakes from Family Fun!

Tip Junkie has some cute ideas posted!
Print and Match the Tiny Groundhogs!
My Six Year Old loves Mazes, try this Groundhog Maze on a cloudy afternoon!
Literature Tie-In From a Teaching Heart Mailring Member:
I usually read the True Story of Punxsutawney Phil and I also have the puppet to go with it. Then we watch and look at the paper to see if Pux finds his shadow. I also have the students graph whether or not they think that Pux will see his shadow. It is really a cute story and then in the back they have pictures of the real PunxsutawneyPhil.