February 17, 2025

Making Fall Trees

I had a funny thought today while in Target & walking through the kids craft area, my daughter (2 1/2) has never finger painted!!! Bad mommy… but I was a good mommy to my son/ first born. In fact, he was painting since he was six months old (patting myself on the back). Not sure what he got out of that. Anyhow, I decided to let the kids finger paint today. We made Fall Trees! My son was into making the tree look like a tree and my 2 year old was more into feeling the paint on her fingers and rubbing it onto the paper. As my preschool teacher friend Amy would say, “It is not the product, but the process!” Actually we are out on the porch right now and she is still painting as I type away on my back porch enjoying this Fall day!

What you need:

Sponge cut up.

Fall color finger paints.
We mixed green & yellow to get brown… Which my son a K student was into since they are talking and learning about primary and secondary colors in school. Wouldn’t his teacher be proud of me? Heehee!!

Hand print becomes the branches. Use a sponge to tap on the leaves.
Autumn Leaves(Frere Jacques)
I’m a tree (2x)
Look at me (2x)
Autumn leaves are falling (2x)
All Around (2x)

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3 thoughts on “Making Fall Trees

  1. i love your blog! i never knew you owned teaching heart i’ve been to it many times getting home stuff to do with my 2nd grader over summer break, weekends, holidays etc..! so thank you so much for your comment on my blog it means alot coming from you!

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