TEACHING HEART'S Valentine's Day Lessons, Printables, Links, and Activities For Lovely Teachers!!! (Tons and Tons of ideas - You will be full of lessons ideas by the end of this page!!) |
I am loving the LOVE BUG!!! I think you could do many lessons using a Love Bug Theme!!! Here are two free printables that are all about the Love Bug!!!
First up is a Roll and Draw a Love Bug Game. All you need is the free printable and some dice. The object of the game is to roll the dice and day all the parts to your love bug. First player to have all six parts on the love bug wins.
“Hi Colleen,
I LOVE your love bug idea, but it didn’t fit with what we are learning. We are doing tens and ones and numbers to twenty. I hope you don’t mind that I changed it around a little bit to match up with the Math in Focus chapter that we are doing. I’ve attached it for you. Feel free to share. Cindy Parr”Thanks Cindy, I checked out your sheet and created a new sheet based on what you were looking for. Below is the new Love Bug Sheet with the Tens and Ones concept.
I was at Sam’s Club and ran across these fruit heart shaped snacks (also available at Amazon by clicking here)… I created two activity sheets to match these yummy treats!
download the graph and compare sheet here. - Grades 1, 2, and 3. They will need to create a graph, read it, and answer questions about it. Then, they are asked to look at a friend’s graph and tally their friend’s results, and finally finish up by comparing the two results!Download the sorting sheet by clicking here - For PreK amd K
New and Note-worthy!!!
Click Here to Download Cupcake Math!
Easy to set-up Classroom Party Games!
You can get it here on E-junkie
How about YOU fill my heart to BEE my Valentine???
You must supply markers but only set-up required is to print and cut-out a set of cards!!! Be the first to fill you heart by covering all the circles. To play: Players take turns in order drawing 1 card and performing the act on the card. For example: If the card says +3, then the player would add 3 pieces to their heart. If the card asks the player to give a piece away, they must give one piece away, if they have the piece to give. If they do not have any pieces on their heart, they do nothing and it is the next persons turn. Play continues until someone covers up all the circles on their heart! Grades Pre-K to Second!
Here is a fun dice game… just grab some dice and print one of these for each student. They can play with partners. Let’s see who fills up their chocolate box first!!!
Below are some of the cards to a Valentine’s Day Puzzle game. This is played like our FREE Gingerbread Puzzle game that has been a hit in many a classroom. Click here to view that free game and to get an idea of how this is played.
You can get it here on E-junkie
Left, Right, Center (Post Office)!!!
SET UP: Each die in LRP has a single envelope on three of its sides; the other sides are marked with an L, an R, and a picture of a Post Office Box. You need at least three people to play, but there is no upper limit on number of players. You will need three dice and each player needs three envelope graphics (used as tokens).
Place the large US Mail Box in the middle of the table. Put the dice in the middle of the table and give each player his or her 3 envelope tokens to start. Pick the person who has the Birthday closest to Valentines Day to go first and then play will move clockwise from there.
TO PLAY: If you roll an L or an R, pass a token (envelope) to the player sitting to your left or right, respectively. If you roll a mailbox, put a token (envelope) on the mailbox in the middle of the table. If you roll a envelope, keep an envelope token.
On the first turn, each player will roll all three game dice. After this round, a player may only roll all three dice if he or she has three or more tokens /(envelopes).
If a player has one or two tokens (envelopes), he or she only rolls one or two dice, respectively. If a player has no tokens, he or she skips his or her turns until another player’s roll gives him or her a token (envelope) or tokens (envelopes) again. Play continues until only one player has any tokens (envelopes) left — he or she wins the game.
This is going to be a fun VDAY party!!! You can find this game in the Teaching Heart Valentine’s Day Game Packet!!!
You can get it here on E-junkie
Valentine's Day Telling Time Activities
Look at the goodies...
But be sure to download this for free!!!
Click Here to Download the Free Page and a Preview of the new set!
Heart Telling Time Puzzles
elapsed time task cards…
Fun Valentine’s Day Themed telling time activities written for grade 2. Includes elapsed time and telling time in five minute increments. Includes 22 heart shaped puzzles. I tried to make these easy to print and use. (all black and white files)! Just print and go!!!
Page 3 and 4—Two Valentine’s Day Themed Time Worksheets. A story is told and a time is given for each sentence, student must put the minute and hour hand on the clock to match the sentence.
Pages 5 to 8—Elapsed Time (hour to half-hour) task cards. You get six task cards and a record sheet. I printed the task cards on bright pink paper. Makes a great math center!
Page 9 to 13—Self checking heart puzzles. One side has the clock and the other the time. Student matches. 22 puzzles. Great for a math center. (5 minute increments)
Page 14—Activity sheet. What time is it, Valentine? The student writes the time next to the clock. (5 minute increments)
Page 15—Activity sheet. Student draws the minute hand and hour hand on the clock to match the given time. (5 minute increments)
Page 16—This sheet is a blank clock that you can program as you wish and then run copies.
Page 17—Cut apart puzzle. Print and cut apart. Have students glue the puzzle back together. Start time is 12:15 to 1:30.
All files copyright C. Gallagher www.teachingheart.net 2014
Graphics purchased and used in this set:
Confetti Graphics , Graphics From the Pond , and Microsoft Clipart!JUST $3.00 for the files sent instantly! - They come in a PDF!
Conversation Hearts Activities
Poems, Songs, Fingerplays For Valentine's Day!
Teachers From the Teaching Heart Mailring Share Their Ideas
Other Fun Acttivities
1.) Bee Mine Valentine
Board Game (K-3) – Great Game for Reviewing
Previously taught skills. All you need is a die and
flash cards. You can use math problems, questions
from a previously taught lesson, spelling words…
The object of the game is to collect all four pieces and
then you are the winner. Roll the dice. Move.
Turn over a flash card. Answer the questions.
Collect your piece. 2.) Cupid Erase a Rhyme
(1-2) This is three sheets. The first
sheet is teacher directions. The second sheet is an easy
to draw graphic of cupid. (The students may also keep
this at their seats and cross out the parts as you work
the lesson with the class.) The third sheet is an
independent activity for your students to complete after
the lesson. 3.) Conversation
Heart (k-1) - Your teacher will give you a bag
or box of conversation hearts. Use the
hearts to complete this page. 4.) Graphing Candy
Hearts (K-3) – Includes two pages for the student.
Just provide the candy hearts. Students color
the graph to match the hearts you have. After you
have the graph colored, trade with a friend and have them
answer the questions on the back using your graph. *5.) Following
Directions – You can use this with non-readers
by reading them the directions and have them do as stated
(PreK-1) or use with readers by having them read the
sheet and complete (1-2). *6.) V-day Mini
Book (2-3) Student completes given tasks in book. 7.) V-day Topper
– Attach this cute Topper to a bag of candy for your
students and watch them smile! Bonus St. Patrick’s
Topper inside as well. (Comes in PDF and Publisher) *8.) V-day Mini
Book - (k-1) An easy to read book for your students to
make. (word) *9.) Bring a Heart to Life
(1-3) This includes three pages & detailed
instructions. A student game. Students roll dice &
complete the given task. First person to complete all
tasks wins. Simple adding is required. (word) *10.) Valentine’s Day Card
Activities (1-3) – After your kids collect their
card have some educational fun with the cards by using
this activity. Students will use their cards to
make a graph and answer questions about their cards.
(word) *11.) Heart Drop Game (1-3)
– All you need to play this fun game that will be
helpful when working with fact families. Directions
are on the first page of the document. (Word) *12.) Questions About a
Valentine Graph – Answer questions about the given
graph (1-2) (word) *13.) Heart Plural Ending
Activity Sheets – Students use the word bank and
change the word to plural by placing it in the correct
heart (2-3) (word) *14.) Heart Sums Game –
This game is set-up for addition. You may change
the sums to play as multiplication. A two player game.
You supply dice and two crayons. Activity sheet is
attached on page 2 of document. (1-3) *15) Compound Word Puzzle
Take it to Your Seat Center – Includes center pieces
and an activity sheet. You can change the words on
the puzzle hearts to meet your needs. 16.) Valentine Candy Bar
Wrapper – You are ready to give your students a
treat!!! Fits a regular hershey bar. This
file is PDF. *17.) Sorting
Valentine’s Day Pictures – Three pages. Directions
for the teacher. Pictures for the students to cut
out and glue to a sorting sheet. (K-1) Once the
sheet is complete they may answer the questions on the
third page about their sorting sheet. (1-2) Get a better look at what is in the packet. Click here for Printable Index with pictures. These are word files and
some are PDF. As soon as you pay you will get directions
for instant download. *These sheets may be modified to meet your needs. The wrapper and topper are the only sheets that will be in PDF and cannot be modified. Once you place your order you will be sent directions for an instant download. Seventeen different activities! Over 25 pages of resources. $12.99 Single Classroom use only! To Learn about this on &
other products, please go to: |
I love using dice for games. For Little Hands that still have
trouble with the dice, why not make your own big dice...
Vanna shares on this youtube video some fun dice
activities and ideas for making large dice.
Cute Valentine's - Do Yourself DIY
is a cute valentine that the teacher can give to the
students. All you will need is the printable and mini
M&M's. Print on cardstock and cut out. Fold in the
Now look at that, V-day is more than a month away and you already have a lesson planned and your Vaentine's Day treat for your students ready to go! YOU ROCK!!! Did you smile?
You can download the printable above here. |
You can download my sock printable here! |
You can download my printable here.
Let's start with the DOTS candy. "I love that you DOT your i's and cross your t's in my class! Happy Valentine's Day!" Super Easy
and Fun. You can download the printable by clicking
here!!! |
The student to student tag says… ” I think you are a great friend from your head to your foot. Happy Valentine’s Day!” The teacher to student one says… “ I love having you in my class, because you always but your best foot forward. Happy Valentine’s Day.” |
Fun With Valentine's Day
You will need a bag of Hershey Kisses for these gems... I know, I use food a lot in my freebies and many schools say no to food... good things is you can modify and instead of Hershey kisses use another shape to do these activities. Or you can tweak these actvities to match the standards you are working on. The first activity is a CVC reading matching activity. The student reads the word and matches the picture to the correct word. Print the file and glue the pictures to seven kisses. |
The second activity is math fun. The student solves the problem on the kiss and then covers the answer. In this picture you see 3+3 and the student would need to cover six. You can download the printable for both of these actvities by clicking here. |
can get the valentine packs that come in a large bag with
44 pouches inside. You will need to give each student two
packs. Have them open the packs and lay them on the given printable to form a graph. Then the students answer questions about their bags of candy. Finally they compare their graphs with another classmates! Lots of fun with math and reading going on. You can click here to download the free Sweethearts Activity. |
IDEAS I HAVE SEEN ONLINE AND LOVE!!! Besides my ideas, I have seen a few free fun ideas around the web, that you may like to try and use on Tuesday... 1.) A Learning Experience shares (Delicious) Sensory Writing with Hershey’s Kisses (Click to learn more)! 2.)
Tot School uses the colorful dot
stickers you can get at the store to make a matching
game. (Click here to learn more)! 3.)
I LOVE this idea from Reading Confetti - It's a number hunt. (Click Here to Learn More) 4.)
This idea uses more candy than just a kiss... but o, what
fun this would be for a VDAY party!!! I love it! It is a
Minute to Win It Game from Stacy. (click here to learn more)! |
Great Links to more v-day ideas!
Click Here Free Telling Time with Cupid! |
Copyright 2012 Teaching Heart