Teaching Heart's
Scarecrow Theme
Fall is in the air and this
year more than ever, I am seeing scarecrows
everywhere. I thought scarecrows would be a great
mini unit and wanted to share some of my ideas
with you. Welcome to Teaching Heart's Scarecrow
page. I hope you find something you can use with
your students!
Oct. 2011
Visit http://www.scarecrowland.co.uk/history.html
to get some background on the scarecrow!

Free to Print From www.teachingheart.net
Let's Make a

A mini book for you to print. Cut on the
lines and staple the pages together to
form a book. Have your students color.
Have them read their book to a friend and
an adult. (k-2)
Scarecrow Scare!

Print and Laminate. Cut out each
scarecrow box and place in a pocket
chart. Cut out each crow and place in a
jar next to your chart. The student must
place the number of scraecrows scared
next to the scarecrow. (k-1)
Following Directions
You can have your students complete this
sheet by reading it on their own (1-3) or
you may read it to your students and have
them follow your verbal instructions.
Color and Write
Student colors the scarecrow picture and
then writes a sentence or a paragraph
about the picture. (k-3)

My Favorite Books For This Unit!
The Little Old
Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything

Make pumpkin
cutouts and place the following words onto the
cottage, sliver,
Talk about the
words. Write them in sentences.
During the
start of the story the little old lady runs into
a pair of shoes. What is unusual about these
shoes? Would you be scared if a pair of shoes was
following you?
After the
pumpkin says, "Boo, Boo!" in the story
ask the students to tell you what they tink will
happen on the next page?
On the thirs
to last page the little old lady whispers
something to all the objects. What do you think
her idea was? What would be your idea?
On the next
page, the lady looks out the window. Before
turning the page ask the students to make
predictions on what she might see.
When the
pumpkin's head shouted, "Boo, Boo!" the
little old lady ran off. Have children brainstorm
other situations that are made more frightening
with sounds. Then play the following Halloween
soundtrack and have children guess harmless ways
the sounds could of been made.
Theater to
Match this!
~Free Matching

Free To Print from other sites!

Great Poem, Songs, Fingerplays
the farmer's scarecrows
We scare away the birds,
We keep
the farmer's corn safe
any words.
But when
Halloween comes
We jump
out of the ground
And we
scare the boys and girls
they come walking 'round.
The Scarecrow
Scarecrow standing in the field On
a bright and sunny day, Don't
forget to do your job. Scare the
hungry crows away!
Title: I'm a
Little Scarecrow
(I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little scarecrow,
Raggedy and worn.
I wear a hat,
And a shirt that's torn.
When the crows come,
I wave and shout,
"Away from my garden ----
Get on out!"
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
How scary can you be?
You scared away the crows (children
have fun giving ideas)
But you can't scare me!
No, you can't scare me!
Five Stuffed
Five Stuffed Scarecrows in the corn
The first one said, "Go away,
The second one said, "I am very
The third one said, "I am standing
The fourth one said, "On my head I
wear a hat."
The fifth one said, By me feet runs a
Five stuffed scarecrows in the corn
Moving left and right as the autumn wind
Fun Ideas
Place on a table the different articles
of clothing and types of filling used to
create a scarecrow. Have the children
feel the raffia, crumpled newspaper, and
stuffing used to make a scarecrow. Ask
the children what noises if any does each
type of filling for the scarecrow make.
Ask how does each item feel. After this
discussion, have children help you make
your own scarecrow using the objects on
the table along with a hat for your
scarecrow's head.
A Huge High Five to
Kim Koehler at kckoehler12@yahoo.com for sharing the
following glyphs pictures, and printables
to match!
Here is the
pic of the scarecrow glyph we do.
I use fabric scraps for the
patches and a cut up raffia bow
for the hay on the arms and legs.
I also will add the key too!
favorite color
yellow= girl red= boy
diagonal= has gone on a hayride
straight= has not gone on a
Buttons: 2
buttons= I have carved a pumpkin
3 buttons= i have not carved a
Patches: 1=
I love spring 2= I love fall 3= i
love summer 4= I love winter
Smile: 8
stitches=I am 8 9 stitches= I am
triangles= I like non fiction
books squares= I like fiction
triangle= I like chapter books
circle= I like picture books

It takes my
third graders usually two days to
complete it. I hot glue on the
straw and buttons for them. I
usually have them trace and cut
out the pieces on one day and
then glue them together on the
next day.
Math Wire Shares a
Measurement Activity With Printables at
Skip to My Lou
Shares Super Cute Cookies!
