There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bat You have probably read, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly to your class. If you enjoyed that book, you will love this one and so will your students. I created ideas to go along with There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed some Snow and thought I would do the same for There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat. Below you will find some of my ideas of how to use this in your classroom (Prek-2). You will also find many free printables I created to match this fun story. To order this book from Amazon, click here! Updated:
students discuss the picture on the front of the book.
Something to think about??? 1.) Do you think that a person could swallow all those things? 2.) What was your favorite part of the story? 3.) Who remembers why the old lady swallowed the wizard? Make an Old Lady To Retell the Story
-Use the pictures of the characters to sequence how they were ordered in the book. -Graph
Old Lady Swallowed a Bat Pictures by using this activity
sheet. -Rewrite the story for another holiday. -Add some more things for the old lady to swallow. Draw a picture of what you would like her to swallow next.cccc - Pocket Chart Sequence Pictures From The Story Have the students place the graphics in the right order at the end of each sentence. I created a printable that you can use with this activity. For the younger student, make a set of pictures for each student and have them just sequence the pictures in order.
From Amazon: Click to view a Venn Diagram to Use Treat Your Class to A Show!
Other Sites With Ideas and Lessons
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