Cut a 9 x 12 piece of
construction paper from corner
to corner, you now have two
triangles to make 2 fish. Cut a
muffin liner into quarters.
Glue one quarter to the tail,
one to the top near the right
angle and one to the middle of
the bottom for fins. Add eyes
and decorate anyway you wish. 
Go Fish:
Cut out fish shapes and
number or whatever. Attach a
paper clip or twist tie to
the mouth. Tie a magnet onto a
piece of string to use as a
fishing pole. Extension: Make
red, black, white, blue and
newspaper fish. Put them on some
newspaper spread on the
floor; give them 10 seconds to catch
as many fish as they can with
their hands. Which ones are
caught most often? Least
often? Why do you think that is?

Sink the Boat:
Students can practice
estimation by constructing foil
boats and using pennies to
see how many the boat will hold.
Salt of the Sea:
Using 2 clear cups, fill each
¾ with water. In one
cup, stir in 3 T. of salt.
Label the cups A and B. Ask
students to predict what will
happen when you place an egg in
cup A. Place the egg in
carefully. Next ask the students
what will happen when you put
it in cup B. Ask why? Salt
adds density to the water so
objects float.

Create and measure the
length of an actual marine mammal.
Description: Draw and measure
from head to fin, then
to tail.

Create a life size marine
mammal with
the children's bodies.
Description: Measure in the
hall head to
toe length of an actual
mammal and graph.

Estimate seal and sea lion
Description: Use beans to
create seals
and sea lions. Graph them in
groups of similarities and

Play go fish with dolphin
and whale cards.
Description: Matching and

Create a venn diagram of a
family tree.
Description: Group the alike

Use tangrams to create
marine mammals.
Description: Using colors and
shapes to
create the figure of a marine

Use marine mammal variety
Description: Build patterns
and groups
amongst size and shape.

Pattern matching of marine
Description: Math parents to
their young by both
names and pictures.

Ocean Themed Math Pages

How Many Activity Sheet