Moose Folders
and Organization Systems
For Students, Teachers, and Parents
Compiled ideas, tips, printables and more!

Updated - July 14, 2007
Please feel free to send in anything you would like to
see added to this page. If you have a system you use and
would like to share tips and pictures send them to cgallagher_1999@yahoo.com Also,
send in your Moose printables and we will include them.
Please state your name and email so that we can give
correct credit! Thanks for sharing with others!


So, what in the world is a Moose Notebook???
notebooks are a way to organize the things that
you need to send home on a weekly basis. I think
the letters stand for Management of
Organizational Skills Everyday. I printed out the
basic idea from this site. Basically, you give
each child a plastic binder, I suppose the least
expensive that you can afford. Within each folder
you place clear plastic protector sheets. Each
sheet is labeled for a different purpose. For
example one might say Daily Homework, another
might say Reading Assignment, Completed Papers,
Please sign and return, etc. They said it worked
great and the parents could see right away what
needed attention that night. They also had an
example of the letter that was sent home at the
beginning of the year. I can't put my finger on
it right now, but like I said, I wondered the
same thing and found it way down the list on the
postings. Hope this helped! - Claudia
you go. I copied this from the original posting
which is waaaaaaaaaay down on this board.
M.O.O.S.E. Notebooks (Management Of
Organizational Skills Everyday)The M.O.O.S.E.
Notebook contains the sections listed below.
Entries are made daily so please look at all of
the sections, especially the Parent/Teacher
Communication section in the back of the
notebook.Newsletter - Newsletters will be sent
home each Friday.Homework & Word Lists - This
folder will contain work to be done at home and
turned in. It will also contain work that your
child has completed at school. When your child
has mastered a word list, this is where you will
find his/her new list.School Notes - This folder
will contain any notes form school from our
principal, school nurse, or any other school
personnel or organization.Parent/Teacher
Communication - This section will be for notes
between you and me. I will be writing notes to
you in this section. Please check it daily and I
will do the same for communications from you.
Please remind your child that this section is
only for you and the teacher to write in. I would
also ask that you leave any notes that we may
write in this section so that we can look back
and remember any communicatins we may have had.
Please put any money that you send to school in
this section.Monthly Calendar - I will be sending
home a calendar at the beginning of each month.
The calendar will have important dates and
reminders of special events in our classroom.
Monthly cafeteria menus will also be included.
The two calendars are in the clear plastic sleeve
at the end of the notebook. - Tanya =^..^=
Pictures of My Moose /
Star Folders!
(Coming Soon!!!!)
Free To Print From Teaching is a Work of Heart
Moose Folder Pintables
- here you will find some free reproducibles for
MOOSE Books and other goodies. Scroll down to
Moose and your can print a cover and some of the
labels. The free stuff is underlined!
FISH - Family Involvement Starts Here
print and place on the front of your binders
For Sections
- print these on white mailing labels purchased
from an office store. Six labels per sheet (3
1/3" X 4")
OCEAN - Organized Communication Everyone Always
BEE - Bring Everything Everyday
- print and place on the front of your binders
For Sections
- print these on white mailing labels purchased
from an office store. Six labels per sheet (3
1/3" X 4")
STAR - Students Taking Academic Responsibility
This was sent in as a request by Laura Black
& this is what we came up with for her and to
share with you!
- print and place on the front of your binders
For Sections
(Choice 1)- print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
For Sections
(Choice 2) - print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
DOGS - Daily Organized Guys/Girls Stuff
This was sent in as a request by Sharon &
this is what we came up with for her and to share
with you!
- print and place on the front of your binders
For Sections
(Choice 1)- print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
For Sections
(Choice 2) - print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
FROGS - Fully Responsible & Growing Students
- this was sent to me by Eveyln to share with
you. Thanks Eveyln.
(choice 2)
- print and place on the front of your binders
For Sections
(Choice 1)- print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
For Sections
(Choice 2) - print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
BEAR - Bring Everything Always Ready
BULLDOGS - Beginning to Undersatnd Life's Little
Daily Organizational Skills
This was sent in as a request by Sherri &
this is what we came up with for her and to share
with you!
- print and place on the front of your binders
For Sections
(Choice 1)- print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
For Sections
(Choice 2) - print these on white mailing labels
purchased from an office store. Six labels per
sheet (3 1/3" X 4")
TEAM - Teaching Everyone About Management Skills
This was sent in as a
request by DeAnna Peck & this is what we came
up with for her and to share with you!
- print and place on the front of your binders
For Sections
- print these on white mailing labels purchased
from an office store. Six labels per sheet (3
1/3" X 4")
You Like Our Printables? Then you will love our
Teacher Timesaver CDROMS! Click
Here to learn more!
1,000's of satisfied customers!!!
files in Print Shop Format Sent in by Tiffani at tiffanim@sbcglobal.net
(A big thanks to her for having a sharing heart!)
1, Page 2, Page 3,
5, Page 6,
7, Page 8,
9 , Last
Binder Printables - Daily
and Information
for the School
from Laurie Reed. (A big thanks to her for having
a sharing heart!)
Home / Cover
Books From Ms. Shana @ msshana1@gmail.com
Rules (pdf)
Cover (pdf)
Teachers Share Management Ideas
For Moose

Someone asked below how you manage the MOOSE
notebooks. I'm thinking the same thing. It
probably isn't very complicated but I thought
some of you use them would have suggestions on
procedures that work well. I'm thinking that my
kids (3rd grade) can put homework, notes and
returned papers into the books. But what is your
procedure for collecting homework, checking for
parent notes and storing the books during the
day? I've followed all of the links for creating
the books and am excited about implementing this.
Thanks for any input. - Posted by LaurieA
on 6/22/02

The MOOSE BOOKS in my class are morning business.
Upon entry, they take their book to their desk
and go through it. They hold onto any notes,
money, etc. until after announcements. Once
announcements are done, the weeks "table
captain" collects any/all of these things
and brings them to me. From here they trade their
Borrow-A-Book, and place any homework in the
"Mission Accomplished" basket for
marking. Once all business is taken care of, I
have 2 bins they place their book in for the day.
At the end of the day, my
leader and assistant, hand out the books, and we
put all homework, completed work, newsletters,
etc. in their proper places.
Hope this helps! This is
the first year I have used them and I LOVE
them!!! They have worked beautifully for me and
parents feel the same! - Tanya =^..^=

I'm going to teach 3rd grade for the first time
this year. I am trying to decide how I want to
have my kids be organized. We send home a
Thursday Folder with notes for the week, a
newsletter, and graded papers. IN that folder, we
have a reading calendar to keep track ofthe 20
min per night reading that we require and also
the weekly AR points and how much of their goal
they have met.
We also have an
assignment notebook. Some people call them a
school planner or an agenda. It goes home
Rather than have a
M.O.O.S.E. (Management of Organizational Skills
Everyday) notebook, I think I'll just have a
M.O.O.S.E-type system. I'm thinking of putting a
homework folder in their notebook for all the
homework to go in. The first thing they are to do
in the morning is take it out and put it in the
trays (I have a stacking tray for each subject).
We call that the TURN IN BOX. I will have them
put their number in the upperleft hand corner to
help me file graded papers later. I'll have two
student files. One for graded papers only and the
other one for all else.
I encourage parents to
write notes in the agenda. That is where I will
look for them when I check them which is daily.
When they unpack their bags in the morning, they
leave the planner or agenda on their desk. (Or
sometimes I have the group helping hand pick all
the the group's up and bring to me to check.) The
third grade before I came gave a grade on the
agendas and we'll continue to do that. On the
first day of school, the child starts out with a
100 for his planner grade. They are to be signed
by a parent at night. Each night that they aren't
signed, two points are taken off. At the end of
the nine weeks, that is a reading
grade.....(Language Arts) and they start over
with a 100 again.
We have a storage
problem. Our desks are too small for a notebook,
but they usually keep the notebook under their
desk (there is a bar there.) My new desks don't
have that so I don't know what I'll do. They may
just have to keep it in their bag on the back of
their chair.
I got the following off a
third grade web page. I will probably write
something like that for my parents.
Keeping up with
classwork, homework, and notes home is extremely
necessary. I have devised a system to help your
child stay organized, but I will need your help
on a daily basis.
Each child should have a
3 ring notebook. In this notebook, children will
keep their class agenda books, and pencil/crayon
holders. There should be a pocket in the front of
the notebook. In this front pocket, look for your
child's homework, and classwork that was not
completed at school. In addition, children will
place in this pocket any notes that need to be
read by you. The back pocket of the notebook
should be used to place fun sheets, notes, etc.
Here's where you can
help! Please schedule a 30 to 40 minute time each
day for your child to study spelling,
multiplication facts, and complete class and
homework. Children need routine and structure to
be successful. Before your child begins his/her
nightly assignments, check his/her notebook for
the following:
Be sure your child is
writing down homework assignments, and behavior
each day.
Check for notes home.
Read them, respond if directed, and place them
back in the front pocket.
Behavior - See Agenda
Books for more information
Work to be completed -
homework or classwork.
After checking, please
don't forget to sign your name on the appropriate
Please note: If your
child is bringing home a lot of work to complete
each day, this could be a sign that he/she is not
using time wisely at school. - Posted by
Emmy/3/OK on 6/22/02

set guidelines first day - long
The MOOSE, or variations
of it, is really helpful. Mine consists of a
1/2" vinyl binder with two pocket dividers
that have been reinforced, edges with packing
tape, and hole reinforcements. This gives me four
pockets labeled: HomeworkSpelling, Important
Notes, Keep at Home. There is also a clear sheet
protector for the school calendar with lunch menu
on the flip side.After our welcome, introduction
activities and some rule discussion and practice
on the first day, I present the binder like it's
a long-lost treasure. I tell them this is very
important, and that they, NOT their parents, are
responsible for it, and that I want them back at
the end of the year. They are to put things in it
when I tell them to, not later, and they are to
take them home daily. It is their responsibility
to make sure their parents see them and open
them. It is their resp. to bring them back the
next day. They take them out and put them on
their desks first thing, and check the pockets
for homework to be turned in and any notes from
parents. They have to check even if they don't
think there's a note, as parents put notes in
after bedtime sometimes. If they forget the
notebook, they walk two laps at recess. If they
start to say, "My mom forgot..." they
walk another lap, after we've discussed who
forgot their responsibility. Talk to the kids
with empathy, firm but kind. They will respond in
kind. Some of the kids get almost uptight at
first about this new resp. because they've never
had any. They soon adjust. Parents ALL love the
binders, and I get tons of compliments at
orientation, conferences etc. They say it has
helped their children at home with other
responsibilities. You know, we also teach the
parents, and letting them know it's okay to hand
out some resp. is a good start.Sorry so long.
Good luck!! Posted by cj1st on 6/30/02

You will love the notebook! From September to
January,the kids brought their notebook to a
collection box in the morning. I went through the
books on my lunch break or recess break. This
doesn't take that much time unless you give a lot
of homework. From Late January to June the
students brought their notebook to their desk in
the morning and opened their books after the
pledge and I went quickly around to check and
stamp homework. They were busy reading storybooks
or finishing up folder work while I was checking.
I had the helpers of the day collect the books
after that point and then in the late afternoon
two fifth grade helpers would put notes in and
recheck the binders. My students have a folder at
their table place. One side is classwork and one
side is homework. Anything during the day that is
deemed homework that night is put on the homework
side. Fiften minutes before dismissal we have a
homework meeting and they know that any papers in
the homework pocket should be brought to the
meeting. I have a rocking chair in my room and
they come and sit right in front of the chair. I
take out one binder from my box, praise the owner
if the binder is orderly and explain all notes
that are in there. Each pocket is looked at as a
group. They are holding any homework that they
have. You can quickly scan to see who forgot
their homework. After homework is explained we
pass the books out and they put their homework
into the homework pocket themselves. My parents
and students LOVED the notebook and one mom even
gave me new notebooks and pockets to start my
next school year! What a great gift!

Tiffani, I made the MOOSE notebooks last year for
the first time. I even found a neat graphic
of a cartoonish moose holding a briefcase to add
to each page. I explained the MOOSE at open
house at the beginning of the year to my
parents. I had NO problems with the MOOSE
books coming back each day. In fact, my
parents loved the idea and thanked me for
implementing them throughout the year. It
definitely keeps that home-school connection a
little stronger.
My cost for notebooks (slide in clear pocket on
front), canvas pencil pouches, protective sleeves
(used for MOOSE title pages for each section) and
pocket files in each section cost me around $6.00
a piece to make. My parents paid for
This year, I contacted Office Depot. The
manager was super nice. He agreed to donate
everything we need to make the MOOSE books.
He said that they can do things like this but are
rarely asked. I didn't have to do a thing
except write down exactly what I needed. I
went into the store and wrote down item numbers,
price and how many I would need of each.
I'm actually doing it with another teacher this
year and he said he would fund both. It was
around $500 and he was happy to do it. Now,
I'm PRAYING that no one on this ring lives around
Columbus, Georgia. He might not be so nice
to me next year if he's flooded with requests!
This year they put their moose books in a box
under a table. They got lunch money out at
lunch from the moose and then placed it on their
table. My kids have pe right after
lunch. During the lunch time, I checked
homework, put in graded papers to go home, read
and responded to parent notes in the moose.
My next project will be to create some cute way
of storing these notebooks during the day.
Any ideas?
I'm also considering making the BEAR books
instead of MOOSE books. The acronym was
more first grade friendly....Bring Everything
(what did the 'a' stand for?) Ready. And
the bear graphics would be cute, too.
had 15 students this past year and put together
about 18 MOOSE books in case someone moved in
during the year. They cost me somewhere between
$4 and $5 to make. I bought all of my supplies at
Walmart once they had put out all of their back
to school stuff and prices were sale ones. I
found a Moose picture that I liked, cut it out
and stenciled it onto the front of each one with
Sharpie markers. I used green Slicker binders
that were fairly flexible, by the way.
It was absolutely no hassle. They all were
returned each day and my students simply knew to
have them out on their tables the first thing and
they got their own stuff out - during the first
few weeks, I modeled, modeled, modeled, but they
very soon could just about do them on their own.
They kept them close at hand in their chair backs
that I had made.
I am
planning on trying the moose books this year. I
cannot spend a lot of money for notebooks (every
pennyis going to my daughter's wedding)so I plan
toimprovise a little. Our KK group has the
parents buy
pocket folders with the brads in them. I have
always laminated them. I plan to do the moose
books in this notebook. Hopefully, it will be a
lot cheaper. Also, I try and use red folders for
the girls and blue folders for the boys. That way
if I am looking for a
particular folder I can eliminate half with a
glance. I will be able to staple the behavior
calendar to the inside of the front cover. I hope
this makes sense.
I do something similar at my
school. I teach at a school where the
kids attend three days a week and are
homeschooled the other two. I direct the
parents on what and how to do the
homeschool days. The notebooks are just
called HomeSchool Notebooks but I may
check out your related link for a
different name. Anyhow, a couple of
things that are different are: I have a
zippered pouch for math counters, number
cards, letter tiles, rhyming dominos,
etc. whatever we are working on. Also, in
the parent communication part, everyone
has a post it flag that we use to
indicate a message is waiting to be read.
It has worked very well. I just have to
see if any flags are up instead of
checking every notebook for a note from
home. I also have a direction page for
the D'Nealian letters, a problem solving
notebook, as well as many of the things
listed for your MOOSE folders.
Marcia Shelberg


Teaching Heart Mailring Teachers Share their ideas on the
Moose System!
have been researching the use of MOOSE notebooks
onthe web. I am very interested in using these in
my first grade classroom next year. I was just
wondering if anyone on the list uses them, how
they like them,and how much it cost to put them
together? Did anyone receive reimbursement from
the school/PTA? Is there any way to have the
items needed donated maybe? Thanks for your help
in advance. I love this group.
Charla D. Willis
use Frog Notebooks. They can be seen on my
site. I put the materials on the kids
supply list for fall. The only thing
I supply are the stickers for the plastic
sleeves. I have had nothing but compliments
from the parents. Mrs. Kestner's Hoppin Good
First Grade www.gkestner.com/gklab.html
have used them for 2 years now, and have nothing
but wonderful comments on them. I haven't
had one child lose their MOOSE either year!
Our PTC even had a conversation about them during
one of their meetings this year, as they were
trying to improve the communication/newsletters,
etc. that came from the school. I buy a
1" 3-ring notebook that works
perfectly. I just bought for next year at
Office Depot when they had them on sale for buy 6
(each $1.98) and get 6 free. Terrific deal.
I use school tagboard for the dividers. I buy my
plastic sheets at Costco for less than
$10.00 for 200. My notebooks end up
costing less than $2.00 each by the time they're
complete. I would highly recommend them!!!
- sandi peterson
have used them for the last 3 years also. I
usually buy the 3 ring binders at Office Depot
and then ask the parents to buy the dividers and
notebook bags for pencils. My notebooks are
called STAR notebooks as they are listed on the
teaching heart website. I love them and my
parents love them too. The only difference that I
do is that my school provides every student with
a daily planner where they can write their
asignments down--so I put it in the MOOSE/STAR
notebook. That way the planners aren't quite so
ratty by the end of the school year.
too have used the MOOSE binders the past 2 years.
Like the other posters, my parents raved about it
too. In fact, my principal loved the idea so much
that she made it mandatory for grades K -
4th. (we are a private school with one
class per grade. The older grades use assignment
books) The last 2 years , I called mine MOOSE
books, but this coming year, I will change it to
RAINBOW (Responsibility, Achievemnet,
Information, Neatness, & Better Organization
Wins!) The last two years, I bought the cheap 58
cent binders from wal-mart. However, they did not
all make it and I ended up replacing about half
of them. So, this year, I am going to watch
office max sales and invest in the more durable
binders. For mine, I use 3 plastic pocket folders
with the holes already punched. 1 blue (for
homework and spelling list....there is a homework
form with the weekly assignmenst in the middle of
the folder...parents initial each day) 1
green (communication folder, I keep the behavior
form, which I sign daily, and any notes from
school go on the left side, and the children's
daily work (whcih is not graded) goes on the
right side.) and 1 red folder. The red folder is
teh test folder. All graded papers go home in it.
There is a form for the parents to sign, and the
tests get sent back to school where I put them in
the students file. (this is policy at our school)
In front of the 3 plastic folers, I have 2 sheet
protectors: One houses the information
letter on one side, and my class schedule on the
back. The second sheet protector houses the
monthly lunch menu. In front of the sheet
protectors, I put the zipper pouch (purchased for
20cents at walmart...these did last!). This
zipper pouch is where they put any monies:
lunch, book, field trip, tuition, ect. LOL, I did
this backwards!!! Sorry!! I started with the back
and work my way forwards...hope it made sense.
Anyway, I have never heard any negative
comments. The parents really love them. They can
find things easily and most sign what they are
suppose to. As far as cost goes: last
year, my notebooks cost about $1.97 each to make.
Depending on what sales I can find on binders at
Office Max, this may be about 50 cents more this
year. But it will be worth it. The 3 plastic
folders I use can be purchased at wal-mart when
school supplies go on sale. Last year they were
25 cents each. Again, well worth it to me. The
first year, I used the paper folders, but had to
punch holes in them....a NIGHTMARE!!! So I did
not mind spending the extra 15 cents per foler to
already have holes in them. Anyway, I ask
for the parents to donate 2dollars. This year,
though, depending on cost, it will be 2.50 or
3$. Last year, all parents paid. Some even
sent in extra. Hope all this info. helps.
the kids get to keep the folders at the end of
the year or do you recycle them if they are in
good shape?
Since I do ask for
donations,(if I worked at a low-income I
probably would not ask for donations
either...) I let the children keep them. I
feel it is the right thing, since the parents
technically paid for the notebooks. THe plastic
folders were still in excellent shape and could
have been reused this year. So, if you invest
in the plastic pocket folders, you will
probably be able to use them again. However, the
binders, if you purchase the cheap Wal-Mart ones,
will not be reusable after one year. Not
sure about the more durable ones. I will
find out this school year how they hold up My
ziplock pouches also held up all year...this
surprised me since they were so cheap. Tonya
used the concept of a MOOSE book with two of my
students. I chose to use it only upon need
instead of with the whole class. I called
my the Owasco Owl WOW book which stood for
Wonderful Organized Work. It worked
fantastic for the two students that I made them
for. I made it myself and did not receive any
reimbursement for this. I am putting
together a sample to be suggested at CST meetings
for students who have poor organizational skills.
As I said before it worked very well for the
students that I made them for. I didn't
really see a need to make them for
everyone. My class was excellent at
returning homework and our daily behavior cards
except for the two students I made the books for.
Hope this info helps. LINDA QUINZI
use MOOSE notebooks in my classroom. I really
like them. They keep the kids and me organized.
The first year I did them I purchased the
materials. Last year I ordered them at budget
time and didn't spend my own money. I put most of
them together for under 2.50 because I shopped at
the back to school sales at Wal-Mart, Target and
Staples. I have some info on my site at www.mrsdryzal.com/moosenotebook
love the MOOSE book system. I have used it for
one year. I did not think it would be duable for
me to send it home everyday...and check behavior
sheets everyday...but it was! I loved it. It was
easy, the kids did great with it, and it made
parent communication a cinch! I had several books
fall apart, though! We (my grade level partner)
absorbed all the costs of the books. This year,
we are putting a MOOSE fee on their supply
list. I customized the behavior form to include a
check box for homework (we didn't send it home
every day) and for notes (so I could make sure
and look when there was a note). The examples I
have online are not the updated ones. (They are
on my computer at school, not here...I will
update them over the summer). I have a Hiking
theme in my room, and the MOOSE books went right
along with that! I also made a form to record my
behavior chart on weekly. The kids got rewards at
first for not losing their yellow stars...as the
year went on, the I didn't have to use rewards as
much. Melissa http://www.smithsroom.com/moose.htm
used these in K this year and called them F.R.O.G
BOOKS (for really organized guys/gals). Not one
of my 45 students lost them! Some of the things I
included were a class list so children could
learn to read each others names, a zipper pouch,
a red folder for things that had to come back to
school, another folder of a different color for
things that stay home, a list of Popcorn words, a
list of skills they needed to know for skill
rings that month, a map of the U.S. to track
where our gingerbread man had been, and a poetry
section for the poems and nursery rhymes we
learn. Each child is also given a small
"pointer" to keep in the zipper pouch,
and I often see them reading names, poems, etc.
when they have time before school. This year I am
going to purchase the view binders which I think
will hold up better than the flexible
poly-binders I had this year. Actually, the
binders did quite well, but the label on the
front did not!
My school is in a low income area, and most
parents don't bother to pay book fees, so I don't
ask for donations. Last year and this I have
received a grant form Wal-Mart to purchase
material for these books!
year both of our K classes used a variation of
the MOOSE notebooks that we called K.I.N.D.E.R.
binders (Kindergarten Information, Necessary Data
and Educational Resources) for the 1st time. The
parents loved them and when the other teachers in
our primary dept. heard about them thru the
parents, they came to check them out. Next year
PS thru 1st will be using them and 2nd grade may
(I haven't heard back from the teachers).
Last year we put the notebooks and zipper pencil
cases on our supply list. Most held up depending
on the quality of the binders provided. This year
we have decided to buy the binders ourselves so
we can get exactly what we want. We do an
operetta in the Spring and some of the money
raised from that will pay for the binders and
what goes in them. In addition to the other
things everyone puts in the binders, we also
include our class handbook, the student/parent
handbook, and a few sheets at the beginning of
the book labeled "Home/School
Communications." The communications page we
use to jot quick notes to parents and parents use
it for quick notes. No more lost notes.
I use FISH
folders - Family Involvement Starts Here. I have
used this
for three years and my parents love it. I teach
first grade and when
the first group to use the folders went on to
second grade their
parents convinced the second grade teachers to
try them as well. Now,
my principal has offered to buy all of the
materials for Kindergarten
through fourth grade to use them. I got the idea
from Colleen's site. I
chose FISH because it is went with our AR theme.


1. Was it worth the expense...and did you
or did you not get
money from your
parents/grant/PTA group or whatever?
My PTO usually gives me
about a hundred dollars every year. I could
use this money or my own. I spend a lot on
my class because I can and I like having what I
need. My husband is a plumber and he is
always buying equipment to help him do his
job. I just think about it like that.

2. What kind of
feedback are you getting from parents?
A couple of parents
didn't like the structure of sending it back and
forth, but usually their kids needed that the
most. The others raved about it.

3. What about
filling them each week with the parent letter...
and I do homework daily, so unless I change that,
I would
have to put that indaily.
didn't find this to be a
problem. At first I did it myself, then I
had the kids do it as I gave the instructions of
what to put where. It actually taught them
to follow oral directions. At the end of
the day we put out MOOSE together. THEY
eventually knew what to do without much
instruction and would even remind me.

4. I don't
have a para/assistant/or
whatever...did you do it without help? Most years
I get very few if any parent volunteers...some
years worse
than others...
No volunteers or
assistants in my room.
I didn't do the MOOSE this past year because I
was having a lot of personal demands (both the
younger and older generations) and I just
couldn't get to it. I regretted in all
year. I really felt the difference.
UGH! This year I'm going back
to it. It's worth the trouble and my principal
was impressed at how this meets the standard of
keeping parents informed about what we do.
In Ohio we are expected to attend to this
detail. To make it easier this year I went
to the wonderful sites suggested here and cut and
pasted the MOOSE pages on those sites to fit my
needs. I also changed the different
categories to fit in with my needs. I'm off to
the store tonight (husband is off on a trip) and
I will do them this weekend. Hope this
helps you decide. PS A company
donates canvas bags to me and I have the kids
carry their MOOSE in these bags. They put
the bag and all into their backpacks or they
carry them sep! arately. I do quite a
lesson plan on how to be sure to remember this
book both at home and at school.

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Other Moose Comments
used the Moose idea last year for the first time
and I have been teaching 26 years! I love trying
new stuff. I got a few donations, but I get very
little from my Title I school. My only
modification was not using the Moose, but an
Eagle. Our school mascot is the eagle. My acronym
stood for E.ager, A.ctive, G.irls and guys,
L.earn E.veryday to S.tudy!!!Hence, EAGLES!! It
took me a long time to get them together and I
had a large class--27 and up to 28. The notebooks
got ragged and I needed more notebooks than I
had. I asked our local Office Depot with not a
positive response!! I will try another one for
next year. I will do it again next year. I used
back to school nametag stickers to identify each
of my folders in the notebook! Was cheaper that
way!! Thanks for the wonderful input! Barbee
Stueve 1st grade Hillcrest Elem. Oklahoma City
Public Schools barbeestueve@cox.net
have updated my moose page if you want to see it.
I am using something different this year. Last
year I got plastic folders at wal-mart for about
.25 cents each. I am rearranging my book and did
not want to have the folder. I am going to use a
plastic envelope OR the new Hefty School one-zip
pouches. Large enough for folders and school
papers. I am going to reinforce the edge with
masking or clear tape and three hole punch. You
get 30 for 9.95 at Really Good Stuff (picture is
linked on my page). Melissa Smith
1st Grade / TN
year both of our K classes used a variation of
the MOOSE notebooks that we called K.I.N.D.E.R.
binders (Kindergarten Information, Necessary Data
and Educational Resources) for the 1st time. The
parents loved them and when the other teachers in
our primary dept. heard about them thru the
parents, they came to check them out. Next year
PS thru 1st will be using them and 2nd grade may
(I haven't heard back from the teachers).
Last year we put the notebooks and zipper pencil
cases on our supply list. Most held up depending
on the quality of the binders provided. This year
we have decided to buy the binders ourselves so
we can get exactly what we want. We do an
operetta in the Spring and some of the money
raised from that will pay for the binders and
what goes in them.
In addition to the other things everyone puts in
the binders, we also include our class handbook,
the student/parent handbook, and a few sheets at
the beginning of the book labeled
Communications." The communications page we
use to jot quick notes to parents and parents use
it for quick notes. No more lost notes.
love the MOOSE book system. I have used it for
one year. I did not think it would be duable for
me to send it home everyday...and check behavior
sheets everyday...but it was! I loved it. It was
easy, the kids did great with it, and it made
parent communication a cinch! I had several books
fall apart, though! We (my grade level partner)
absorbed all the costs of the books. This year,
we are putting a MOOSE fee on their supply
list. I customized the behavior form to include a
check box for homework (we didn't send it home
every day) and for notes (so I could make sure
and look when there was a note). The examples I
have online are not the updated ones. (They are
on my computer at school, not here...I will
update them over the summer). I have a Hiking
theme in my room, and the MOOSE books went right
along with that! I also made a form to record my
behavior chart on weekly. The kids got rewards at
first for not losing their yellow stars...as the
year went on, the I didn't have to use rewards as
much. Melissa http://www.smithsroom.com/moose.htm
used these in K this year and called them F.R.O.G
BOOKS (for really organized guys/gals). Not one
of my 45 students lost them! Some of the things I
included were a class list so children could
learn to read each others names, a zipper pouch,
a red folder for things that had to come back to
school, another folder of a different color for
things that stay home, a list of Popcorn words, a
list of skills they needed to know for skill
rings that month, a map of the U.S. to track
where our gingerbread man had been, and a poetry
section for the poems and nursery rhymes we
learn. Each child is also given a small
"pointer" to keep in the zipper pouch,
and I often see them reading names, poems, etc.
when they have time before school. This year I am
going to purchase the view binders which I think
will hold up better than the flexible
poly-binders I
had this year. Actually, the binders did quite
well, but the label on the front did not!
My school is in a low income area, and most
parents don't bother to pay book fees, so I don't
ask for donations. Last year and this I have
received a grant form Wal-Mart to purchase
material for these books!
use Frog Notebooks. They can be seen on my
site. I put the materials on the kids
supply list for fall. The only thing
I supply are the stickers for the plastic
sleeves. I have had nothing but compliments
from the parents. Mrs. Kestner's Hoppin Good
First Grade www.gkestner.com/gklab.html
is a Behavior Chart that I made for our P-K
through 3rd
and every teacher uses it now. I made it 6
years ago and finally the Principal saw how
helpful it was to alert parents to behavior she
includes it in our MOOSE Folders that I showed
her 5 years ago but she renamed PRIDE Notebooks
three years ago. Our color coded behavior
policy is a school wide so parents look for that
green in the notebook P-K to 3rd
to see how they are behaving.
hope this may help other teachers and schools.
the school calendar, enter the dates, at the
bottom of any date with a special event you may
enter that with a smaller font.I start each with
month name:
Aug. 8 then
continue with numbers only until a month
change. The behavior policy can be changed
according to school policy.
Click To See
Judy's File in Word
used Moose books for the first time last year and
at first thought uh-oh because it seemed like a
lot more work than the way I did it
previously. But I absolutely love then!!! I
never had any problems with students not bringing
them back, like I did when I used individual
folders. I think they felt like
"big" kids because they had
binders! It also helped my parent
communication and keeping money straight. I
would definitely tell you to use them - it did
help with student responsibility.
have used MOOSE books for two years now. I LOVE
them! They have made my classroom so organized.
The first year I had a great routine for checking
them quickly in the morning. The kids made
"stops"...1st stop was moving their
name to lunch box or hot lunch on the attendence
board, next put up their backpacks, 3rd stop was
to show/give me their MOOSE book. I would open up
the front cover and see if there was any money in
the zipper pocket (I use mesh or plastic so I can
see it without opening it up), and if there was a
check mark to see a parent note (part of my
weekly behavior sheet that parents sign each
day). I would mark behavior and pack the books
myself, or if I had a reader available, she would
pack them and pass them out at the end of the
day. A little too time consuming for me! So, this
year...I've revised and improved. I got chair
pockets from Really Good Stuff and the kids keep
their binders with them throughout the day. I
trained them where to put the different types of
things that got sent home, like returned work
went into the velcro envelope, newsletters and
tests (stamped with a "parent
signature" stamp and returned the next day)
go in the front binder pocket, homework goes in
the back binder pocket. They also mark their own
behavior chart...I can quickly check it the next
day or so...for those "forgetful" ones!
I don't spend very much time at all getting them
ready. The kids can handle packing them up. They
take very good care of them and very seldom lose
them. You will love them! (I have lots of
information about MOOSE books on my site).
Melissa Smith
1st Grade / TN
used MOOSE notebooks for 4 years now, and have
loved them every year. I have used them for first
and second grade. I actually have the students
put them on a designated table when they come in
in the morning, and then have a parent helper go
through them quickly,or put things in for the
day, whatever needs to be done. Even on the days
that I haven't had a helper, I've gotten it down
so that it goes quickly! I, too, debated most of
a summer thinking that they would be too much
work, but finally gave in. I've never regretted
doing them. Parents have loved them, too! Sandi P
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