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Mini Offices Page at Teaching Heart Grab some file folders and make your students a mini office to place on their desks during independent work time. Below are some files and pictures from teachers in the US that use mini offices in their rooms. They have kindly shared their resources so that you could create your own offices. A special thanks to the sharing teachers below. If you are thinking of making these office for your classroom, I suggest you look through these pages and begin to get an idea of what you want on your office. Then pick and choose some of these files to print and use. The files here would also be useful in the MOOSE Binders as a resources to use at home!!! Updated: July 4, 2005 If you have something to share send it to:
Files From Deb Green I will jump in, you use
them as a portable ready quick resource for
Chrystal's Mini Offices Notes From Chrystal They will become personal reference tools. But, I plan on putting all the elements on overhead so we can practice using them and they can see and learn how to use each little chart to help them while they are doing small group or individual work. We will first use the overheads together and then link it to the posters I put up in my room and after they've gotten familiar and comfortable with them, they will be able to use them on their own. But, yes I see them using it as a reference to help them with writing, problem solving, basic math computation, social studies concepts, reading, etc. I'm going to give one to each student so it's at their disposal whenever they need them. I probably am going to do some mini lessons and stuff with each componant that I have attached to the mini office before handing them out so they understand what they are for. Plus, I won't be able to attach the schedules and things like that until after school has started and we have all the kinks worked out of all the schedules. I just want them to have a feel of what it's all about BEFORE I hand them to them and they're too busy exploring them on their own to listen to what I have to say. :-) Please know, that this is not an original idea by me. I saw other people's mini offices and just made it my own. For those of you who asked... when you're thinking about what to put in your mini offices just picture the teaching aides you have hanging up and that you use a lot with your students. The things that help them in their learning and include mini versions of that in your office. If you have any questions on how to make things like this... don't hesitate to email me I'm sure we can figure it out. Some people have asked me about the 100's chart on my mini office. My chart is actually a sticker. It's by Teacher's Helper and can be found at by clicking here! When I mentioned that I will use these as study corrals for testing, I meant that they would only be used during tests that it was OK for them to have that kind of information in front of them. I have charts on both the front and back of my offices so turning them around wouldn't help either. I have study corrals to use for tests in which they are not allowed to have information in front of them that have nothing on them. I had another idea while I was shopping at Wal-mart today, too and looking at the isle where the paper for printing on is found. They have full sheet stickers that you can print any size document on... just like a regular sheet of paper and then cut down to meet your needs. I am thinking that I am going to use these when I'm ready to do my final printing so that when I go to put them on the folders, I won't have to tape them down. It was just a thought I had in case anyone else would be interested in doing the same. email Chrystal at Chrystal's Files
Files & Pics From Susan I decided to keep from having too much info on one that I would do two, a reading/writing and a math. Also, I decided not to include a word wall page on my reading/writing one because I make student dictionaries for each child every year. These include all word wall words along with some other important words as well as some blanks on each page for students to add words. Coleen, These are the resources that I made/borrowed for my mini-offices. Some of these I created (Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Color Words, Math Symbols, Shapes, Ordinal Number). The others I borrowed or borrowed and fixed for me!! Thanks, Susan
Hey Colleen! I have attached a file that I thought may be good for grade 2. It is a list of question words. I think I figured it out. Let me know if it didn't work. Thanks! Cindy Parr Gr. 2/NJ
Files From
Skill Ring Files From Marcia Here is something I plan to put on my second grade office. There are two... one a writing editing glove. I have it in doc. or jpg. second glove with prompts for story elements..
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