
Spin To Win

Multiple Step Story Problems Game

(or review of add & sub)

Grade 2-3

This is a game to play when reviewing Multiple Step Story Problems.  The second graders I did this lesson with loved the game and asked to play it during their free time.  The objective is, give the Spin to Win Game, the student will play they game with their group for a total of four rounds, to the satisfaction of the teacher.


II. Materials - groups of four ( place the materials in bags for each group.)

Spin to Win Game - 2 spinners(paper plate with brass fastener as spinner.  Divide the plate into four sections with the #'s 2/3/4/5 representing a section), cards 1-6, interlocking cubes(optional), and writing paper for each group. Directions for each group - Found below

III. Procedures

1.  Review multiple step problems and say, "Now that we have reviewed our skills we can play a multiple step problem game with our groups. Listen carefully as I explain this: Each group will get a game packet that contains all the materials you will need to play the game. (Demonstrate the following as you speak) The way the game is played is that the first person spins each spinner (spin both spinners) writes an addition problem using the two numbers and finds the sum of the two numbers (I spun a 2 and a 5, 2+5=7). Then the player draws a number card (draw a card) and subtracts the number from the sum and writes it down (I drew a 3, so I subtract my sum, which is 7 from 3 and get 4.) I would circle the four and it would then be the next persons turn. When everyone has gone, whoever has the largest number circled gets a point. After four rounds, whoever has the most points in your group is the winner. Let’s try one together."

2.  Have individual students come up and guide them through the steps.  It is a good idea to pick a student  from each group to do the demonstration.

3.  Allow the game to begin.  You will need to visit each group to make sure they have the concept.  Once they get it, they seem to really enjoy the game! 

Spin to Win Directions:

1.) Give each person in your group a piece of paper.

Place the number cards in the center of the table face down.

2.) Give the person whose name has the most letters in it the Spinners. This person will go first

3.) Start the first round

4.) The first player spins the two spinners and adds the two numbers together on their paper.

5.) Then the first person takes a number card and subtracts the number from the sum of the answer to the last problem. The player must write the problem and circle the answer. Put the number card on the bottom of the pile.

6.) Now it is the next persons turn. They do the same as the first person.

7.) Do steps 1-5 until all the players have had a turn

8.) After everyone has had one turn, the person who has the highest circled number gets to put a point on their paper.

9.) Play until the teacher says stop.

10) The person who has the most points when the teacher says stop is the winner.CG


Breaking The Eggs

Subtraction Game (12)

This is a great game for teaching subtraction problems up to twelve.  I used it in my student teaching experience and the kids loved the idea that they were "breaking the eggs." 


a. subtraction song (optional)

b. egg carton with 12 counters in it. - (the counters should be two sided, with a different colors on each side. Red will represent broken eggs and the yellow side will represent eggs that are not broken.)



1. Tell the class that they are going to be detectives today! Say, "I need you all to listen to this tape and not say anything until I call on you. What I need you to do is to guess what kind of problems we will be working with today." Play the tape.  After the tape is over say, "OK Math Detectives on the count of three you can all yell out what you think we will be working on in math today... 1,2,3! 

2.  Now pull out the egg carton with the 12 counters placed in it.  Yellow side up (not broken).

3. Open the egg carton with counters in it and say, "we are going to make believe that these counters are eggs inside of this egg carton. All of these eggs are in one piece because they are on the yellow side, so that will mean they are not broken. The red counters represent broken eggs."  Then say, "they are in one piece now."  Drop the carton and say, "oops, I dropped my eggs, let's see if they are still in one piece."  Open it and show the class.  Give the class a problem that represents your broken eggs.  "I started with twelve eggs and I dropped the eggs and broke ______, now I have _____ left.  So I could say 12-____=_____."

4. Give the carton to a student to shake up. Open the carton and depending on which are broken (say, "there are still 12 eggs in the carton, but 5 are broken. So how many good eggs do we have left?")

5. Have the children respond with the answer and the subtraction problem they used to get that answer. Repeat the steps above with more students.  A good idea is to walk around the classroom shaking the carton and say, "Who will I pick to Break the eggs next."  This seemed to keep my students attention.  You could also have one student break the eggs and pick another to look in the carton and tell you how many eggs are broken.

6.  Place the carton in the learning center for future use.CG