Teaching Heart's
Let's Scream For An Ice Cream Theme/Unit!
Mmmm, there isn't a better summer treat than icecream!
Here are lessons, ideas, printables, and more for an icecream theme or unit!Don't forget the toppings!!!
Updated June 2013
Some Interesting Ice Cream Tid Bits!!!
Americans consume a yearly average of 23.2 quarts of ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, ices and other commercially made frozen dairy products.
The Northern Central States have the highest per capita consumption of ice cream at 4.17 quarts. The top three ice cream eating cities are: Portland, Oregon; St. Louis, Missouri; and Seattle, Washington.
More ice cream is sold on Sunday than any other day of the week.
Ice cream consumption is the highest during the months of July and August.
July is National Ice Cream Month.
Children ages two through 12 and adult over age 45,
eat more ice cream than any other age groups.
The average number of licks to polish off a single ice cream cone is 50.
98 percent of all American households purchase ice cream.
Source: Internet http://www.makeicecream.com/sendicecream/contriv.html
Learn More About Ice Cream At : http://www.makeicecream.com/icecreamtrivia.html
Make Ice Cream in a Bag With Your Class! Mmmmmmmm!!!!
I would like to make icecream in a bag with my class. Have you ever
done this or do you have the recipe for it?
Sarah Marris Grade 1 Alabama
ANSWER: Yes, I have done this with students! I got the recipe off a
website. Here is the link to it
http://www.geocities.com/loveofkidsrecipes/icecream.html and here is
the recipe
Large zip lock bag
Small zip lock bag
3 cups of ice
6+ tbsp of salt
1/2 cup of whole milk
2 Tbsp sugar
1/4 Tsp Vanilla
Add milk sugar and vanilla together in the small zip lock bag. Zip
TIGHT and place larger zip lock bag with the ice and salt around it.
The students love this. I had all the materials set up in an
assembly line and the student came up and measured their own
materials. First they took a Large and Small bag. Then they
measured out three cups of ice . And so on Of course you will need
to demonstrate and model this!!! One parent helper also makes for a
smoother activity! Great for a quick math lesson.
NOTE: Many teachers do this activity! Here are some more sites
about it!
http://www.kidsdomain.com/craft/icecream.html - This site includes
tips and links to Coffee Can Ice Cream, Ice Cream in a Can or Kick
the Can, Rock 'n Roll Ice Cream
icecream.html - A lesson plan on matter.
Hope this helps!Wanted to add another way to make ice cream in the class room. I use the
same recipe but instead of bags, that may break - I use a 1 lb. coffee can
inside a 3 lb coffee can. Filll 1 lb. can about 3/4 full and duct tape the
lid on. Put some ice and rock salt in bottom of 3 lb can then sit 1 lb can
in middle of can, fill will around side with a little ice then rock salt,
little more ice and rock salt, etc until full. Seal lid on can with duct
tape the sit the kids in a circle in the room and kick the can around the
circle. Uses up lots of energy and makes really good ice cream. I have 20
kids in my class so I use 3 cans of ice cream mix at a time.
Patty Hedden
Pre-school teacher,
Building Blocks North.
Springfield, IllinoisCheck out Dandee for more great tips with pictures!
Ice Cream Books
Click a book to learn more at Amazon!
Other Fun Ice Cream Products at Amazon
My Favorite Songs, Poems, and Fingerplays
"Eighteen Flavors"
Eighteen luscious, scrumptious flavors
Chocolate, lime and cherry,
Coffee, pumpkin, fudge banana
Caramel cream and boysenberry.
Rocky road and toasted almond,
Butterscotch, vanilla dip,
Butter brickle, apple ripple,
Coconut and espresso chip,
Brandy peach and lemon custard,
Each scoop lovely, smooth and round,
Tallest ice-cream cone in town,
Lying there (sniff) on the ground.~By Shel Silverstein
Poem - make flannelboard pieces for this
First we need a cone, (brown triangular felt ice cream cone shape)
Nice and crunchy.
Then we need some ice cream,
Sweet and yummy,
Scoop 'em on; stack 'em on'
Up to the sky.
We love ice cream; my, oh my!First comes vanilla,
Cold and sweet. (white felt ice cream scoop)
Then comes chocolate (brown scoop)
A delicious treat.
Here's some strawberry; (red/pink scoop)
Orange sherbet, too, (orange scoop)
A super-duper scooper cone
Just for you!One scoop, two scoops,
Three scoops, four.
We love ice cream
Let's have some more!Five little ice cream cones so good to eat.
The first one said, I'm a summer time treat.
The second one said, it's such a hot day
The third one said, I'm melting away.
The fourth one said, don't lose your top.
The fifth one said, oh dear, ker-plop!
Ice Cream Poem
I like ice cream. Yes I do!
One scoop for me?
No! Make it two!
Hmmm two scoops of ice cream,
I want more
How about three?
No, make that four!
1, 2, 3, 4,
Splat! "oh no! It's on the floor!"
I found these cute Marshmallows at my Grocery store I also see they have them online here. I made a sorting sheet and graphing sheet for my six year old to complete. Shes learning and having fun at the same time. Great way to throw some summer learning in!!!
First you sort
Then you color the graph to match the mallows you were given
Then discuss which you had the least and most of
You can download the sheet and use it with your kiddos or class too! It would be fun for a back to school activity.
House of Hepworths Shares this AWESOME Tutorial on How To Make Icecream Cone Cupcakes. This is the best set of tips I have seen... Check it out!
Some of my Favorite Activities
Ideas Found In Our End of The Year Packet
Long & Short i take-it-to-your-seat ice cream center
Here you will find everything you need to make a take-it-to-you-seat-center that will help your students identify long and short i. You may place this center in a manila envelope or Ziploc bag. Make as many centers as needed. To make the center, print the file on cardstock. Laminate the pieces. Place the pieces in the envelope. A center sheet is provided. You may choose to have your students complete this sheet when they finish the center.
The graphic on your right shows what the manipulatives look like.
The bottom sheet is what the students would complete after they finish the center.
See Below to learn more about the packet this activity is found in.
Ice cream mini counting book (k-2)
Student fills in the number word and colors the book. When they are finished they will have a mini book to share with an adult.The graphic to your right shows you four pages from this 8 page book
See Below to learn more about the packet this activity is found in.
An Ice Cream Glyph Lesson (1-3)
This includes a ready to print key for making the glyph.Display the glyphs under the title: Super Sundae Glyphs
Place the students name under the glyph on your display. Also display a copy of the glyph key on the display.
When the glyphs are displayed they become a center where your students can practice glyph reading. A recording sheet is provided below. The student would fill in the recording sheet while looking at the display.
See Below to learn more about the packet this activity is found in.
See picture above!
Ice cream flavor graphing activity (1-3)
Student graph classmates favorite flavors and then answers questions about the graph.
See Below to learn more about the packet this activity is found in.
Our End Of The Year Packet
Includes an Ice Cream and Beach Theme
End of The Year Packet From Teaching Heart
Includes some beach and ice cream thematic
activities to warm up your May-June Teaching!
End of the Year Files:
1.) Student Memory Book (1-3)
An eight page mini book for your students to write in, color, and illustrate.2.) End of the Year Candy Bar Wrapper Gift in Word Format (K-3)
A wrapper you can wrap around a candy bar. Give the candy bar to your class as an end of the year reward. You can personalize the candy bar wrapper with your name and name of your school.
3.) End of the Year Certificate (k-3)
A certificate that can be given to any student in your class at the end of the year.4.) End of the Year Gift Survival Kit For Summer (k-3)
Includes a label for your kit and a recipe card to place in the kit.
5.) Play-Doh End of The Year Gift (k-2)
Give your students a container of Play-Doh, a cookie cutter, and a recipe for making more Play-Doh. I wrote a little poem to go with this end of the year gift idea. Also included is a recipe card for Play-Doh. Print these two things and attach to the gift.Summer and Beach Thematic Files
6.) Beach Ball Math Adding and Subtracting Memory Game (k-1)
Materials supplied to create a computation review game. Just print, laminate, cut, and play.
7.) Beach Ball Antonym Memory Game (2-3)
Materials supplied to create an antonym review game. Just print, laminate, cut, and play.
8.) Beach Ball Color A Rhyme (K-3)
Similar to erase a rhyme, student must listen to or read a rhyme and then complete a task.
9.) A Day At The Beach Emergent Reader (k-2)
A cute emergent reader about a Bears day at the beach! The last page is an activity page.10.) Graphing for Summer (1-2)
Student cuts out pictures and glues them to the graph. The student answers given questions about the graph.
Ice Cream Thematic Files
11.) Long & Short i take-it-to-your-seat ice cream center (k-1)
Materials needed to make center. Student must match a picture on an ice cream scoop to a long or short i on an ice cream cone. An independent center sheet is provided for your students to complete.
12.) Ice cream flavor graphing activity (1-3)
Student graph classmates favorite flavors and then answers questions about the graph
13.) Ice cream mini counting book (k-2)
Student fills in the number word and colors the book. When they are finished they will have a mini book to share with an adult.
14.) An Ice Cream Glyph Lesson (1-3)
This includes a ready to print key for making the glyph. Also includes a glyph data sheet for your students to fill out once the glyphs are displayed.15.) Summer Fun Game Board
16.) Treats for the End of The Year...
These are word files that will be sent to you in Zip Format via email. This is an instant download. Directions for easy download will be sent right after you place the order. Thanks!
How about an End of the Year Treat to send your
students home with after you finish a unit on ice cream?Above are just mini cones with a marshmallow inside. The marshmallow
is topped with chocolate and sprinkles. I know, cute!!!
Then after you make them and the chocolate dries. Put them in a baggie and attach this
Free printable tag!!!
For more fun End of the Year Treats from the Teacher to the Student - click here!
All Content contained of the pages within this website is copyright Teaching Heart 1999-2013 by Colleen Gallagher, all rights reserved.