Ideas, Books, Songs, Lessons, and much more for your classroom... Martin Luther King was a man who believed
in using nonviolent methods to gain justice and equality
for all people. Updated January 2012 |
Arts and Crafts
Things To Print and Share With Your Class! The sheet above and below are From The Teaching Heart CDROM - Click to learn more!!! You can download the sheet above for free. Just click here! Students read the text and illustrate a picture in the thinking cloud. Many Wonderful MLK ideas like the below
from Preschool Daze!
Click to see even more on their blog! Finally in First has a Great MLK post with
many ideas like the one below. Click here to see
Check out this cute Freedom Bell from Kids Soup. You can learn how to make it here...
Sing these songs with your class. (Children are clapping hands) Dr. King, Dr. King, Dr. King was a civil
rights leader Happy Birthday, Dr. King Dr. King was a man Harmony and Peace Dr. King taught us to live
TEACHERS SHARE A special thanks to the teachers who are
always willing to share with others!
Then I ask if they think the eggs are different on the inside?Depending on the time frame I have to do this in, I sometimes create a graph with paper eggs and placing the paper eggs under titles, "Same" or "Different". And, again, I've done this next part a couple of different ways. I like to have each child crack their own egg into a clear plastic or glass container so that each child can readily see that the eggs when cracked open are all the same. It is a bit messy, but I think the lesson learned is very valuable. Sometimes, if there are no allergy problems to worry about and if I have time, I will cook the eggs and let the kids eat them for snack. Otherwise I have a refrigerator and just take them home to cook. It is a wonderful opportunity to talk about our differences and how we are much like the eggs---all a little different on the outside, but the same inside. I have had very positive comments from parents about this activity. It seems to teach the concept better than any other method I've found....that and also discussing Ruby Parks and asking children how they would feel if I created a rule that only children with blond hair could go to recess or only those with blue eyes could jump rope, etc.----this never fails to get them to respond with, "That's not fair!" and then we discuss why it isn't fair and the fact that many years ago, we had some very silly rules. Posted by Jacque/WA/K-1 on 1/03/03
Read, Read, Read to Your Class Ideas for : A Picture Book of Martin
Luther King, Jr (Adler, David A. Picture Book Biography.) Get the book in paper back / Get the hard cover
1.) Introduce these words below and discuss the meaning of them before reading the book. You may choose to place these on cutouts of clouds or on chart paper. protests, freedome, fair, character, marches, peace, slaves, & prejudice. 2.) Pose the thought and question; People are often treated differently because of their skin color. Why do you think this happens? What can we do to treat people equally? 3.) Ask the class if they have ever been treated unfairly by someone, how did it make them feel? 4.) Begin your lesson on the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., by assessing your students' prior knowledge using a K-W-L chart. List on a chart the facts that your students know about King. Next, ask them to tell you what they want to know about him. After you read a variety of books, have students tell you what they have learned about him.
1.) Ask the class why they think MLK's was important to people of our country? 2.) Make friendship collages from old magazines. The children can cutout things such as smiles, hands, people together, friends, hearts, and other helpful or friendly looking pictures. To make this even more special; have each student pick a friend in the class to get their picture taken with. They can place the developed picture in the collage. Have each child glue his/her pictures to a heart of their choice. You may wish to display the hearts in your hallway as a reminder to spread love through friendship! 3.) Discuss with the class MLK's famous quote; "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Ask you students to share their dreams for their families, friends, themselves, and the world. Brainstorm some of the dreams onto chart paper as a group. Next click here to print a dream pattern for your students. Now have each child write an I have a dream sentence on the lines provided. After they have completed their sentence allow them to illustrate it in the space provided. Finally glue the finished product to a paper plate and have each student decorate the outside of the plate. 4.) Click here to print out a sheet needed for this activity. Discuss with your students how everyone is different. You may start out by pointing out a difference between yourself and a few other students. "I have blonde hair and Sally had red hair. I am a girl and Russell is a boy." Then discuss how differences make us special and what it would be like if everyone in the world was the same. Next hand out the sheet and instruct the students to draw a picture of themself and a friend. Then have them write about one difference and one thing that is simular between them and their friend. |
More Ideas I have a dream mobile. Give each child a hanger. On a large cloud shaped paper have them write I have a Dream... Then on smaller clouds have the child write 4 dreams they have. Attach the large cloud to the open area of the hanger with tape. Attach the smaller clouds with yarn. |